"It seems that you are still as stubborn as before." Jing Yan sighed with emotion as he looked at Hao Qiang's unyielding gaze.

He couldn't help but think of Hao Qiang when he first entered the [Dynasty]. Back then, Hao Qiang had been defeated by him the first time, and whenever he was defeated, Hao Qiang would look at him with this kind of unyielding gaze … It was quite nostalgic.

Thinking up to here, Jing Yan's lips curled up into a mocking smile. That's right, he was missing Hao Qiang, who was defeated by him every single time. What kind of expression would the current Hao Qiang have if he were to be defeated by him? It was really something to look forward to.

Hao Qiang was already tired of dealing with the opponent's attacks as they got faster and faster.

Hao Qiang turned his head to look at Lei Li. When he saw Lei Li looking at him with a serious expression, he could only helplessly shake his head in the end.

Glancing at Qi Mengxi who was in Jiang Lin's arms, and Ewen who was looking at him nervously, Hao Qiang said softly, "Take care."

As for Lei Li, he widened his eyes.

All of a sudden, Hao Qiang's aura increased by ten times. Jing Yan's reverse energy also disappeared under the pressure of the other party. Jiang Lin and the others, who were at an even lower level, directly dropped to the ground with one knee!

Everyone raised their heads in shock. However, they discovered that Hao Qiang was surrounded by a thick fog. Only after a careful observation did they realize that it wasn't a thick fog, but a materialized superpower!

They turned into a cloud of smoke, enveloping Hao Qiang within. As they flowed, they rotated, enveloping Hao Qiang!

It wasn't that there had never been an actual Discipline before, but it existed only in legends. The appearance of an actual Discipline signified that the man was already a superlative Adept.

As for Hao Qiang, he was just an ordinary seventh-level power user trapped in a bottleneck. Why would he suddenly become the highest level existence?

Jiang Lin was shocked as he stared at the thick fog of the superpower. He finally understood what Lei Li meant by 'I won't use that skill unless I'm dead'.

By forcibly circulating his Discipline, he'd either lost his will to live or lost his life.

The explosion of meridians was not a big deal. Losing one's life was the most common occurrence!

However, now that things had developed to this point, it would be better to kill him than to kill him. This was not a bad choice either.

On the side, Ewen Wen didn't understand the reason at all, but she understood that the situation had reached an irrevocable point. Just as she was about to charge forward, she was grabbed by Lei Li.

"Don't go over, it's dangerous." Lei Li looked at him with a grave expression on his face. He understood the meaning behind Hao Qiang's last glance. He was asking him to take care of Qi Mengxi and the rest.

If Hao Qiang escaped this time, they would undoubtedly become the next target of [Ghost Domain].

As for the people just now, they were nothing more than ghosts sent out by the [Ghost Domain] to witness their overall strength.

At this time, Ewen Wen wouldn't listen to his advice. She struggled as if her life depended on it and wanted to stand beside Hao Qiang, while Lei Li desperately pulled her. The two of them were in a stalemate, and Jiang Lin, who was at the side, could not bear it any longer.

Lei Li was also shocked by his rudeness and simplicity.

"Extremely short period, extremely short." Jiang Lin didn't even look at him as he stared at the stage.

Lei Li hugged the person in his arms and nodded in agreement.

While the two of them were speaking, the situation in the arena had been greatly reversed. Jing Yan had turned from a one-sided fight to a one-sided fight.

As for Hao Qiang, he watched expressionlessly as the person was knocked down to the ground and then climbed back up again. When his opponent completely stood up, he would attack him again without any hesitation.

"Master!" Jing Yan's youngest disciple also cried out in anxiety. Just as he was about to charge forward, he was pushed back by Hao Qiang and fell to the ground.

"He seems to have lost consciousness?" Jiang Lin asked while looking at Hao Qiang.

Lei Li nodded his head, "His aura is too powerful. He is currently in a comatose state, completely relying on his own abilities to fight."

"How long will it last?" Jiang Lin frowned as he looked at him. He did not wish for Hao Qiang to turn around and attack them.

Lei Li shook his head. "It won't be long, but in the end, if I can wake up, I'll …"

Lei Li didn't finish his sentence, but Jiang Lin completely understood the meaning behind the other party's words. In the end, whether or not he would wake up would be up to a miracle.

"If I stop him now, will I be able to avoid it?" Even though he knew it was unlikely, Jiang Lin still asked.

"I don't know. Maybe we can try?" Hearing this, Lei Li said.

"Let's give it a try. How about we assume that our senior owes us a favor?" Jiang Lin said.

Even though they said that, both of them knew that it was just to comfort themselves.

However, even if he said this, even if there was a thousandth chance, the two of them still planned to give it a try. Thus, they carefully put down the people in their hands. The two rolled up their sleeves and nodded as they rushed over.

It was only then that the two of them could clearly see that the thick fog surrounding Hao Qiang made him look like a real blood man. There wasn't a single part of his body that was still normal. He was truly frightening.

Both of them were stifled by the miserable sight in front of them. Their hopes of winning were even slimmer.

However, the two of them did not reveal their intentions. Instead, they nodded their heads and charged at Hao Qiang from left and right. However, neither of them used a killing move. Their only goal was to suppress Hao Qiang.

"What are you guys doing, scram!" Seeing this situation, before Hao Qiang could object, Jing Yan burst into rage.

This time, he was prepared to face either death or mutual destruction. He would definitely not allow any external forces to interfere in the battle between the two of them. This was the opposite of his will!

Seeing the two approach Hao Qiang, just as Jing Yan was about to charge forward, he suddenly realized that he couldn't move. He turned around and saw his little disciple tightly pressing on him from behind, looking at him with a face full of worry.

"Go and kill those two people who are eyesore me!" Jing Yan immediately said as he looked at his little disciple. There was a trace of madness in his eyes.

But contrary to his expectations, his disciple shook her head, and then continued to firmly hold onto him, preventing him from leaving.

"Are you going to stop me as well?" Saying this, Jing Yan's eyes became sinister.

The little disciple didn't say anything and only looked at him firmly. The persistence in his eyes didn't waver in the slightest.

"Let go!" Jing Yan gritted his teeth, but firmly shook his head in response.

However, this time, he received an angry palm from Jing Yan, without being able to defend himself in time. His youngest disciple was startled, and his mouth was filled with a sweet and fishy taste, and although Jing Yan was severely injured right now, a palm that was so close to him without being prepared was still extremely powerful. The youngest disciple's internal organs were churning, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood, and the strength in his hand was also relaxed.

Jing Yan felt the heavy weight on his shoulders disappear. He immediately stood up and rushed towards Hao Qiang while holding his breath.

As for Lei, who was standing right next to Jiang Lin, he had no idea how to deal with Hao Qiang who was on the verge of going berserk.

Hao Qiang still had a sliver of consciousness and knew that the two people in front were his companions, so he didn't try to kill them. However, due to his basic defensive awareness, he didn't let them get close to him, which resulted in the two of them only being able to circle around him.

The two of them saw Jing Yan pounce at them, so they tacitly glanced at each other before turning around and walking out of the battle circle.

Since Hao Qiang's subconscious was focused on defeating his opponents, he might as well let him defeat them first before continuing onwards. Perhaps there was still a chance of redemption. As long as he could preserve some of his meridians, he would be lucky!

Of course, Jing Yan didn't know what the two of them were planning to do as he wholeheartedly focused on fighting. He wanted to be a tool for Hao Qiang to vent his anger.

However, the difference in their opponents' strength was just too great. After a few moments, Jing Yan was riddled with wounds and was unable to get up. The two of them estimated that he and Jing Yan would only be able to kill themselves in one breath.

As the two of them expected, the moment Jing Yan fell, Hao Qiang calmed down. When the two of them joined forces again, Hao Qiang stood rooted to the spot as if he knew that they were saving him.

The two looked each other in the eye and walked over.

Both Lei Li and Jiang Lin quickly grabbed Hao Qiang's hand and channeled the rest of their superpower at the same time, carefully transferring it into Hao Qiang's body, slowly repairing his damaged meridians. However, the effect of this wasn't very good.

Soon there wasn't much power left in them.

The damaged meridians also began to crack due to the lack of power. He really couldn't do anything about it. Unless there was a high-level Talent at the scene to help them, Hao Qiang wasn't the only one. The two of them might be in danger from the exhaustion of their Discipline!

Seeing Hao Qiang's meridian continued to shatter, the two of them glanced at each other. In their eyes, they were also asking — Retreat, or not retreat?

Lei Li looked at Qi Mengxi and the rest and shook his head helplessly.

Jiang Lin was speechless. He slowly retracted his superpower and let go.

Lei Li stretched out his hand and held Hao Qiang, who had already lost all consciousness and instinct, in his arms.

In the next moment, the atmosphere suddenly changed. The two of them simultaneously felt a wave of pressure that was not inferior to Hao Qiang's high-grade superpower coming straight at them!

Before the two of them could even react, Hao Qiang, who was slowly falling down, had already disappeared before their eyes.

That person had a silvery-white hair that was tied up in a simple bun with a hairpin. He was also dressed in a snow-white scholar's attire, and was actually dressed like an ancient person. He was also holding Hao Qiang in his hands, and Hao Qiang's height of nearly 1.9 meters was actually lifted up into the air by him.

"Who?" Lei Li reacted and shouted.

That person, however, didn't even spare him a glance as he activated the superpower in his body. In an instant, that superpower madly rushed into Hao Qiang's body, repairing the ruptured meridians in his body.

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