In Yin Ning's room, which was the second room after they went upstairs, Hao Qiang pushed the door open and went into the bedroom. Then, he carefully placed Yin Ning on the soft bed and looked at her sleeping appearance.

"Hao Qiang." Suddenly, a weak voice came from behind.

Hao Qiang stopped walking and said embarrassedly, "Sorry, I woke you up."

"..." "It's nothing, I didn't sleep deeply to begin with." Yin Ning said.

"You must be exhausted recently. You fell asleep on the sofa just now. Rest quickly, you have to wake up early tomorrow." Hao Qiang said with a smile.

Hearing the gentle voice filled with concern, Yin Ning was silent for a moment before she said, "Hao Qiang, can you come over for a while?"

Hearing that, Hao Qiang was stunned. He turned around and looked at her in confusion.

"Finally willing to turn around?" Yin Ning nodded with a smile.

Hao Qiang obviously knew what she was referring to. He coughed awkwardly, "It's not that inconvenient to be staying this late at night."

Hearing Hao Qiang's reply, Yin Ning revealed an even bigger smile. "Why didn't I see you embarrassed while hugging me earlier?"

"Ugh …" Hao Qiang was speechless.

Although the lights were not turned on in the room, based on their views, they were able to clearly see the subtle expressions on their faces even in such an environment. Thus, Hao Qiang could clearly see the unnoticeable bitterness on Yin Ning's face, but at this moment, he was willing to ignore it. He knew why it was so. I can't afford it.

"Why don't you come over and chat with us?" Looking at the speechless Hao Qiang, Yin Ning asked.

When Hao Qiang saw the other party's pleading expression, his heart softened and he couldn't help but walk over.

"Take a seat." Yin Ning patted the edge of the bed.

Hao Qiang sat down, giving the order, step by step. Seemingly amused by Hao Qiang acting like this, Yin Ning finally broke into a smile.

"So that's how it is for you." Yin Ning teased.

Hao Qiang was embarrassed. He had never thought that the current Yin Ning would be so fond of playing jokes on him. Wasn't it rather cold in the past?

"Very cute." In the end, Yin Ning concluded.

Hao Qiang wanted to smash his head into a wall. He didn't walk in the cute way, he walked in the gentle, elegant, and handsome style.

"I'm just joking." Looking at him, Yin Ning suddenly said with a straight face.

"…" Hao Qiang.

"Actually, what I want to say is thank you." Ignoring the stiff look on her opponent's face, Yin Ning continued on to the main topic at hand.

Hao Qiang was momentarily stunned. He had thought that the reason Yin Ning had called him over tonight was to discuss his route with him.

"Thank you for not killing me last time. "To be honest, I always thought that one day, I would die in your hands, so when you stabbed at me, I was even more glad than surprised." Looking at Hao Qiang, Yin Ning said seriously.

"Why?" Recalling what happened that day, Hao Qiang felt a pang in his heart. It was clearly Yin Ning who had done so much for him. He was the one who had repaid the debt of gratitude, but why did she still need to thank him?

"Do you know what my dream has always been?" Looking at Hao Qiang's blank expression, Yin Ning suddenly asked.

"..." To be a director? " Hao Qiang guessed.

However, out of Hao Qiang's expectations, Yin Ning shook her head.

"Actually, my dream all along was to become the wife of a director."

Hao Qiang was stunned. This dream was simply out of his expectations. He didn't even know what kind of expression to make in response to her. As an assassin, to have such a dream since he was young, was it really going to be okay?

"I know you are shocked, but please don't look at me with such incredulous eyes." Yin Ning raised her eyebrows when she saw Hao Qiang's expression.

Hao Qiang adjusted his expression to make it less exaggerated.

"But what should I do? "Who would want to marry someone like me?" Yin Ning lowered her head to look at her palm, laughing softly.

Hao Qiang noticed that those hands were not as soft as a normal woman's hands. They were hands that had been tempered from time to time.

He had distinct knuckles and an indistinct callus scar. If not for Yin Ning taking it out herself, Hao Qiang might never have noticed her hands. Because of Yin Ning's temperament, she could make people neglect some of the other things on her body, such as her appearance and her delicate hands.

However, reality had proven that all of her seriousness was just a disguise that she didn't want to get close to others. For example, Hao Qiang was no longer able to detect even the slightest hint of the imposing aura that he had on her. In front of him, she was just an ordinary girl who could tease and joke around with him.

"So you chose to do it yourself." Hao Qiang pressed her hand under the blanket and said affirmatively.

However, the owner of that hand had turned cold. This was the first time Hao Qiang had touched such a cold hand, making him want to hold it in his embrace and warm it up. However, this impulse was still suppressed by his rationality.

Listening to Hao Qiang's words, Yin Ning smiled and said, "That's right. Originally, I thought I could become the woman behind that man who can rule over everything. However, now, I am the woman who can rule over everything."

"Hegemon of all things?" Hao Qiang was amused by this novel.

However, this is true, isn't the director the master of everything in a play?

Yin Ning nodded affirmatively, "When I was watching television when I was young, I felt that the actors were really great, that they could perform such a beautiful television. However, when I was a little older, I found out that no matter how amazing the actors were, they had to listen to the director.

"Why must it be 'the woman behind the director' instead of becoming the director herself?" Hearing Yin Ning's words, Hao Qiang questioned her.

"Because all husbands listen to their wives." Yin Ning straightforwardly threw out an answer that Hao Qiang would never have thought of.

Hao Qiang: "…" I was too naive.

"Haha …" Looking at Hao Qiang's expression, Yin Ning laughed until she collapsed onto the bed.

Hao Qiang looked at her speechlessly. He felt like his three views had been struck once again. He didn't expect that Yin Ning would have such an interesting age before.

"But that was before I joined the [Ghost Domain]." After she finished laughing, Yin Ning added.

"When I was ten years old, my parents died in a car accident and I was sent to an orphanage. After that, I mysteriously followed a bunch of orphans like me into [Ghost Domain]. I don't need to tell you what happened after this. You are also a member of the [Dynasty].

Hao Qiang was noncommittal. However, at the very least, he had a master who doted on him. Now that he found his parents, he seemed to be happier than Yin Ning.

"Anyway, I don't know what happened in the end to the [Ghost Domain] 's most powerful assassin." At this point, Yin Ning shrugged helplessly. When I became an assassin, you were quite famous. "The emperor of the imperial court became one of the top three assassins at such a young age. You don't know how many people were jealous of you at that time." At this point, Yin Ning narrowed her eyes and looked at Hao Qiang sharply.

Hao Qiang was stunned. "You can't be one of them, right?"

Yin Ning nodded. "At that time, you were the goal of everyone. If [Ghost Domain] wasn't a secret organization at that time, I would have come to challenge you."

"Hehe." Hao Qiang laughed dryly.

"After the [Dynasty] was destroyed, I was actually asking everywhere about you. I knew you weren't dead, so how could you, the [Emperor], die so easily? "Sure enough, I found out about you afterwards and the assassination warrant for you was not revoked. That's why I accepted it and found an opportunity to get close to you." At this point, the two couldn't help but sink down. Everyone knew that this was the start of an unpleasantness between them.

"At that time, Lei Li wanted to help you pick up a new movie. After I found out about it, he approached Qi Mengxi of his own accord. She was looking for the director, and I happened to be visiting her as well. Just like that, I successfully approached you, and during the process of filming, I tested you many times, and I knew that you would definitely recognize me, but I didn't care, because compared to assassinating you, I wanted us to have a fair and square fight to see who was stronger. " At this point, Yin Ning's eyes gradually became firm. Although she didn't like her profession, she had always done her best. Even as an assassin, she wanted to become the strongest killer!

"But the truth is, you still won." Yin Ning helplessly shook her head, "Actually, before that, I always treated you as an amateur actor. I've always wondered, how could someone like you be called 'first'?" I'm not convinced. But after I failed again and was exposed, they came up with another idea... The time you saved me. "The me at that time actually didn't hold much hope for anything. Even though I knew that you had to use all your strength to save your enemy, I didn't even know if you were really stupid or just faking it."

Hao Qiang was stunned for a moment. Actually, he was just being a man at that time!

"It was probably because of that one time that I changed my opinion of you a little, but I was still carrying out my mission. I am a member of the [Ghost Domain], and it is impossible for me to overrule them, because not only was I raised by them, they also gave me a second life, even if it was just using me as a killing tool."

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