Killing God Island

Chapter 1020: Heaven Tribulation Chapter 5: The Giant Worm Eats

"'re so ridiculous, you stupid x I'm going to see how you killed us!" Of course, these people's bodies are not like Bexus, because Bexus has Insect genes, so Ling Zifeng can control him, but people without the insect genes cannot perceive some commands to the insects in the air, and naturally cannot control this person, not only if the body has insect genes and certain The thing that feels, then absolutely cannot escape Ling Zifeng's instructions.

"You are less bluffing here, I think you are 100% dead! One of the five finally couldn't bear to take the lead in the past, so he is not so unreasonable because this guy has realized the state of Heavenly Tribulation The strength has increased somewhat, and there is a lot of inner expansion. In many times, the picture of killing the opponent without any success made him think that as long as he opened the Sky Tribulation state, absolutely no one can kill easily.

But it is a pity that he is a frog at the bottom of the well. He has no idea what Ling Zifeng is expressing now, because Ling Zifeng is not joking with him, and this guy has not waited for his hands, he feels that something is wrong, because the ground is shaking at the same time The surrounding ground has begun to crack with Ling Zifeng as the center, and the whole body of Ling Zifeng has started to change. The body starts from the back, and the bones of the body slowly start to bulge out. The whole picture is very grim, and Ling Zifeng I was also expecting to take one of them first, and I didn’t expect this guy to come to the door. Although he was scared by Ling Zifeng, this guy felt the danger and was swallowed by Ling Zifeng directly. The guy's head was bitten off and then he swallowed the person's body directly, followed by Ling Zifeng's body began to change again. At the same time, the other four also shot together. Ling Zifeng, who was stuck in the ground with his legs, once again became more Strong, because Ling Zifeng’s true face is a tentacle monster that looks like a worm and does not look like a person or a creature. It only has eyes and fangs. It used to look like the upper body of a giant worm. The lower body wears a lot of exoskeletons.

Ling Zifeng in this state is not his complete state, but the initial form of the real body. This form belongs to the initial stage of the worm body, but Ling Zifeng will evolve from its cocooned wings, but now it does not have to evolve at all. This huge His body is used for semi-consciousness. Ling Zifeng in this state is semi-conscious, so he can't really distinguish himself from his enemies like human beings, so Ling Zifeng used Xu Zhao to take Chen Tian first when he used this trick.

In this state, Ling Zifeng will destroy the surroundings according to his fighting consciousness. When he sees a creature smaller than himself, he will directly devour it and then evolve. As for why Ling Zifeng does not show his body like his mother. It is directly the ultimate body, which shows that Ling Zifeng can’t compare with his mother to some extent. At least now Ling Zifeng and his mother are not at the same level. The four-man battle is still more than wrong.

But these people are basically the kind of people who think they are very strong, and they have also seen a lot of large mutant creatures when entering the t zone, so they don’t think that this looks like a huge one. How strong the bugs will be. Although it is indeed strange that so many huge bugs flew over suddenly, these people did not think much about these bugs after all.

So after these four people killed a rift, they chased them before the others, and Ling Zifeng saw that they were coming together, so they measured their own. This huge bug directly confronted one of the four. One of them was swallowed in an instant, don’t look at this person who was swallowed by the Heavenly Tribulation Pile, the powerful melted liquid swallowed, and swallowed by the spiral teeth in the mouth will directly cover him, The set of teeth is a circle of teeth fixed from the whole circle of his body in a week, and the sharp teeth are all pierced into the swallowed body. After the whole body is pierced, it penetrates into the powerful dissolution The liquefied corrosive liquid allows the swallowed person to dissolve into a skeleton only before they are fixed against the body, but after the skeleton is dissolved, the person’s overall strength and dissolved body The fluid will completely absorb him. After absorption, Ling Zifeng will continue to grow bigger with this kind of insect body, and it will feather after it has grown to a certain degree.

It’s obviously not enough to evolve just to eat one, so Ling Zifeng’s worm body turned directly to another person with a very exaggerated big mouth ready to devour another target, and the other two didn’t sit back and watched. When such a large creature appears, it is naturally impossible to attack with fists and feet, so they also each took out their own weapons. Of course, one of the people’s sky-tribulation state is that the whole body is the edge of the attack. This attack power is generally impossible for people. Blocking, especially the huge evolution of his arms is full of explosive power. Although there are no wings, this guy's legs are very developed. Jumping on the worm body stepping on Ling Zifeng wants to jump on it to attack, but unexpectedly Ling Zifeng's body is full On a slippery surface, I simply stepped on it and slid down, I couldn't go down at all. I frustrated and punched it directly. Of course, this punch is not an ordinary punch. It is a combination of his right arm from the hole. There were black very sharp things in it, which wrapped his entire arm and punched Ling Zifeng with a punch.

Unexpectedly, this person's blow didn't play any role at all on this worm body. Instead, the whole person was bounced back and at the same time another person who was going to be swallowed also wanted to resist, but found this before waiting for resistance. Why is the mouth open so big? As long as he is swallowed, he can’t break free even if he has a high combat power. If swallowed, it will be completely dark, and will be directly pierced by countless teeth around every corner of the body. The powerful melt will begin to melt and penetrate from the countless teeth that pierce the body. Just like the bone water used by Lu Dingji Xiaobao after the murder, the body will instantly melt into the nutrition that supports Ling Zifeng's evolution.

Therefore, as long as Ling Zifeng, such as a fortified human with a high genetic level of engulfing points, will soon feather into another form, as long as the higher the form, the closer the person will be. The final form of the insect form can be transformed into a dragon, of course not It can be evolved by continuous swallowing, but in the initial form, it can be feathered in this way. After the feathering, Ling Zifeng can have the normal human thinking form. Of course, after entering the worm body, his brain will lose a lot of memory, but it will recover after evolution. Therefore, even Chen Tian and other people in this form may be fatally attacked by him.

Now Ling Zifeng can easily kill the master who turned on the Sky Tribulation state, which really surprised the other two. Among them, the person who was not effective in their attack was helpless to this form. One of the two could fly. He attacked his eyes from a high place, but when he flew and just about to attack his eyes with a javelin, he was suddenly hit by the green juice spit out from the body of Ling Zifeng, and the whole person instantly fell from the air and landed on the ground. The smoke and pain in his body rolled around the floor, and the evolution of Heavenly Tribulation disappeared directly. He was directly swallowed by Ling Zifeng. Immediately after the last person left, this man who had just punched and tried to attack Ling Zifeng’s body was obviously already Frightened, he shivered, so he immediately lost the thought of following the monster and turned directly to escape to the crowd trapped by bugs ahead.

If Ling Zifeng in this form is smart, the best time to retreat now is to play this primary worm form. Not only is it not high in intelligence, but also has only 2% of Ling Zifeng’s will power in this worm. Ten, and another 80% are based on the killing of the evolutionary nature of insects, and they constantly engulfed all the surrounding creatures. Of course, in addition to engulfing the humans who strengthen the genetic constitution, Ling Zifeng will also engulf the flying insects in the sky. Mandatory evolution, because these insects are highly toxic, most people may be poisoned if they swallow it, but Ling Zifeng's body blood itself is highly toxic, and the toxicity is not many times stronger than the poison on these insects, so Ling Zifeng engulfed these insects He and people will not only become poisoned but will continue to grow bigger and stronger, but although this thing is stronger than one or two or even five or six fortified people who are in the state of Heavenly Tribulation, they may be strong enough to kill them, but now the front is at least at least There are more than forty to fifty strong openers, and some of the individuals in the open are also super strong. There is a saying that the big ones are not necessarily strong, so under the siege of the people in these days, Ling Zifeng's early days Insects began to be attacked in various directions without being feathered. Now Ling Zifeng is too large to avoid and the intelligence of this form of Ling Zifeng is not human wisdom, so it is now in a dilemma.

After all, this volume is really large, and at the same time attack from everywhere. Even if the form of Ling Zifeng is very strong, the shell is super hard. The main thing is that it is slippery and makes the fist and the object that hits the front are basically difficult to really hit. .

But these strong men are not ordinary individuals, but one by one, they all start to strengthen the source of genes and form their own strongest evolutionary form of sky-tribulation, so everyone in this state has unlimited potential, as for the potential. What is the value, although this varies from person to person, this state of Ling Zifeng really can’t withstand so many people in the sky-tribulation state at the same time. Although the outer case is quite hard, it can’t stop the attack, and these people’s attacks are basically Will choose to attack the weakest junction of Jia Ke and the boundary point of Jia Ke to carry out non-stop attacks. Of course, this attack tactic is very correct, and it can not withstand the continuous attacks of the body from different angles. Ling Zifeng at this time Although the surface Jiake has not been completely cracked, but the giant worm's mouth no longer listens to the green juice sprayed out, this kind of thing is actually the blood in the form of Ling Zifeng, although the blood vessels in the human form Ling Zifeng flow It is red blood, but in fact, as long as the color of the red leaves, it will not be red like humans, it will be green after condensation, so Ling Zifeng’s blood is of two colors, depending on what shape he is. It will be slightly heavier.

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