Killing God Island

Chapter 1053: Tiankai Wanqi Chapter 38: Close to me, I want to tell you a secret!

Wang Leishi originally liked women. When the beaten men said they were beaten by a beautiful woman, and they also said that the beautiful woman would take the initiative to join their own organization, so Wang Leishi immediately shined his eyes after listening. Say: "Okay! Where is the woman? Bring her in and I want to see her!"

In less than ten minutes, the night concubine tube wood was taken to the house where Wang Leishi was. When he saw the figure and appearance of the night concubine tube wood, the woman was completely loved at first sight, and she immediately danced and said. : "I heard that you are going to join our organization. I think you have a good temperament, and your skills are also very good. Even those with bruises and bruises can be considered qualified, so I decided to list you as a cadre in the organization, but now I also want to personally try if you have the qualities you need to be a cadre.

After listening to it, Yefei Tongmu put on a fighting stance and said, "Then you can try my strength yourself?" Wang Leishi directly said with a smile: "Don't stop, I'm not talking to you Over-stroke, I mean..." He finished his tongue out and then bent his fingers back and forth in front of Yefeitongmu, as if suggesting that Yefeitongmu was doing something.

Yefei Tongmu was not a virgin before she entered the island, so of course she also understood what the guy Wang Leishi implied, but she didn’t refuse. Although Wang Leishi looked like a nausea, he was very disgusting, but Ye Fei Tong Mu smiled slightly and said, "Do you want me to be like this?" Ye Fei Tong Mu crouched directly in front of him and stuck out his tongue, Wang Leishi immediately nodded excitedly: " Yes, yes, it seems that you are really good!"

Yefei Tongmu was already extremely angry at this time, but she could not let him see her displeasure. After stroking her thin fingers, Wang Leishi thought that it was finally her cherry mouth, but unexpectedly Yefei Tongmu cut off her baby directly with a knife. While the blood spurted out instantly, Yefei Tongmu stood up and covered his mouth and stabbed dozens of knives in the chest and near the heart. Forgetting another knife on his neck, he swaggered into the bathroom to wash the blood from his body, then discarded the blood that contaminated his body, and looked at the watch on his wrist. After about thirty minutes above the watch, she Putting on a robe and pajamas, he walked out of the main entrance of Wang Leishi casually and said to the dozens of powerful men in front of him: "I just had an in-depth physical exchange with your boss and now he is very tired. Don’t disturb him first, now I want to visit the women-only area in your organization, right?"

More than a dozen people heard that such a beautiful woman was actually arched by the fat pig, the boss, and it was a little unpleasant in her heart, but after all, it was the fat pig here, but they didn’t know that their boss was already in front of the woman. Killed, so they immediately nodded in response: "Okay, okay! Miss Yefei please here."

Ye Fei Tong Mu's open-collar drowsiness couldn't block her chest at all, especially the long legs under the robe pajamas that were barely exposed because of walking, which really made these people around me swallow and swallow. People's eyes are staring at themselves.

Of course, this group of people knew that Ye Fei Tong Mu was the eldest woman. Although he had such a heart, he didn’t have the courage to do so. Some of the women who were arrested got a very ordinary dress and secretly left in the dark. This way, Yefei Tumu easily solved Wang Leishi.

Next is the boss of the other two small organizations. Of course, with the character of Yefeitongmu, he likes to solve the problem first, and then the easiest to stay at the end to finish, so the object to be solved this time is called Yan Xuesen. Many small organizations with little brothers, organizations with no more than one hundred people are called small organizations in area t, and small groups are teams with no more than ten or medium-sized teams, etc., and Chen Tian and others have no more than ten people. Although it should also be regarded as a small group, its current momentum is no longer included in the scope of the Chen Tian group as a small group.

And this guy named Yan Xuesen is usually evil-doing, not to mention bullying women but also doing bad things. Before he entered the island, he was a man who was recognized as a bad guy in every way, but this man was a little good. That is very good for women. As long as the woman who has had a relationship with him, he will protect it wholeheartedly. From the perspective of a good man, he is still fully qualified, but many of his women are basically in this small station where he is stationed. There are already more than one hundred women on the site, but these women are not so-called captivity, they all have their own freedom, and Yan Xuesen will not force them to do things they don’t like, and also said that you come and go free I will never stop you, but as long as you follow me for a day, I will wholeheartedly protect you to the end. Of course, each of the more than 100 women are combative, even if they are not strong at all, and his men The remaining fifty men, and some women together. This team has a total of more than fifty men and three hundred women. At first glance, it looks like a harem. Every man has the same life as a third wife and four concubines.

Since there is no one here to take care of these things, these 50 men are headed by Yan Xuesen to enjoy the happiest life here, but Yan Xuesen is a little bit unsatisfied. Feizimu, although more than half of his more than 100 women look good, Xinhuan naturally trumps old love, so Yefeizimu wears ordinary clothes after killing Wang Leishi, and Yefeizimu Pretending to pass by here, the only difference between the t zone and other zones is that there are many ordinary people in the t zone without universal watches, so these ordinary people are basically prey for strengthening people.

But Yefeitongmu is not an ordinary person. Her body was strengthened before she was sent to this island. The only way to determine whether it is to strengthen the person is that it is the most obvious except for their differences from the ordinary human body. It is a universal watch on the wrist. The watch is a strengthened person, the one without it is an ordinary person. This is the most intuitive distinction. Even if you want to pretend to be an ordinary person, there is no way to hide the watch. This watch cannot be removed without dying or chopping off your wrist.

So there is no need to pretend to be ordinary girls in Yefeitongmu, so she directly gave them the dirty clothes to look like they ran here for refuge. I didn’t expect anyone to be hooked, plus the appearance of Yefeitongmu He and his body were quickly attracted by these younger brothers, but of course, there are good things. Big Brother certainly wants to be the first one, so those people can only give it to Big Brother Yan Xuesen.

But Yan Xuesen's habits are just like ordinary bad guys, but in the face of women, he is still very good at doing things. He never forces any woman to do what they don't like, so the women who live here are all They stayed voluntarily. Of course, because these women are ordinary women and their bodies have not been strengthened, they think these men are not too bad and can protect them. Naturally, it is better than going out and being caught by others. There are also a lot of women, and they depend on each other and slowly accept these men.

Yan Xuesen never showed good looks to women, but instead gave people a very kind sense of security, and it was reasonable to speak eloquently and behave eloquently: "I think you shouldn't be an ordinary girl? Are you also being The four big families have chosen the strengthened people who participated in the experiment of the god-making plan? It seems that you have suffered a lot of crimes. To be honest, this broken plan is really not suitable for women. After all, there is a group of men who do not do evil. If you want to stay, you can stay. Next, although we are bad people, we will not do bad things to women that they do not expect. You can live here for a while, if you feel like I can be my woman, if you think my brother is longer Handsome, you can also follow them if you look good. If you are not satisfied with your life for a while, you can leave. Of course, you can leave as you wish."

Hearing this sentence, Ye Fei Tong Mu felt that although Yan Xuesen was a villain, she was indeed a gentleman for women, and it felt pretty good, but from the perspective of their current lineup, Ye Fei Tong Mu could not follow Compared with Steve Lanji's organization, and the two of them are not at the same level, although Ye Fei Tong Mu feels that this man is not bad for women, Ye Fei Tu Mu still does not intend to let him go.

So Ye Fei Tongmu nodded to Yan Xuesen and said, "Since you say so, then I will stay here, but I think there are many girls here, they will not be your slaves, right?"

Yan Xuesen smiled after listening: "Slave? Have you seen slaves who have not been hurt at all, and have chatted so casually with each other? They are not only our slaves, but also our women. This island is originally from the outside world. It is completely different, so there is no need to be bound by some external concepts. Murder is a trivial matter, not to mention polygamy? As long as you have been convinced and comfortable here, do you say yes?"

After listening to it, Yefei Tongmu replied: "You are right!"

Yan Xuesen heard that Ye Fei Tongmu agreed with his views and opinions, and also said immediately afterwards: "We have a remote terrain here, basically there are not many masters passing by here, life is still going, we will not take the initiative To go to other organizations, we just have to live in comfort, and it’s not far from us, but it’s Steve Ranji’s site. That guy is super powerful and can shock all parties, so it’s safe here, and you There is no need to do dangerous hunting, hunting and finding some fruits and water are all done by our men. You just need to take care of your daily life, and in return we will serve us well in the evening."

"It turned out to be so! I basically understand it. Since I already understand it, I also decided to be your woman, but before I was your woman, I wanted to tell you a secret. You put your ear close to me, I don’t want to let This secret is heard by others."

"As for the mystery here?" Yan Xuesen pressed her ears past helplessly, and Steve Lanji also whispered with a slight smile: "Since it is a secret, of course it is the most confidential thing, let others know It’s not a secret, so you’re getting closer, I’m going to tell you in a voice that only we can hear!”

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