Killing God Island

Chapter 1026: Heavenly Tribulation Chapter 11: Blood Runaway

Because it is a big dogfight, it will always give some people who are about to be resolved some breathing opportunities. Their body repair ability in the sky-tribulation state is more than tens of times that of the ordinary state. Just giving tens of seconds is enough to make the body visible. His body is in good repair, and some of his body has been punched out of several large holes. Although the blood and internal organs are gone, due to the super vitality in the state of Heavenly Tribulation, he can still fight very exaggeratedly. The state Chen Tian can feel the rapid loss of this person’s vitality through his own blood, but he can suffer such a serious fatal injury, and still have a super attack and destructive ability, it is really worth the title of a master, but here except his own strength and weakness In addition, after all, it is not a single fight, mutual attack and sneak attack, there are many reasons that you may have defeated and killed your opponent, but died because of sneak attack behind.

However, under normal circumstances, as long as the injured body cannot be recovered, or if the entire body is beaten, these people can basically be repaired quickly, and the beats are basically injured, regardless of strength. It consumes the physical strength of the other party. Since Chen Tian started the Heavenly Tribulation for the first time, the physical energy consumed by this ability is also quite huge. Chen Tian does not know how long he can persist. Although Chen Tian is currently in a ghost state, but through his own If the blood consumption is too large, the blood penetrates into other people's body because it is too tired to die in the enemy's body or be swallowed by the enemy's blood, it may cause Chen Tian to be unable to fit his blood again, so he completely died and disappeared, so Chen Tian I am also very afraid of this kind of thing. After all, these guys have been playing with each other for more than five minutes. Chen Tian has been vaguely disturbed. Although he has just been confident, everything in the world has two sides, so Chen Tian does not want to wait. By the way, Chen Tian wanted to make all these extremely powerful people fight each other to death in the next minute or tens of seconds, so Chen Tian once again used more powerful tricks on the basis of the skills of distracting people, And this trick is called blood runaway, that is, as long as these masters who are invaded and controlled by Chen Tian’s blood, the whole person will run away instantly, and their physical speed and strength will be greatly improved. To put it bluntly, let these people enter Chen Tian’s red child state. Since Chen Tian's physical exertion is no longer small, they can only be allowed to temporarily enter the early stage of the red child state, but these people who have been strengthened by Chen Tian's blood burned by Chen Tian's blood, which will make them fall into the enemy like a beast. There was only the killing side in the eyes.

The strength gap between these people was originally very different, but the weaker side would instantly grow more than twice as strong as itself, and those with strengths that are much stronger than them, only increase the anger and deeper of the other side. Control, because Chen Tian can use his own blood to know the strength and weakness of all people around the blood, so that their strength will be equal to each other after the blood runs away.

Only an attack with equal strength will result in greater casualties. Although a powerful family leader can also cause a lot of casualties, this situation will appear to solve these latter family leaders. If at this time his strength becomes stronger, his body will mutate, Chen Tian. 'S blood may be locked in the body and swallowed, or Chen Tian's blood can't let it explode inside.

If his physique is perfect, he can't use the blood to explode. At most, the blood vessels explode and the body can't be turned into a human bomb. So Chen Tian doesn't want to take this risk. What he wants most is that these people lose both sides.

Chen Tian’s blood rage is actually using the power of the red child in the state of the heaven, but the red child state used in this state of heaven is stronger than the child who has the blood of Chen Tian in the body. Control and suppress the strength of its strength, the weaker will increase its strength, and even forcibly become stronger by consuming its own life and physical strength.

The strengthened people who were run away by blood gradually became the same state as Chen Tian Chizi. The red eyes and body of the red color let them kill each other one by one. This state will allow the blood flow in the body of these strengthened people. The amount changes very quickly, this situation will make Chen Tian's fortified person with less than five drops of blood in his body's blood quickly recover his consciousness, because this violent state is Chen Tian's red child's power, making his blood burn up and go crazy The short-lived ability of killing and instantaneously becoming stronger, but this ability burns Chen Tian’s own blood. After all, their blood does not have the ability to open the red child state, so the body contains a strengthened person with little Chen Tian blood. After a short period of time, Chen Tian's blood will be burned to a complete extent, and this person will be completely out of Chen Tian's blood control.

However, these people with little blood in the body of Chen Tian will appear more brutal and combative after the blood runs away. Generally, they will show that the whole person rushes into the middle for crazy slaughter, because they see other people bleeding and red blood. Will become very excited, excited to want to divide it into corpses in the past, and there is also an urge to tear someone else’s blood out of seeing an injury, so this kind of person’s runaway is better than the body. It is still crazy to condense Chen Tian’s blood, but this state will not last long. Of course, their minds are only madly killed, and they will not be completely controlled by Chen Tian’s thinking, but those bodies People with more blood in Chen Tian, ​​not only their body surface is more like Chen Tian Chizi's state, but also their thinking is controlled by Chen Tian, ​​so Chen Tian will lure these people to the most center, after the siege they will solve them first. After losing their own blood and becoming conscious, they will find that they are trapped in the middle even if they are not dead. They want to leave and have become in vain, and those who are not controlled by Chen Tian’s blood have not escaped Chen Tian’s. control.

Of course, those who are not under the control of Chen Tian currently want to escape this encirclement circle controlled by Chen Tian, ​​but they are stopped by Claude Ness. This person is already strong in strength, although the mind still has consciousness and has not been Chen Tian is completely in control, but after the body has gone through the blood, it seems that he has begun to affect his normal thinking. The whole person has fallen into a more brutal side, which may have inspired his true nature, because in the past he was a gangster who liked to kill people very much. . Will. Chieftain, but after entering the island later, he has already recognized the form here, where the low-key and ruthless people can live longer, so he now belongs to the fact that he has begun to hide slowly in order to become stronger. His original nature.

Now, due to the **** run of Claude Ness's body, he has completely triggered his true cruel and murderous side, so he immediately took the lead in killing three of them to open the Heavenly Tribulation state, but because of their strength, they are that It is a force that is forcibly promoted by its own weaker side, so using too much force will cause internal damage to the body, and the muscles of the lighter ones will hurt the internal organs of the heavy ones. Of course, these three people’s attacks are more than double their original strength. , But still can’t stop Claude Ness’s attack, and due to the force and force collide with each other, the three people who were originally weak and forcibly strengthened have many internal organs such as the heart, lungs, liver and spleen. All the organs shattered, but because they didn’t have trauma, only the bleeds were bleeding, but the whole person didn’t die instantly, but the subsequent attack of Claude Ness made them unable to recover again in an instant. A very scary pipe directly penetrates one of them, and then he enters or blows into a body of something that looks like gas. From the beginning of the pipe into the drum until the whole body enters the other body, the other party is penetrated His body exploded in an instant, and half of the whole body was exploded. The other two just wanted to attack, and they were penetrated by the tubes stretched out of the rest of his body and exploded all the bodies of these two people, due to their internal organs. It was damaged, and two-thirds of the body was destroyed, causing the three people to fall to the ground and really die.

Just as Claude Ness was going to continue killing the rest, he met another person, whose strength was almost as strong as him, and belonged to one of the three strongest men in this group of strengtheners, and Claude Ness Si is also one of the three. When Claude Ness met Barbies, they were physically shocked. Because the two were in awe of each other in the organization, the two were very powerful, so under normal circumstances The two will not easily provoke each other, so who is stronger is not even clear to the two, let alone others.

But they wanted to give it a try now, so both of them started to warm up before the battle. Although Chen Tian’s order is to immediately kill the person in front, Claude Ness’s mind has not been taken. Chen Tian controls, so there is still some independent thinking, but this kind of autonomous thinking cannot reach the level of alertness to fight against Chen Tian’s blood control ability. Now, Chen Tian’s blood control ability and blood runaway still exist, just Now Claude Ness temporarily suppressed Chen Tian’s blood because of his high nervousness.

But soon because the two began to prepare for battle with each other, when the two actually attacked each other, Claude Ness still relied on the power of Chen Tian's blood to make his own strength increase. Quite a lot, if he does not have Chen Tian’s blood in his body, the strength should be that he and Barbies have a strength of 50 to 50. If they want to really fight, it is definitely the kind that is difficult to distinguish between the moment.

But now the situation of fighting with Barbies and Claude Ness is completely different from what he thought. Because Barbies does not have Chen Tian blood in his body, his strength has not improved, so the gap was instantly opened, whether it is positive The fight between fists and fists or the competition between each other's abilities was greatly suppressed by Claude Ness. This should not have been such a big gap, but now the gap is relatively large, and Barbies is not Crow at all. Denis's opponent, after such a large gap, Barbies had to choose to only defend for the time being, and no longer attacked. After carrying out more than twenty attacks against each other, she already had a considerable internal injury, so she has now I dare not fight hard with Claude Ness. I just want to find a chance to escape first. After all, he is not controlled by Chen Tian’s blood now.

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