"Big brother Lei Li, who are they?" The little loli curiously asked as she looked at the two who had appeared. Her black and white eyes were clearly showing signs of pity as she looked at Hao Qiang and the butler.

"They came to save your big sister Yan." Lei Li explained.

Hearing his reply, the little loli's eyes instantly lit up with an indescribable joy.

Hao Qiang decided to ignore the two of them.

"How is the situation?" Hao Qiang asked Lei Li as he walked into the room.

Lei Li nodded seriously, "It's okay, but if you were a few days slower, I don't know."

While they were speaking, they had already arrived at the inner room. The one who was lying on the bed was shockingly the already dead Yin Ning.

Seeing that Yin Ning had been cleaned up, Hao Qiang raised an eyebrow at Lei Li.

"..." "I didn't touch her, she did it." Lei Li quickly explained and pointed at the little loli beside him.

Only after hearing Lei Li's explanation did Hao Qiang nod his head in satisfaction.

However, the butler, on the other hand, stared in astonishment at the seemingly sleeping Yin Ning. He did not sense any signs of life from her body. She was just a dead person, and he had no idea what Hao Qiang was up to.

"Feed that thing to her first." Hao Qiang said to Lei Li. Lei Li nodded his head and fished out a small box from his chest. He took out a black coloured pill and crushed it before placing it into Yin Ning's mouth.

"Hey, what did you feed my big sister Yan?" The little loli exclaimed.

Lei Li patted her head, "Don't worry, it's something that can save your sister."

Only after hearing his words did the little loli nod her head in relief.

The butler noticed that after the pill was crushed, there was only some white juice inside, but he did not know what it was.

After giving the pill to Lei Li, he retreated to the side. Hao Qiang hurriedly circulated all of his superpower to allow it to enter Yin Ning's body.

A few minutes later, the butler was surprised to discover that Yin Ning's heart had started to beat slowly again. The rhythm of her heartbeat was initially very slow, but as Hao Qiang's superpower was being transferred in faster and faster, the rhythm gradually became faster, reaching the level that a normal person should have.

When Hao Qiang slowly retracted his superpower, the faces of those who had just recovered from their severe injuries turned as white as a sheet of paper.

Yin Ning was still fast asleep, but her face finally showed the color that a normal person should have.

When the little loli saw this situation, she was naturally ecstatic and immediately pounced on him.

"Let her rest here for a few days." Hao Qiang said to Lei Li as he signaled to the butler before walking out.

Confused, the butler glanced at Yin Ning on the bed before following her out.

"You must be very strange right now." Suddenly, Hao Qiang, who was walking in front, spoke up.

The butler was surprised for a moment. He did not know if he could ask this question.

As if he knew what Hao Qiang was thinking, he smiled calmly: "It's alright. Since I brought you here, I have already treated you as one of my own. If you have any doubts, just ask me."

Hearing him say this, the butler felt his heart warm. For a long time, he had thought that Hao Qiang was still hostile towards him. He didn't expect that Hao Qiang would unknowingly treat him as someone he could trust, even though he was overthinking things.

The butler felt ashamed again. It turned out that the person who had always been petty was him.

"I believe you should have already heard about Yin Ning from them." Hao Qiang continued to explain.

The butler nodded his head, but then realized that the other party could not see it, so he agreed.

"She was indeed dead at that time." Hao Qiang replied, "I had no choice but to kill Qi Mengxi because of her safety."

"But I didn't really kill her." the butler guessed.

Hao Qiang nodded his head and replied, "It's just a small trick to trick others. Do you still remember the pill that Jiang Lin once made that could instantly make a Power user lose their superpower and enter a state of suspended animation?"

"I remember." said the butler.

However, the situation that day was too urgent, so I used it. The only difference is, I really stabbed it, and only applied a fake death pill on the blade, if it was Yin Ning, she definitely would not have died because of this slash, but this time, it is her 'certain death'. There is no doubt that she will die.

"However, no matter how long that pill lasted, it wouldn't last until the end of the war. So I used something else – my Discipline is Time. You know that, so I used a Time Freezing ability on her to keep her in that state."

The butler looked at him in surprise. He'd never expected his Time Discipline to work like this.

"But this ability is also counterproductive. If I keep her in this state, she will really die after a month due to all the functions of her life stopping. The only way to remove this superpower is for the caster to use his superpower."

The butler suddenly realized something. No wonder Hao Qiang had rushed over here so quickly after waking up. It was only a few days away from a month ago. If Hao Qiang did not wake up in time, the consequences would be irreparable.

"Then the wounds on her body …" The butler hesitated.

"She can only rely on herself to slowly raise it." At this point, Hao Qiang finally felt a little awkward. In reality, even though Yin Ning was a spy for [Ghost Domain], her opponent had still helped him a lot. It wasn't right for him to just randomly stab someone for his sake.

Seeing his awkward appearance, the two of them did not continue their conversation and walked straight out.

However, just as they opened the door, the sound of wind breaking came from outside. Fortunately, the two of them were quick to react, and the sound of bottles breaking could be heard as they closed the door.

The two of them looked at each other in confusion. Hao Qiang moved closer to the peephole and looked outside. He only saw a blurry figure lying against the wall. The person had his head lowered, so he couldn't see Hao Qiang's appearance.

After confirming that the person was unconscious, Hao Qiang finally opened the door. Immediately, a pungent smell along with a strong smell of alcohol assaulted him.

Just a drunk.

The two of them ignored the man's outstretched leg and closed the door. Then they walked straight ahead.

"Hao Qiang …" Suddenly, a weak voice came from behind.

The two of them turned around. Other than the drunkard, there was no one else around. They looked at each other to confirm that they had not heard wrongly. Then, they focused their gazes on the drunkard.

"Hao Qiang..." "I'll kill you..." As expected, after a while, the drunkard muttered.

Hao Qiang raised his eyebrows. How could he not remember that he had offended such a person?

The butler then walked over and lifted the man's face. Immediately, his unshaven face was exposed to the dim air.

Even though his face was extremely dirty, Hao Qiang was still able to recognize that it was his former senior brother Jing Yan.

Didn't he join the [Ghost Domain]? Why would he be here? It even turned into this miserable state.

The butler had never seen Jing Yan before, but from the look in Hao Qiang's eyes, he knew that this person was someone Hao Qiang definitely knew. Thus, he looked at Hao Qiang with a puzzled expression.

"This is my former senior brother." Hao Qiang said.

The butler suddenly came to a realization and unconsciously felt a little more disgust towards that person. Of course, he had heard about this senior brother from other people as well. In an instant, his eyes flashed with killing intent.

Looking at the expression in the butler's eyes, Hao Qiang obviously knew what he was thinking. He shook his head and said, "I promised my master that I won't kill him."

"Then what should we do?" said the butler.

When Hao Qiang saw Jing Yan's expression, he thought of how his master's heart softened. After a while, he said, "Let's take him back first. We'll talk about the rest later."

As the only one his Master had, he didn't want to leave Jing Fang to fend for himself, even if he wanted to kill him.

This was probably the legendary Virgin. Hao Qiang thought in self-mockery.

When the butler heard his answer, he didn't quite agree with it. However, he still nodded his head in agreement. Then, Gu Jingyan carried the person on his shoulder and followed Hao Qiang outside.

"Put down my master!" A voice between the young man and the young man shouted out in anger.

Hao Qiang turned around. The person who had just arrived was indeed Jing Yan's youngest disciple.

Hao Qiang raised his eyebrows, "If you have the ability, then come over and snatch it."

However, his master was in the hands of someone else, and he couldn't just leave. The three of them were in a deadlock for a long time, but the little disciple still said, "My master said that you won't kill him."

Hao Qiang glanced at Jing Yan in surprise. It seemed that the butler was relying on this to protect his life.

However, this was indeed the truth.

However, Hao Qiang still wanted to tease the teenager in front of him, "Although I can't kill him, I can take him back and torture him. I still haven't avenged the grievance of him heavily injuring me last time."

"He's already a cripple. If you want to take revenge, then please charge at me." After hearing what Hao Qiang said, the teenager's eyes widened in panic as he said nervously.

When Hao Qiang heard this, he was momentarily stunned. Then, he placed his hand on Jing Yan's body.

The youth thought that Hao Qiang was going to do something to his master from the looks of his actions.

Seeing the other party move, the butler immediately released his own aura to force the other party to retreat.

The teenager widened his eyes in shock as he did not expect that the subordinate beside Hao Qiang was even stronger than Hao Qiang.

Hao Qiang, on the other hand, could feel that Jing Yan's superpower had completely disappeared. Didn't he already successfully reverse his superpower? How did he end up like this? What exactly happened in the middle of it all?

"What the hell is going on?" Knowing that he couldn't think of a reason, Hao Qiang directly asked the young man before him.

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