Qi Mengxi gently leaned against his chest, looking at the tranquil Yin Ning, who seemed to be asleep on the bed, and lightly nodded her head.

In the evening, when Mu Haotian heard the news, he rushed over.

"What's going on?" Mu Haotian looked at Hao Qiang and asked nervously.

Hao Qiang looked at his nervous expression and frowned, "It was an accident."

As Mu Haotian heard his perfunctory reply, his anger began to rise, "Although I don't know why you disappeared, it doesn't mean that I don't care about Yin Ning at all."

"I thought you had really given up on her." Hearing the concern in his tone, Hao Qiang raised his eyebrows.

"I have indeed given up, but I am, after all, someone I once liked. It is only natural for me to concern myself with it." Mu Haotian refuted.

"But the fact is that you don't know her at all, and this kind of concern is insignificant." Hao Qiang revealed a mocking smile.

"I don't know her, but that doesn't stop me from caring about her. "I don't think there's a necessary connection between the two."

"No, there is a very important and inevitable relationship between the two of them. You don't even know how she got injured, what right do you have to care about her?"

"You …"

"Enough." Seeing how the two of them were gradually becoming more childish as they bickered, the usually calm Ouyang Ruo Bing shouted.

They both looked at her.

"Hao Qiang, now that Yin Ning has become like this, you have a part in it as well. Don't let others down here." Looking at the unconvinced Hao Qiang, Ouyang Ruo said coldly.

Hearing Ouyang Ruo Bing's words, Hao Qiang lowered his head silently.

"And you." Ouyang Ruo Bing pointed the arrow at Mu Haotian. "I know that you are also worried about Yin Ning, but Yin Ning's matter is still unclear to you. Since she doesn't want to tell you, you should stop pestering her."

Although on the surface, her words did not mean that they would help each other, but the truth was that they separated the two of them. As for Yin Ning Hao, he knew everything about her, and Mu Haotian was just a stranger who interjected midway.

Although they acted very childish, they were no longer children. Furthermore, they were people who were quite outstanding in different fields. Both of them understood the meaning of Ouyang Ruo Bing's words.

Even so, Hao Qiang's mood did not improve at all. What he cared more about right now was not who Yin Ning was closer to, but when Yin Ning would wake up.

After Mu Haotian heard her words, he revealed an embarrassed expression, "I was just too concerned about Yin Ning. Sorry."

Hao Qiang shook his head, "I know, me too."

"Can you tell me what happened to Yin Ning?" Mu Haotian sincerely asked.

Hao Qiang was stunned.

"Although I've decided not to pursue her anymore, I still like women. I hope that I can understand everything about being concerned about her. Right now, she is a mystery to me. Although this mystery is very fascinating, it will always make me feel like I'm looking at a flower across the river. I just want to know what kind of person I like." Mu Haotian patiently explained.

Hao Qiang looked at him and asked, "Did you finish off the three Yuwen brothers?"

Mu Haotian, who was about to listen to the secret, was stunned. After a long while, he shook his head: "No."

"Then, I won't tell you anymore. Because, if you can't even solve the problem with Yuwen Clan's three brothers, the trouble behind Yin Ning will be able to crush you into pieces. So, it's best if you don't know about it." Hao Qiang said seriously.

Hearing Hao Qiang's words, Mu Haotian was stunned. Was he being looked down upon? And it was a blatant dislike!

"You just don't want to tell me." Mu Haotian raised his eyebrows.

Hao Qiang was noncommittal.

"But it's better if you don't know." Lei Li, who had been watching from the sidelines, also spoke up. In terms of words, he supported Hao Qiang's decision. However, the moment he opened his mouth, Hao Qiang glared at him and obediently returned to his room.

"May I see her?" Helplessly accepting this decision, Mu Haotian took a step back and said.

"Meng Xi and Wen Wen are both up there. It might be inconvenient for you to go." Hao Qiang was confused.

Mu Haotian clenched his teeth – so what do you want to do?

Looking at his expression, Hao Qiang sighed, "Actually, I'm doing this for your own good. Really, the current you can't afford to provoke Yin Ning's trouble."

"Why do I feel like you are guarding against me?" Mu Haotian suddenly said as he looked at Hao Qiang.

Hao Qiang was stunned, "What?"

"Stop pretending." Mu Haotian looked straight at him.

Hao Qiang: "…"

He was truly afraid that Mu Haotian would be dragged into this mess.

Although half of the Hao family's blood was flowing through his veins, Hao Qiang was very sure that when Mu Haotian was in trouble, the Hao family would not give him any protection. Even though Hao Qiang hadn't had a direct confrontation with the Elders of the Hao family, but looking at how Hao father couldn't protect his own sister, the real leaders of the Hao family were actually the elders.

Even though Father Hao was the Hao family's Patriarch in name, although he appeared to be extremely popular on the surface, in reality, he was being restricted everywhere. Even though that restriction hadn't been brought to light yet, Hao Qiang believed that as long as Father Hao did something that would put the Hao family in danger, those elders would definitely use their own power to prevent all this from happening.

Back then, the Hao family didn't help Mu Haotian at all, and they even stopped someone from mentioning this matter. If it were now, Hao Qiang would believe that this would be the only result.

As Hao Qiang was the only eldest son of the Hao family's Patriarch, he would naturally receive the limitless care of the Hao family. Furthermore, as the emperor of the [Dynasty], he would naturally not be afraid of those troubles.

Hao Qiang began to consider completing his collaboration with Mu Haotian as soon as possible. This way, they would be able to completely separate themselves from each other … At least he could not be noticed by the [Ghost Domain].

As Mu Haotian saw Hao Qiang's thoughtful expression, he thought that Hao Qiang had admitted it. He coldly smiled and said, "You are treating me like a little kid."

He knew that the other side had misunderstood him, but Hao Qiang did not plan to explain and just looked at him.

Mu Haotian angrily turned around and left. He always thought that he was cooperating with Hao Qiang, but he never expected that he would still be on guard against him. This made Mu Haotian, who was never used to being humble with others, a little angry in his heart.

Looking at Mu Haotian's leaving figure, Hao Qiang helplessly sighed.

"What, unhappy?" Ouyang Ruo Bing raised her eyebrows and looked at Hao Qiang's dejected appearance.

Hao Qiang shook his head, "It's just that I'm too tired."

Ouyang Ruo Bing looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"Actually, I can be considered as brothers with him." Hao Qiang replied dejectedly, "The kind that is related by blood."

Ouyang Ruo Bing looked at him in shock. "Isn't he Yuwen He's illegitimate son?" "Doesn't that mean you …"

"His mother!" Hao Qiang emphasized on helplessly.

Ouyang Ruo Bing nodded in understanding. "The rumors say that his mother came from a mysterious place, but she was actually yours …"

"Aunt." Hao Qiang added.

"Then why haven't I heard you say it before?"

"There's no need."

"Then why is it necessary now?"

Hao Qiang paused for a moment before replying, "It's just that I'm depressed and want to talk about it."

Ouyang Ruo Bing nodded and motioned for him to continue.

Hao Qiang looked at Ouyang Ruo Bing's expressionless face and slowly narrated what happened.

For some reason, Hao Qiang felt that everything was natural, as if the sky had fallen down onto him. In her world, it wasn't a small matter like someone crushing an ant to death, and she was the person Qi Mengxi trusted the most. Thus, Hao Qiang told Ouyang Ruo Bing all the secrets that he had hidden in his heart.

His feelings for Qi Mengxi and his feelings for her … As well as his difficult to locate relationship with Yin Ning.

Ouyang Ruo Bing just quietly listened, occasionally asking one or two questions. Towards Hao Qiang's confusion and bewilderment, she could only silently listen, and didn't express any opinions or opinions, just like a cooperative mood trash can.

Facing Ouyang Ruo Bing like this, Hao Qiang felt indescribably relieved.

As he spoke, time passed slowly, and soon the first rays of sunlight shone through the thin screen into the room.

Hao Qiang looked at the already bright sky and smiled apologetically at Ouyang Ruo Bing, "I'm sorry, you couldn't rest as well."

Ouyang Ruo Bing stood on the sofa and stretched her muscles. She unexpectedly revealed a calm smile and said, "It's alright. Everyone shouldn't have slept yesterday anyway."

In the early morning light, Ouyang Ruo Bing's smile was not very obvious. In fact, because her face was always cold, her smile was a little stiff. However, that beautiful face that seemed to have a clear lotus breaking out from the ice surprised Hao Qiang.

Although he already knew that Ouyang Ruo Bing was the prettiest when she smiled, it was the first time Hao Qiang noticed that she was so beautiful that she could bewitch people.

"Hao Qiang." This sound was like a bucket of cold water being poured over Hao Qiang's head, causing him to instantly regain his senses.

Just now … What was going on? Hao Qiang frowned.

"Hao Qiang and Sister Ruo Bing haven't rested for the entire night?" She walked down the stairs and asked worriedly.

Hao Qiang noticed the word 'also' in her words, then looked at the dark circles under Ewen's eyes, which were not very obvious, and hugged her in his arms.

"You haven't had a good rest either. Do you want to go back up and rest?"

Hearing Hao Qiang's suggestion, the usually obedient Ai Wenwen shook her head firmly, "I can't fall asleep anyways. You guys sat here all night, so it's better for you to go up and rest."

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