Killing God Island

Chapter 1015: Destruction Mission 50: Asura vs. Blood Beast

This kind of nirvana is a trick that has been used once and hurts more people. This kind of trick can be used to exchange for more and heavier injuries of the other side by using your own injuries. Of course, this kind of trick is the same as the exhaustive trick, but this Of course, this kind of move can be exchanged for the other party’s injury through the same proportion of internal organs. Of course, this type of Qi Qilang is not often used. After all, he does not want to die so early, but he has also tried it, if he does not completely exchange his important organs. The internal organs, using this very dangerous taboo trick, will not be killed, but this time exception, this time Qi Bilang exchanged all his life to forcibly prepare to fight desperately with Orshadin, of course, in exchange for having his own heart and Many important organs make this asura form closer to the strongest state. The normal asura state is that there is no internal organs that can allow the body to carry out comprehensive attacks in different directions more freely. The ability can also be improved to the strongest, but because the body does not Visceral blood and body temperature, so this form can only last up to 20 minutes, the loss of vitality is related to the state of the body before its use.

This time he uses this state, the reason he uses the strongest state is that he wants to solve this Orshadin who wants to kill his own power and usurp in the shortest time, while his body has not completely died. This is also a dead peace of mind, so Qi Bilang's Ashura state is that his heavy blow will kill the Profound Truth.

But this kind of heavy blow will kill Ao Yi. He looks abnormally skinny. Of course, Orshadin did not expect that Qi Bilang still has this trick. Following him for so many years is the first time he knows that he still has this trick. After all, this The trick is a trick that has not been used by Qi Bilang in three years. Of course, this kind of trick feels really dangerous to Orshadin, so Orshadin directly opens into the micro realm, and instantly takes Orshadin as the center. All the moments within the meter seem to be magnified hundreds of times, so that he can feel the more realistic side around him, such as the turbulent frequency of grass, wood, flower and grass, the heartbeat of the pores and skin of the people around him, and the energy field around him. The information will be instantly integrated into Orshadin's brain.

This is the power of entering the micro realm, which is why a person who can open the micro realm can be called a real strongman, because only when he truly feels the origin of the opponent's actual power and energy fluctuations can he know a person's real Strong and weak, and Orshadin, who has entered the micro realm at this time, has already felt that Qi Bilang’s energy fluctuations in the strange state at this moment are quite strong, so Orshadin suddenly throws his backpack with a serious expression and then re-launches Serious fighting posture.

Orshadin looked at the mutated creatures in front of him that were not human-like. His expression was heavy and he did not rashly attack. However, Qi Bilang, who had become Asura’s mentality, could not maintain this form for too long, so he competed directly for seconds. He launched an attack on Orshadin. The attack speed was very fast with the propulsion of the six arms at the back, just like the wings or pushers. This speed is very fast. How fast is it? Almost a few seconds ago, he was still more than twenty meters away from Orshadin, and this moment has come to Orshadin.

And Orshadin jumped directly without concealment, and at the moment when Qi Bilang Asura form fell, the six long arms behind him attacked the ground and started to attack at the same time. For a moment, the ground blasted with a blast of dust on the ground, and a huge forehead flew a few meters high with the surrounding dust, and because the surroundings were all rock walls, Orshadin used this force , Ran straight ahead on the wall, about ten meters away, Orshadin felt something tight behind him, because he kept opening into the micro pile, so there was no need to turn around directly He could feel if there was something behind him, and when he felt that the thing behind was getting closer, Orshadin turned back directly and wanted to kick the monster behind him directly.

Unexpectedly, Orshadin really let one of the arms behind Qi Bilang's mutated Asura form directly grasp the ankle, and then the other three arms grabbed the rest of his legs and directly kicked Orshadin. He broke his right leg for several knots. At the same time when a sudden pain came out, the monster in front of him directly attacked him again. In order to avoid the close attack of these arms, Al Shading directly jumped off his legs and jumped on one leg. After the start, the sky-tribulation form was turned on in the air to make his original broken leg instantly mutate into a giant monster. As long as the sky-tribulation state is turned on, the human form can repair itself regardless of multiple injuries, but there is only one chance to repair it When in the state, it can also restore the normal human form, but whether it is turned on or off is a considerable physical exertion. And Qi Bilang at this time the state of Ashura's attack power is extremely fierce, although Orshadin in the human state originally took it seriously and wanted to play against it with the human body, but he did not do anything. With a hard leg blow, Qi Bilang's Asura state will instantly catch and break his right leg. In order to get rid of the shackles and instantaneous attack, he can only decisively discard his right leg and directly directly at the fastest speed. Turn on the Sky Tribulation state, and let yourself play against it in the form of Sky Tribulation. Only in this way can it be considered to be at the same level, and Orshadin’s Sky Tribulation form is a blood-red monster with a whole body, and the head of the unicorn body is like a crazy dragon The golden scales are like armor declarations, the huge claws of the limbs have a sharp tail like a dragon's tail, Orshadin’s state of heaven is a mutant monster extracted from the genetic skeleton of the ancient monster, Orshadin claims to be himself The state of the Heavenly Tribulation is a blood beast demon, a human half body with one head, eight arms, two human arms, six very long arms extending from the back to the front, and the lower body with human legs. The overall look is thin and thin, but the body is very Tall, although this is the strongest state of Asura, if there are eight Asura exclusive weapons, the state can basically be comparable to the strengthened people in Zone ** and Zone A, but unfortunately there are no eight of his exclusive weapons, but this This form is still very powerful, and Orshadin’s blood beast demon, the overall shape is a head like a unicorn shape, the front mouth is sharp and sharp, the single angle on the head is sharp and has a strong attack, and the limbs are tall and thick claws A blade as sharp as a knife extends inside his thick flesh pad. The whole body is five meters tall and seven meters long, and the tail is more than ten meters. The whole is like a golden armor covered with hard light golden scales shining with red light. The tail is like a dragon's tail, and the upper layer is composed of a sharp and sharp tail blade. The roaring sound is very powerful like a beast.

The form of both sides completely disengaged from the form of human beings, and each other made a very powerful voice, and both of them spent a fierce look on each other for a while, and then ran to each other to starve.

Qi Bilang has not seen the current form of Orsardin. Qi Bilang has always believed that Orsardin has not turned on the sky-tribulation state. Unexpectedly, Orsardin also has a hand. Orsardin has no use for this. Trick, I want to use this trick against Andy, but now Andy is dead, and now this guy can also turn on the Sky Tribulation state, which has to make Orshadin also turn on the Heaven Tribulation state for self-protection, if Orshadin will not open the sky-tribulation state, and may have been killed by Qi Bilang. After all, in Qi Bilang Asura state, let alone a broken leg, even if Orshadin’s limbs are sound, he may not be able to communicate with him. One battle, so Orshadin directly opened the true strength that has been hidden for many years without hesitation. Now, Asura and the blood beast madness are fighting each other, and the horn of the head of this huge blood beast paw is still there. All teeth have super attack power.

And the six arms behind Ashura also have different abilities, and they are also quite horrible. The strongest arm of the eight arms is not able to hit the endlessly. Qi Bilang also used this arm to directly block Orsha. Ding opened his mouth to attack the teeth.

Orshadin’s teeth are quite sharp and sharp. If it is an ordinary strengthened human body, it can be easily bitten off. Unexpectedly, it did not bite, but only one of Qi Bilang’s eight arms has this. This kind of ability, the other arm can use fire, one hand can use water, and the other arm is called a ghost hand. Because this arm can be invisible, it is not easy to be found. Often this jumping arm is a sneak attack from the back or a frontal attack. , The remaining arms also have different abilities, so Orshadin’s blood beast madness state does not have much advantage. Although it is not easy to solve Qi Bilang’s Shura state, it is completely impossible for Qi Bilang to get A little bit of benefit, because Orshadin's sky-tribulation state is a kind of attack and defense-type monster level state, the body scales are very hard, and even the bullets will not leave a trace on the top, and the attack power and strength are also a little It's not weak. His tall strength and eruption are naturally as terrible as a beast, but the most terrible thing is the hardness of the scales on his body. This hardness makes it difficult for him to be killed by Ashura.

Moreover, Qi Bilang’s asura state is not a lasting manifestation, so now Qi Bilang’s only consciousness has been a little flustered, because the body hardness of this beast in front of him is really impossible to beat the defense, even if the scale is concave Or you can kill a piece, but what makes Qi Bilang desperate is that even if he attacks the limit of strength in the state of Asura, he can’t break the defense of Al Shadin’s skin.

This means that unless Ashura uses his exclusive weapon, or some weapons that can only be exchanged with a killing point can hurt it, it is basically impossible to kill El Shading with empty hands.

But Qi Bilang knew that he couldn’t give up like this. Since he couldn’t hurt his defense, if I put him into the extremely cold land, I wouldn’t believe that even the extremely cold land couldn’t help him in this state, so Ashura’s state Qi Bilang started to fight back deliberately and unintentionally, and retreated to the cold place where Andy was frozen, using the same old routines. Of course, he was more realistic in this performance.

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