Killing God Island

Chapter 1174: Tian Jie Wan Qi Pian 141 Chen Tian Actually, very much appreciate the brother and sis

Ye Minyu did not know why the other party would take the unusual route to enter the array. After all, Ye Minyu believed that there was no risk at all, but it was more risky for them.

Although Ye Minyu thought so, he always felt uneasy. A kind of uneasy anxiety rushed into his heart for a while. This kind of anxiety was still invulnerable after his mind analyzed again. They should not be a routine to enter the array.

This is Ye Minyu’s final conclusion for them, but in fact she made a mistake this time. Even a person with an IQ like Ye Minyu will make mistakes. After all, people are not human beings. Although she has a very low chance of making mistakes There will also be a time of miscalculation, and this time Ye Minyu is miscalculated in knowledge and cognitive points. In this respect, Ye Minyu will basically not lose to anyone. Unfortunately, Ye Minyu’s magical magic door is self-learning and understanding. Those who have truly learned the magic of metaphysics have the same knowledge, but many of the books do not have clear details Ye Minyu will not.

That’s why it made mistakes. Ye Minyu didn’t expect there to be an obscure array setting in this direction. It is very important in the entire array. It is a neglected link that carries the operation of the entire array. This thing is called the dragon vein. One can imagine how important it is.

However, Ye Minyu never knew that this array could be cracked from this position, and that the crack was not a small array or a local array. This time the crack was more comprehensive and quite thorough.

In addition to the small formations that have been contiguous all the way, this cracked formation has broken the eight gates in the Qimen Dunjia. From the appearance of the Health Gate, it can be seen that Ye Minyu spent a lot of effort to set up a strange gate The Dunjia Bafang Great Array has been broken. Although the formation has not completely disappeared, it has survived.

So Ye Minyu’s hands, like the gossip charts that commanded the entire formation, slid directly to the ground and sighed: "It’s over! Everything is over now, I didn’t even think about it, I didn’t expect the formation I set up to be. There is such a big loophole, and even this loophole is not even known to me. It seems that someone on the opposite side is taller than me!" Ye Minyu sneered to himself, and Chen Tian suddenly appeared and shot After shooting Ye Minyu's shoulder, he said, "Broken, it's broken, even if they have a lot of people, the big deal is with them. Don't forget that our current team is very strong, we won't necessarily lose if we fight, anyway, no matter how we I will advance and retreat with you, and I will be there, as long as I am not dead, I will always be at the forefront, so don’t worry too much, relax your mood, I know this formation has hurt you a lot. , I’ll take care of everything next!"

Chen Tian’s words are very atmospheric, but Chen Tian said this is not to brag about himself or comfort him, but to face the elite team of thousands of people, he really intends to go alone, Chen Tian has always been Speaking of doing it, even if he can’t do it, Chen Tian, ​​who is ready to fight hard, didn’t expect Xu Shun to fight with him to the end. Xu Shun said that according to Xu Shun, I have lost this world I want to have Of all the things now, the only thing left is that you give me the courage to become a strong man, so please let me fight you to the end!

Chen Tiangang nodded to Xu Xu's request, and Ye Minyu suddenly said with a serious expression: "Do you think this war is your two personal affair? This is everyone's business. Now that this group is dying in name, then take this The formation has not yet completely destroyed the terrain advantage, we have a deadly battle with them, the characteristic of this formation is that I will not die, this formation will generally not jump, also I will not completely break the broken stone, even if they break this formation, find life None of them could go out the door.

Ye Minyu’s strong self-confidence comes from the fact that he has left behind for him. He opened another door in the position of the birth door, that is, the dead door seems to have no door. When the formation is broken into a body, the dead door will be in Southwest appeared, and this direction is exactly the plan that I had made with the brothers and sisters of Zhuo, and the two brothers and sisters of Zhuo can see from the words and deeds that the two are not simple, although the handsome brothers have some sisters who are cruel. I love coquetry, but in general, this pair of brothers and sisters still have a terrible mind and strength, and with the previous life and death in the first few areas, if they can help at the most critical moment, An is naturally It’s best, but even if they don’t show up, Chen Tian’s words completely inspired the team’s mentality.

In fact, whether it is Chen Tian’s team owner or the two alliance teams that temporarily joined forces with Chen Tian’s team, of course, they also agreed that fighting with one is only because they have too many hands and they are now heading straight to where they are, after all. All formations have ceased to function, and they can now enter the most central area of ​​Qimen Dunjia completely in a long drive, of course, because in the Quartet Alliance, Aura Kuzt understands the overall structure of the Qimen Dunjia center.

So Chen Tian, ​​of which position they will be in, is of course very clear. The distance between them and Chen Tian’s gang is only about ten minutes. If they run at full speed, it will be about five minutes, so the time is already Chen Tian can’t be given to discuss what battle plan they want. The current battle plan is to fight as you please. You can kill as many people as you want. The premise is that if you can live, please fight as you please. The core of the second battle, of course, many terrain advantages in this battle can take a lot of strategies, but these vehicles seem to be unusable for a while and a half, but currently the first three combat forces of Chen Tian’s group are the core of the main combat power, and Assisting the rear of the three of them is the three super strong women in the women's team. The rest of the people use the terrain advantage to fight is more effective.

This time Chen Tian said in a one-minute speech that this time he did not act against the strongest, because these people are too many, I will use my full strength to drag down most of the strong, you wait for the opportunity to try to kill some strength. The master I dragged down, and introduced a part of Ye Minyu and Angelina to fight in their favourable terrain. Only in this way can the enemy be reduced to half as much as possible, if I was still alive at that time, and still have the strength to help you, I'm here to help you. "

Chen Tian has this kind of consciousness. Ye Minyu is very satisfied, so Ye Minyu did not refute. After all, except Chen Tian can bear such a heavy burden, basically no one except Chen Tian has such a powerful repair and regeneration ability, the most important thing is that the group attack ability is also quite Strong, but this step is still a dangerous move, because the gap between their numbers is indeed too wide, and there are many masters in strength, so Chen Tian is preparing to sacrifice himself in exchange for everyone's life.

Although Chen Tian has always left the island as his ultimate goal, of course, I also want to see the scene and family outside the island, especially to see if my sister is recovering. Although there are many unwillingness in my heart, Chen Tian is A person who knows how to take responsibility and think about the big picture at times, sometimes wants to sacrifice himself for achieving other wishes, is not how great Chen Tian is, but that he knows that everyone is together for one goal, of course, how vigorously out How vigorous, the destiny of man is destined, this is what Chen Tian likes to say to comfort himself. Of course he is not really a selfless person. He is willing to protect them with his life, just because Chen Tian is really out of the island because he looks ugly. There is no friend. After meeting these people on this island, he feels very good, and feels that he has finally found a friend, so he will do this, the main reason is that he is very cherished The precious things in his heart may be regretted by his sister. Although he couldn’t blame him for that, he really blamed all his responsibilities on his sister’s scene when he was hit by a car. On the head, it also indirectly sets a rule in the heart, that is, the people they cherish, they must be protected no matter whether these people they protect are good or bad in the eyes of the outside world, as long as I think I should It is just right to do so.

Chen Tian is not the kind of person who cares about the past of others. His friends are looking at the nature of the person and the personality of the person. For example, Zhuo Yanxuan, the brother of Zhuo’s brother and sister, he and Chen Tian met each other for the first time. Fighting against each other through real fighting between men makes each other feel that each other is very manly and masculine. The first time they meet, there is a feeling of heroes and heroes. The second time they helped each other and stood in the same camp, but later met again He fought each other in a hostile relationship in different camps. Despite this, the two are still willing to give each other some face. Chen Tian likes this kind of atmospheric tough guy and cool person. Of course, some people want to play on the surface. Chen Tian’s, Chen Tian naturally also distinguishes between this kind of people is a mutually beneficial relationship, and naturally will not have deep friendship with him, but some people really appreciate Chen Tian’s words and deeds, among which Zhuo Yanxuan and his sister Zhuo Wenxin, this Chen Tian was very appreciative of his brothers and sisters. To be precise, Chen Tian also wanted them to join them, but it was a pity that they were rejected. However, if the character of this pair of brothers and sisters, ordinary people might not actively want to make deep friendships and invite this The two joined, but Chen Tian was different. Chen Tian likes talented and personalized people to join, and does not think too much.

The main reason why most people dare not invite this pair of siblings is not because they have no strength, but because they are too strong and too savvy. If they want to join an organization, they will make the leader worry about his own. Will the status be shaken by this?

The second reason is also because of the character of the brother and sister, both of them have an arrogant and no one can control his character. Of course, in addition, Zhuo Yanxuan is insidious and cunning and eats the yin of the skull head. The ruthless calculation and killing are like entertainment of Zhuo Wenxin, which leads many people to know that this is a rare talent for siblings, but generally only cooperate with them and will not actively invite them to join, so that they can avoid them. Exaggerating the risk of their own power in the organization, of course, it is not difficult for these brothers and sisters to find out that they also came in as criminals when they probe their information, but there is also a size between sin and sin, and the two brothers and sisters are in The offenses outside the island are terrible.

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