Hao Qiang had only been back for a few days, but he was already found by Mu Haotian. This was naturally the matter of the two of them working together.

Mu Haotian used his hand to support his office as he stared at the relaxed Hao Qiang in front of him: "You said that you would help me deal with Yuwen Clan, but why hasn't there been any movement?"

Hao Qiang raised his eyebrows in confusion: "I only said that it was to deal with the three Yu Clan brothers."

"But I was talking about Yuwen Clan later." Mu Haotian said.

Hao Qiang was helpless. Fine, since the three brothers who were going to deal with the Yuwen Clan were no different from going against the Yuwen Clan, it was just a little more difficult.

"Haven't you been fighting with them recently? I thought you liked it. " Hao Qiang said.

Recently, Mu Haotian and the three Yuwen brothers had been fighting each other, but they hadn't made any big moves. He thought that Mu Haotian was enjoying the process and was actually waiting for him to take action.

"..." "I'm waiting for you. Since we're partners now, of course you have to show me your abilities first." Mu Haotian clenched his teeth.

"Alright then. Tell me, who do you want to deal with first?" "… …" Hao Qiang shrugged.

Mu Haotian was stunned for a moment. Why did he feel like he was going to pick a cabbage from the market? If the three Yuwen brothers were so easy to deal with, did he even need to cooperate with Hao Qiang? Normally, the three Yuwen brothers might not be as good as him in terms of individual capabilities, but if they were to join hands, it would truly be difficult to deal with them. After all, the three skinners were still a match for Zhuge Liang.

Towards Hao Qiang's attitude, Mu Haotian was a little angry, staring at him.

Looking at his expression, Hao Qiang could tell what he was thinking. He added, "We can break through each of them."

"Do you think I haven't thought about it? However, the three of them have always been advancing and retreating at the same time. If I had been able to defeat each of them, I would have done so a long time ago. "

"Then let them split up."

"How do you think we should split up?" Mu Haotian said in a broken tone. In any case, he couldn't do anything about the deadlock between him and the three Yuwen brothers, so he might as well listen to Hao Qiang's opinion first.

"Yuwen Nian has been competing for a piece of land recently. You should start with this piece of land and let the three brothers hate each other. In any case, aren't they always on guard against each other?" Before he came here, Hao Qiang had already asked the butler to check on Yuwen Clan's recent developments. Yuwen Nian was undoubtedly the best way to do it: "Can't we just let Yuwen Nian think that Yuwen and Yuwen Cheng secretly took his land. At that time, he definitely wouldn't go and settle accounts with them for the sake of their apparent harmony, but he will definitely be more dissatisfied with those two.

Moreover, that piece of land was indeed a good piece of land, with no loss whatsoever. Originally, he had planned to directly take it from Yuwen Nian, but now, this was undoubtedly the best way to do so. Not only could he obtain that piece of land, but it could also create a gap between the three of them.

He began to believe that working with Hao Qiang wouldn't bring him any losses. On the contrary, it might bring him more opportunities.

After the two quietly agreed on a countermeasure, Mu Haotian went to the main responsibility of carrying it out. He planned on secretly snatching the land from Yuwen Nian and planting it onto Yuwen and Yuwen Cheng. As for Hao Qiang, he returned to his own life of filming and entertaining, only expressing that he would definitely help Mu Haotian if necessary.

A few days later, Yuwen Nian was surprised to discover that what should have been a nine in ten chance had mysteriously become someone else's property. In addition, that person seemed to be her brother that had recently cooperated with her, causing Yuwen to be angry, sad, and disappointed.

Back then, when Yuwen Mu had released the three of them to manage a company on his own, he had once said that he would use this to consider who would inherit the Yuwen family. As a result, the three of them injected all of their energy into these three companies. However, he didn't expect that he would be able to steal a large portion of Yuwen Mu's attention by relying on his talent in business, which the three of them had no choice but to admit.

Originally, the three of them had relied on their relationship with Yuwen and the fact that that person didn't return to Yuwen Clan was not too important to them. However, one day, the news of Mu Haotian returning to Yuwen Clan suddenly appeared in the newspaper.

The competition between the three of them has already reached its climax. If you add Mu Haotian to the mix, it will be far beyond their abilities …" The three of them couldn't help but feel a deep sense of crisis. Everyone realized that they had to defeat Mu Haotian and the others before they had the chance to inherit the Yuwen Clan. So, the three of them became united like never before, but there was a competition between the three of them. Even though they were united, they were still defending themselves, yet they tried to trust each other. However, that trust was weak and could not withstand the waves of the wind.

However, such a careful balance had been easily broken. Yuwen Nian had unconsciously become suspicious of these two. This meant that their breakup was only a matter of time.

As for when they would break down, that wasn't within Hao Qiang's consideration. In any case, Mu Haotian would be even more anxious than him. If they didn't split up, then he would think of ways to break them down and turn them against each other.

These few days, the filming crew's business had also come to an end. Hao Qiang excitedly planned to bring Qi Mengxi and Ewen back to the Hao household to meet with his parents.

Just as Hao Qiang told the two of them the news, Qi Mengxi and Ai Wenwen couldn't sit still. They even ran to the beauty salon together, looking forward to getting themselves in top shape.

The day before they were going to leave, the two of them had no sleep and dark circles under their eyes. All their efforts from a few days ago had gone to waste.

Hao Qiang looked at the two of them, who were unable to calm down, and hugged them in pain.

"Don't be so nervous, my parents are easy to get along with." Hao Qiang said gently.

"Even so, this is the first time I'm seeing them, so of course I have to be more serious." Hearing his words, Qi Mengxi replied coquettishly.

Ewen also nodded in agreement.

Looking at their nervous expressions, Hao Qiang suddenly regretted telling them in advance. He had originally thought that it was a very normal thing, but he hadn't expected it to cause the two of them to become restless. Even he was a little nervous now.

"As long as the two of you are the same as usual, it'll be fine." Hao Qiang said sincerely.

"You don't have to see your parents, so of course you don't know how nervous we are. That's your parents! " Ewen pouted.

Hao Qiang was stunned. He looked at her and said, "How is it that I don't know anymore? I've met your parents before." "I am now a future son-in-law."

Hearing Hao Qiang's shameless words, the two of them instantly blushed as they looked at Hao Qiang in rebuke.

"You still dare to say that you killed my parents the first time we met …" At this point, Qi Mengxi was embarrassed and stopped talking. She carefully stole a glance at Ewen Wen. She really didn't want to bring up this matter.

This matter was still a knot for her. Although she couldn't see it normally, once it was touched, it made her feel awkward.

As expected, after hearing what Qi Mengxi said, a trace of shame appeared on her face.

Looking at their expressions, Hao Qiang hugged them tightly, "Those are things from the past. Don't mind them anymore, isn't it good to be like this now? And I'm very happy to meet you and have your love. I feel like I'm the happiest man in the world. Do you believe me? "

After hearing Hao Qiang's sweet words, they looked at each other and chuckled softly, as if what happened just now had never happened.

"Don't be so narcissistic, I didn't fall in love with you. You fell in love with us." Qi Mengxi glared at Hao Qiang and said arrogantly.

"Yes, I believe you." However, Ewen gave her full approval.

Hearing their replies, Hao Qiang smiled proudly at Qi Mengxi, "You should learn more from Wenwen and see how cute she is."

Qi Mengxi rolled her eyes at him and ignored him. She pulled on Iwen's hand and said, "I looked at a piece of clothing yesterday. I think it's very suitable for you. You can wear that."

"You know, I've always trusted your judgment."

"Hehe, then hurry up, we'll go and bring them back now." As they spoke, the two women disappeared outside the door, hand in hand.

Hao Qiang looked at the two disappearing figures and felt that he was being superfluous.

Sure enough, shopping can help a woman maintain a good attitude. Hao Qiang concluded.

However, no matter what happened to them, this' tomorrow 'still came as promised.

Hao forcefully made a call back to the Hao residence, then let the butler carry them straight to the Hao family mansion.

However, he had obviously underestimated the two of them. After he received Hao Qiang's call, Mother Hao first stayed for two seconds, then hurriedly ordered the servants to reorganize the Hao family's new residence within an hour, and even ordered them to purchase many little gifts that the girls liked. In short, the Hao family, which had been silent all this time, was now in a state of chaos that hadn't been seen for decades.

However, a super family was a super family. When Hao Qiang and the rest arrived at the Hao residence, what they saw was a brand-new Hao residence.

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