Killing God Island

Chapter 1140: Tiankai Wanqi Chapter 107: One Generation Zhao, Two Generation Chen, Three Generation

Xu Shun strode forward and ran at full speed, but still one step later than Silumero, she was the first to directly hit the opponent's fist with the body's catapult, it can be said that her body was rigidly installed here But she didn’t prepare to fly out like someone else’s fist, but after the body flesh was punched in, the whole flesh was indented in the process. As soon as the flesh tightened, the fist punched directly at the person in front of him was wrapped up. He now wanted to retract the fist punched out and could not shrink it back.

So this kid suddenly panicked. What kind of tricks and tricks did I use to hit her so softly that she didn’t hit her with a bit of strength? Was there too much meat on her abdomen? And his punch was originally intended to hit Xu Shun, who was running towards him. I didn’t expect this short and fat woman to jump like a superman and jumped out of it, and it was much faster than Xu Shun, so This punch that originally hit Xu Shun now hits Xi Lumei.

Originally, he had some tricks to fight Xu Xu. Even if Xu Shun was defending or fists and fists were fighting, at least he could fight with his own ability, but this suddenly appeared as a chunky woman. Not only did it not have any effect, but the fist was wrapped in the most meat on her abdomen, and in the moment he wanted to draw his right fist, Xi Lumei's punch was directly hit in the face. Go up, then she fell on the ground as soon as she loosened her abdomen.

At the same time, another person also kicked directly at Xi Lumei during the period when she punched another person. These people are masters. The battle between masters is to decide life and death in an instant with quick accuracy. Of course, the surrounding scenes are so confusing now, basically there is no idea of ​​wanting to capture life. Basically, the melee between the two parties here is when one party kills the other.

However, in the present form, although most of these people can't compete with Chen Tian's opponents, there is also a small amount of strength that is good, but unfortunately the actual combat ability and cooperation are not very tacit. The tremendous momentum of hundreds of people has now disappeared. Except for a few people with a level of less than 100 who are still alive, most people have been solved by the gang of women with Ye Minyu as the chief leader. A man is responsible for suppressing these real masters to move forward. After dealing with these obstacles, the three powerful women of the women’s team Ye have come to help, but they are also fighting with the sweat function. In the middle, Ye Minyu discovered the very serious drawback of insufficient willow combat ability.

There are many people whose own capabilities are not weak, but they die in the hands of people who are weaker than themselves. Such masters with very high qualification levels sometimes fail to fully exert their full strength and can dig themselves. The limit of ability and strength, the only person who constantly improves himself is currently Chen Tian. Mainly, he is constantly understanding his own egoistic physique, constantly evolving and strengthening, and awakening and comprehending himself on the road to becoming stronger. A variety of moves in many exclusive abilities.

But the willow physique of the three generations of the god-destroying physique is not a transformation of her original possession, but her own engulfing power to mutate the monsters with the Chen Tian gene to generate three generations of the god-destroying physique, which is almost the same as Chen Tian and Ms. Zhao. With a similar physique, there is no doubt that her potential is very huge. With this amazing arm strength and god-like physique, Willow should not be able to beat even an EG Charlotte. In the end, it needs a bone girl to solve it. All of this Ye Minyu naturally sees in her eyes, she will observe the strength growth of everyone in the team, it will be more convenient for his future layout.

Originally, the strength of each woman in the women’s team was very strong, so as the captain of the entire women’s team, Ye Minyu still very much recognized the willow’s initial battle, but Kennedy needed to be compared with a person with real strength to compare. The gap, this time Yangliu was injured and even nearly fatal by Aeg. Charlotte, which made Ye Minyu look at her eyes, no doubt Yangliu has fallen in her inner fighting level for several grades, it can be said that she is capable of not using types Although the woman in combat can also see that there are two players, the real master does not mean how much he was trained before entering the island. If the strength can really be improved through continuous training, I am afraid that the four major families will not The whole island is used as a genetic experiment base for the God-making project.

Before entering the island, Yao Jun was the commander of the special forces, and Wu Yifan was a famous Chinese killer who was very famous in the UK. The strength of these two people can easily fight 10 American soldiers before entering the island. The strong, but the strength is related to the physical evolution and the awakening of their own combat power. Therefore, although these two people are very interested outside the island, as they continue to deepen into different areas of the island, it is clear that their own Gene evolution has also been unable to fight the true master level of zone t because it has slowly changed. Even if you have undergone various combat training, it is useless. The power gap is too great. Even if the technology is very light, there is no way to forcefully change the battle situation. A dying special soldier who fights against a person who is full of energy and has weapons. Even if you have all kinds of ways to kill him, but in the face of his absolute physical strength and weapons, it is still a dead end. This analogy can be This shows that this place is an island that must be constantly strengthened and evolved in order to survive. Of course, the strongman created on this island is not really strong outside the island, and it is certainly not weak outside the island. It must be weak, Xu Shun is a good example. His strength can be called **** five power before entering the island, and his physical fitness is not good, but after being rescued by Chen Tian and Angelina, it has changed since then. In view of his destiny, before Xu Shun's strength, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan had already dumped hundreds of streets.

Of course, if Xu Shunguang relied on the enhanced genetic battle gradually awakened by training in the later period, he might have died a hundred times earlier. Of course, apart from the toughened bones transplanted by his girlfriend, the reason why Xu Shun has become so beneficial now is mainly because of him. With his own natural fighting consciousness, coupled with the later training, Xu transients only Chen Tian’s team's No. 3 combat power. Of course, if Ye Minyu forcibly compares the strength of Yangliu with Xu instant, Xu instant now has She may be killed in a few minutes, which is still her own super repair ability, but Yangliu, as the owner of the third generation of God's physique, is different from the first generation of Ms. Zhao and the second generation of Chen Tian. It is impossible to make a super strong undead life body that can still survive when the head and heart are damaged, so Yangliu’s physique can only be repaired quickly in Chengdu, and it cannot be compared with Chen Tian’s true. Ye Minyu is in Yangliu When fighting, I guessed that I avoided my chest and head.

After solving these people around, Ye Minyu did not continue to challenge the masters like the three women and Angelina of the women’s team, but stood in front of the seriously injured A Ruiqi. A Rui Qi did not expect Ye Minyu to be the key He could come to rescue him at all times. It seems that this person who had treated himself as a slave before also seemed to have a good side. Now, besides standing in front of A Ruiqi and intending to protect him personally, Ye Minyu is also good before the real war. Look at how strong each of them in the team is now, so Ye Minyu is now constantly observing the fighting situation of all of them. It is certain that everyone is now in the upper hand, so Ye Minyu is not. It must be involved in the past.

Due to the help of the fat girl, Xu Shun looked at the situation where the two were head-to-head with the other two. The other two were suppressed by the two of them. Ling Zifeng, who was not far away, was also caused by the help of the bone sister. In order to change, the original Ling Zifeng also used one person to deal with the three masters who were not weak at all. The three masters were slightly weak. Although several consecutive attacks attempted to kill one, the results were all failed, but the three also besieged Ling Zifeng at the same time. He couldn’t kill him either, but after being sieved several times by Ling, he suffered several physical injuries that reduced his strength. However, when he felt that he might be in trouble because of the injury, the bones of the women’s team The sister came with a double knife to help, and the advantage of these three people was broken immediately.

So Ling Zifeng should have no problem at all, so Ye Minyu looked at the battle in the forefront, and the battle over there was Chen Tian’s battle. The commander of hundreds of people this time, Diono’s strength was divided. To the same level as Chen Tian, ​​but the difference between the two's strength is really big, Diorno is not Chen Tian's opponent at all, and Chen Tian's strength after the second awakening is also a big change compared to before.

In less than two minutes after he fought with a master like Diorno, Diorno could not withstand it. Even Diorno did not expect that the thin and ugly one-eyed dragon had such terrifying power. At the beginning, he Don’t take Chen Tiantai into consideration, thinking that this guy just rushed over to die first, from the appearance and the real boss will never rush to the front without scruples as an example, Diorno did not take Chen Tian at all I think that it is the core character of this group of people, and he is only regarded as a small role that can be played, so he will personally prepare to solve Chen Tian first, and then in the past, Xu Xu, who is behind Chen Tian, ​​will solve it, and then slowly Slowly kill all these people in front of you.

Obviously Diorno overestimated his strength. He was at the beginning of the battle with Chen Tian. Although Chen Tian was also trying to kill him with a very strong close combat, the general reinforcements could not resist Chen Tian. In this state and combat strength, Chen Tian began to be more serious when he found out that the person in front of him was not bad. After Chen Tian was a little more serious, Diorno could not withstand it, and even if Diorno would open the sky. State, with Chen Tian's melee speed so fast, it is impossible to give him a chance to open the sky.

So when Chen Tian really tried his best and turned on the red child state, and was ready to play a real game with Diorno, he found that this guy did not fight at all, so Chen Tian was going to kill him directly and help the rest clean up the surroundings. People, but what Chen Tian did not expect is that although Diono is the leader of these people, he is not the strongest of these people. This four-party alliance is composed of four forces, so in the four groups There are also a lot of small gangs and small forces, and the reason why Diorno can be the cadre in charge of these more than 300 people, of course, in some respects, he must be superior, although his own strength is not weak, but There is so much difference with Chen Tian that he chose to single out with Chen Tian, ​​which is tantamount to finding death, but thanks to the fact that he has four people who are stubborn to him, and the strength of these four plus his total of five, these five The joint really controlled Chen Tian temporarily.

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