Killing God Island

Chapter 1199: Heaven Tribulation Wan Kai Chapter 166

Although Chen Tian’s evolution is fast, Chen Tian’s core strength is not growing fast. Even though most of the reinforcements can’t compete with him, but compared with Ms. Zhao’s record and evolution, Although Chen Tian’s evolution is fast but there are too many useless tricks, behind the gorgeousness are some weak ones, which are basically the same as the fake few for the strong. Unlike Ms. Zhao’s back then, there are not many tricks but fatal, no gorgeous. Shocked skills, but no one can set a move in front of her. Later, it is considered by the world's masters. No one who can't reach the top ten in the world's recognized level may be able to withstand his three moves in front of her.

Of course, Ms. Zhao focuses on training Chen Tian for him to let Ling Zifeng enter the island to help Chen Tian, ​​but also to let Chen Tian’s body evolve quickly. It is best to evolve to her level. Ms. Zhao can use him to experiment again, and this In fact, Ms. Zhao has already completed the research and development three years ago. To be precise, this is the experiment that Ms. Zhao did for herself. In order to retain the original ability, she has become like a normal strengthener and has a strong resistance. Aging and longevity.

The fortified people are quite long-lived, if they can live for hundreds of years without being killed, and they are aging very slowly, there have been similar experiments at present, so they will be allowed to secretly develop this island by world leaders. It has been supported by various countries, but because of the process of changing from an ordinary person to a strengthened person, genetic modification is required, but the current research and development experiments cannot avoid the transformation of 100% success in this process, that is to say, from ordinary to When a person transforms into a strengthened person, there is a majority of the chance of failure. The success rate is only 40%, and evolutionary failure means death. Therefore, the death penalty that has been clearly proven that the person has died is always followed. The reason for committing live experiments on this island is that it cannot be disclosed to the world, so there is naturally no justice, justice and order in the world. There is only strength and weakness, and everyone How to survive on this island can become stronger, of course, the best of the strong naturally set up their own organizations and converge on their respective sites.

So the island is not disorderly. There is one rule and two orders here. The so-called first rule is that the strong here is always the strong, and the rulers are not necessarily all like the current state. , As well as high political leadership, but they must all be strong with strong strength. After all, only the strong here adopt more ruling power. After all, everyone’s starting point here is to continue to survive on this island. , And the conditions to continue to survive on this island is nothing more than your own strength, or you rely on others to protect you, so each area on this island will gather large and small groups, and the other two This kind of order is that the first kind of person who always obey, as long as you take orders for you to do things like this, the general strong will not kill, after all, the more people here can create their own kingdom, and the second kind will not change For their slaves, most of these people are women who are very weak and can't keep getting stronger. Of course, that person can't live without a woman. Naturally, this type of person naturally stocks under this condition.

The Chen Tian group is a group of powerful people with high consciousness who have the strength to dominate here, but do not want to dominate here but want to challenge higher areas and advance to the strongest area A. When they meet someone stronger than themselves, they will never choose to be slaves, nor will they choose to be their men, so these talents will be excluded by most people here, but here is a survival battlefield where strength speaks, Chen Tian and his group It belongs to a group of people who have been followed by the four big families among the many fortified people.

As if it was the plot in some TV series and movies, Chen Tian's group has slowly been moving towards the protagonist position, and the attention has been slowly paid attention to by more people in the hottest underground casinos of the four major families. Get more capital benefits for the four big families. After all, the people here are betting on the lives of these people on the island, but these people are also worried about the strongest trio of Chen Tian’s group. After all, they are now killed from a distance. The scenes on the cameras on the God Island made these people's nerves tense. Although they are far away from them, the situation is very dangerous at this time. Of course, everything that happens on the island, except for many cameras on the island, is in micro positioning and air. Hidden helicopters for non-stop reconnaissance photography will take over the sky to record the major events that are happening on the island, and cooperate with the remaining hidden multi-angle cameras on the island to give the images transmitted by the four family underground casinos, which is not only clear but also multi-angle For everyone to watch, everyone can choose someone they like to watch from different perspectives. Of course, among the upper-level members of the four big family central areas, the people they are currently following are the most powerful Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng among the Chen Tian gang. The angles and ideas are definitely mortal. After all, they have been surrounded by so many people. Even if they have three heads and six arms, they can’t escape. After all, the strength of these people is not weak. Surrounded the original three people one by one and launched a full-scale attack on the three of them.

Among these three, Ling Zifeng is still relatively better. After all, Ling Zifeng is now heads-up against the senior cadre Tim. Because of his strong self-confidence, he has surrounded everyone and not let them get started. The short-term increase in strength, actually wanted to kill Ling Zifeng, so Ling Zifeng is now dealing with only one. Of course, although he is fighting with one person, he is still surrounded by many people. He can only single out with Tim in this range. Leaving here will still have to go through these talent lines like Chen Tian and Xu Shun, and although not all of them are cadres, they are at least some of the well-known strengthened people in some organizations, but these are four The number of the Quartet Alliance formed by the T District Large Organization Alliance is far more than a few thousand. Of course, after the large world in the Qimen Dunjia arranged by Ye Minyu, it is natural to survive, but The more than three hundred people who were just killed by Chen Tian and other three people can’t say that their strength is not good. They can only be said to be Chen Tian and Xu Shun. Ling Feng’s strength is really strong without physical exertion. The cadre members and the four bosses in the Quartet Alliance did not have all of them, so they would let Chen Tian and three others kill more than three hundred people in a short period of time, but now they are thinking of killing as much as they just like. The advantages are not easy.

In addition to three physical problems, the leading cadres in these organizations are not vegetarian. In addition to their own strength, their leadership skills and these people will not be killed in the same way as just now. The most important thing is... .

It was just that Chen Tian opened the blood river’s large-scale lethality function, and Ling Zifeng’s call to huge insects was not caused by Chen Tian and Ling Zifeng fighting each other. After all, all masters wanted to easily use melee mode. In just five minutes, killing more than 300 people is indeed impossible, but Chen Tian’s blood river and Ling Zifeng’s huge insects barely managed to achieve the maximum damage limit, which is to kill more than 300 people in five minutes. Their deaths and injuries began to decrease in Chengdu, and even ten minutes now it may not be able to kill ten people. Although Xu Shan’s damage to the tailbone blade is also quite amazing, the distance of only two meters is indeed a huge limitation on Chengdu. The range of Xu Shun’s killing is beyond the scope of Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng. It is not a matter of personal combat power to compare the number of killing enemies. Xu Shun’s killing is obviously the least of the three, but he is also short. Killed at least more than forty weak reinforcements in just five minutes. Of course, Xu Shun's even more dazzling record is to fight against six senior leaders of the Quartet Alliance with his own strength with one person's intelligence, and successfully killed in the end It was because of this unexpected counter-attack that Xu Xun was also followed by four major families and more people. After being unanimously identified by multiple strength appraisers, Xu Xun was listed as the current son It is known as one of the 13 most promising people, and these 13 people can also be found by all fortified people through the left wrist watch, and these 13 people are blocked by the four big families as the killing island ten. Three Taibao.

Next, three of the four families were named as the 13th Taibao. Three of them were members of the Chen Tian team. They were Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ye Minyu. Of course, the main reason for Ye Minyu’s being named the 13th Taibao was hers. The IQ is not every time when the fighting power suddenly appears. At this time, Ye Minyu has not been named as the 13 Taibao by the four major families. She was banned after this incident, but this incident was also due to his rapid development of wisdom. The reason why Santaibao has a place.

But at this time, Ye Minyu also started to worry about Chen Tian and the other two. After all, he and Chen Tian Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng who joined later have also been together for a while. Let’s not talk about how deep the friendship is. At least this team does not have them. The strength of the three futures will drop by more than half. No one will force her to implement it with her layout. Ye Minyu certainly knows that this team can't achieve how strong and powerful without them three. I don’t want to die, so whether it’s out of friendly concern for Chen Tian and others, or for the benefit of the whole team next, Ye Minyu doesn’t want to lose these three people, but in this situation where the other party is absolutely strong, even if the wisdom is even higher I can’t do anything. At least for now, even if Ye Minyu came up with a hundred countermeasures, the best way is to fight back in this form here. Apart from worrying, he can only pray to the three of Chen Tian, ​​after all, even if they It is totally useless to save Chen Tian and the three of them in the past. Not only can he not change anything, but he may die as much as possible.

Therefore, Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng can only ask for happiness, but they have not died after five minutes from the siege to the present. This really allows the distance to be seen from a distance. The big brothers of the Quartet League are very unhappy. From their solemn expressions, they are already very dissatisfied with their many men. So many people can't kill three people? Although the strength of these three people is very good, none of the following people have any strength, and so many people can't easily solve it by playing three people. In their view, this has seriously lost their faces.

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