Killing God Island

Chapter 1055: Tiankai Wanqi Pian 40: No need to kill you!

Yefei Tongmu later used many extreme methods to retaliate and rob the underworld members and some famous gangsters. There was a kind of self-abandonment. She also became more and more powerful in this full-day battle. The door was changed from before. Fighting with empty hands never kills people, and later uses a variety of weapons. If you give money and serve soft night concubines, you will let go of this acquaintance, but if you don’t know how to respect women and want to fight with life, Will be killed by Ye Fei Tong Mu, which is also the late Ye Fei Tong Mu was arrested in prison and was selected as a prisoner of serious crimes into the god-making plan formulated by the four big families, and she has already tempered her whole body. The muscular night concubine tube wood, once again transformed her genes to make her more powerful.

Ye Fei Tong Mu's second goal also only killed their leader, so Ye Fei Tong Mu wanted to see if the effectiveness of her training recently really worked, so she also wanted to take the last 30 people Surgery, by the way, let me go back to say how many people I killed, or be afraid of Steve when I go back to life. Lanji said that he did not ruthlessly, so Yefei Tumu decided to kill these people directly this time. Of course, in front of them, these people did indeed make Ye Fei Tong Mu feel very disgusted. In short, the first impression has made Ye Fei Tong Mu determined.

Because the scene that Ye Fei Tongmu sees is a pure society. The idle staff will have the temperament, not only each of them is not very stubborn, but more than half of the six people play poker. Betting on betting, and what are the other people doing?

They are doing the most disgusting thing that Ye Fei Tongmu hates, that is, they are playing with women. Obviously these people are also a group of garbage that is not very strong, and they dare not take the initiative to provoke genetically strengthened female fortifiers. They also caught some young women who had been airborne by ordinary people. Before Ye Fei Tong Mu had walked in here, a very noisy voice came out, following the footsteps of Ye Fei Tong Mu As the steps approached, the sound became more and more obvious. In addition to the sound of betting, betting, betting, and cheering each other, those bullied women kept crying, and even some girls had already said that they did not let go. The scumbag was tortured there, of course, all this was seen by Yefeitongmu.

Of course, with her appearance, these people also looked at the night princess tube wood, and the anger and imagination around them for a moment, just when they found out that a long-legged beauty was holding a dagger in their presence. When I was in front of me, this scene said that it really made all the men present have a shocked expression on their faces. They were not afraid, but in fact, this woman, Ye Fei Tongmu, really had nothing to fear, so they were not afraid at all. It’s just a brief moment of stunned expression for a few seconds, followed by everyone is busy again, in addition to playing poker, the strength is the strongest of the more than 30 people, Sike asked a little: "This lady , You have a knife in your hand, why do you want us here?"

After listening to it, Yefei Tongmu also asked directly and replied: "You asked me what I want to do? Then I will tell you well, I am here to kill you, so as a courtesy, I will now give you a chance to choose one The representative said a few last words. If I can do it, I will do it for you!"

As soon as Ye Fei Tongmu made this remark, these people who had just continued to prepare for their own affairs suddenly became silent for a moment, and everyone laughed instantly, and they were not in this t zone for a day or two, although they were fighting The site is not big, how can it be these few kilometers of ground snakes, they have usually seen a lot of bluff women, but so far have not met the real ability, of course, those women who were caught by them also become them The slave was treated like a domestic animal, which made Ye Fei Tongmu's anger against them at a glance aggravate again.

Before waiting for Ye Fei Tong Mu to say love or make other moves, the biggest leader of the 30-something, Sike, suddenly returned to Ye Fei Tong Mu and said, "Do you want to ask your last words? I’m telling you, I’m going to sleep today. Are you sorry for this regret?"

Ye Fei Tong Mu smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth and said, "No problem! If you die, if your soul does not scare hell, then the old lady will accompany you!" Ye Fei Tong Mu finished speaking directly, and was not directly with these people. Nonsense, just go straight up and you will directly hit the man who has not responded, the man who is whipping the woman directly and stabbed several times from the back. When she pulled the knife out again, the man was already lying on the woman and died By the way, although these people are also strengthened people, but their strengthening level is only about three times stronger than ordinary human strength and strength, plus the body's injury repair ability is better than ordinary people, such people as long as the body is important Injuries of organs cannot be completely cured, and the man was stabbed several times by Ye Feitongmu behind his back.

The man lying on top of this humiliated woman is dead. In addition to the screaming of the woman under him, the rest of the people also glared glaringly at the night concubine.

Because they didn’t expect this woman to be so courageous, after all, she was alone, and there were so many men around, so these talents were not taken seriously just now, but now their brother has died, and everyone is all alert for a while. Got up.

"You mother, dare to kill my brother?" Saike said this directly. Of course, when Saike said this, he signaled the people around him not to take action, because he would personally take revenge on the dead brother. After all, Saike was the leader of a small street on the street before he entered the island. For such a brother to be beaten or killed, he, the boss, must avenge him personally, which said to him that this is a rule, and only then can he To more firmly consolidate his position here, after all, his former men are mostly small gangsters who fought all day long, and here, when his younger brothers are all killed or all of them seem to be gangster friends , So Seike must do things according to the rules. Although the woman looks good, she has set the rules that anyone who kills my brother will avenge him by killing him, so Seike is going to commit suicide now. In front of this woman.

But in front of Syke, this woman is not simple, but this woman has officially joined Steve. Under the leadership of Lan Ji, a powerful general, is he an opponent who really wants to be able to beat the breeze? ? In fact, Seck had volunteered for Steve Ranji’s organization two years ago, but Steve Ranji did not accept him, and Steve Ranji also said that he didn’t even deserve his own brother. Being my right and left hand is really overwhelming, so he only scrambled for a bit of land around the area and received a lot of people who wanted to join the Steve Lanji organization, but he didn't take in the weak.

Therefore, the essence of Seike and Yefeitongmu is that she was taken by Steve Lanji from the beginning. Of course, this fancy does not refer to her figure and beauty, but to his Strength, although Ye Fei Tongmu has fallen in love with Steve Lanji through these months of contact, but he seems to be not interested in women, and the overall temperament of the entire world is as if he has seen through everything, and his hands There are a lot of terrible masters with great strength, but he can completely withstand them. This is also the point that Yefei Tumu admires and likes him.

In fact, this is Steve Ranji’s emperor. Majesty Steve Ranji is also a person with a domineering temperament. This kind of person is actually rare. Some people are congenitally awakened and some are imitations. People will give people a very overbearing deterrent, that is, they will treat him as their boss or leader without end in front of him.

Ye Fei Tong Mu is actually like this in front of him. When they eat and work with other men outside the island, they will treat Ye Fei Tong Mu as a goddess, except for her love for her, but also because of her It is better to have a strong and extreme personality. She is the center of everything. Basically, the people she meets are mainly her, but just such a woman, in front of Steve Lanji, is subdued by his powerful king. .

Of course, during the few steps that Syke walked towards Steve Lanji, the two looked directly at each other, and Syke's heart felt a little bit stressed, because the woman's eyes were so murderous, knowing us There are so many people, and they are all men. They dared to kill with a dagger and threatened to kill us all. Where is this woman? Was it sent by an organization, or did she pass by herself and wanted to deter others with a murderous way and wanted to defeat me to fight for the ownership of this site? If this is the case, I will not tolerate her. Although it looks good, I can only say a pity, because the rights on this island are greater than the value of women!

Of course, this is Syke’s inner thought, but Syke’s idea is correct. It is true that women’s value here is not as good as their status. Whoever has a large territory and who is in charge of it, whoever has more powerful forces will be rich and powerful Like a woman, as long as the site you expand is large enough, you are not afraid of no woman passing your site. If the entire site belongs to this person, then it means that the entire site, whether it is your men or the woman who came to your jurisdiction , Can be called your things, this is the unwritten rule on the island but it is the facts.

However, Saike felt a chilling and unpredictable feeling from the woman's eyes, so before he shot the woman in front of him, he asked again: "I want to know why we met for the first time, you said you would kill us , Who sent you?"

Saike just said this, before he closed his mouth, Ye Fei Tong Mu suddenly seized the opportunity to speak directly with him. Although Ye Fei Tong Mu's fingers were fine, he pinched his neck slightly. With a strong effort, Syke was immediately strangled with a flushed face, and he began to struggle. Almost in five seconds, Yefei Tongmu directly pinched Syke's neck, but he also answered him in five seconds. The question between them: "Your guess is correct! I was ordered to kill you. You must really want to know this person? Then tell you before you die, look at my mouth shape, he 'S name is..."

Yefeitongmu originally thought that Seike could hold for five seconds, but the result was pinched to death within five seconds, but Yefeitongmu was a very delicate person, although Sike was suffocated by himself without holding on for five seconds. Yes, but Yefei Tongmu was still afraid of this kid's fraud, so he put on another force after his death, and then let go after a click from the neck of Saike.

The blood vessels and bones in Seck’s neck that had fallen to the ground had been deformed and dislocated. The night concubine was not worried at all, but the remaining twenty people began to worry about themselves, one by one. From now on I was completely panicked.

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