Killing God Island

Chapter 1226: Tiankai Wanqi Chapter 193 Ling Zifeng's Exclusive Weapon

Of course, Ling Zifeng said that at some level, he would only follow the correct instructions given by Chen Tian. Xi Lumei, who is very similar to Ling Zifeng's character, is actually like Ling Zifeng, even if I formed an alliance with your team.

Even if Xi Lumei listened to the assignment of Ye Minyu in the team of Chen Tian, ​​but when it was really related to my own life and death crisis, he still had the right not to execute the previous orders. After all, she thought that she wanted him to be a cannon fodder. Under the premise, Xi Lumei will certainly not let Chen Tian just give the order.

After all, the only person Xilumei really obeyed, except for the temporary captain Shiliu who made her obey all arrangements, only Shiri was the one who really let Xilumei submit and was completely subdued by her strength.

So it’s normal for him not to obey Chen Tian’s arbitrary orders, and he doesn’t worry about the life and death of the three women. After all, she has little contact with Angelina and basically can’t even count her friends. , So Angelina’s life and death were irrelevant to her, and the other two, Willow and Gumei, who fell with Angelina at the same time.

In her eyes, she was a thorn in her eyes. After all, their existence greatly covered her original light. Before the two of them joined, Shirley focused on cultivating Xilu sister, but now they are different. It is Xi Lumei who is not afraid to provoke her easily. Although her strength should be above the strength of Gumei, the strength of this woman, Gumei, is not such a person who can be sure of the true strength according to the detection ability.

All underestimates the strengthened person of this woman, Gu Mei, and some people were almost killed by Xi Lumei. At that time, Xi Lumei was reduced by her own eyes. Originally, she thought that this woman, Gu Mei, would die, but she did not When the thought happened, the sister thought that the dead person was that person. Since then, Xi Lumei has not dared to be too guilty of the bone sister, this woman, so Shirley is a woman who emphasizes bone sister, Xi Lumei is not Count too scheme.

The main reason is that Shirley valued a willow that was completely inferior to herself and Gu Mei. This woman's Su Ri case is indeed a potential stock in terms of physical evolution and physique, but in terms of strength, it really has a big gap with the two. However, except for the figure and the whole body are more correct than Xilumei and Gumei, the rest of Xilumei did not agree with her, so this time, after Yangliu and Gumei all fell down, Xilumei not only worried but also secretly felt secret in.

Therefore, no matter what the point is, Xi Lumei cannot take the initiative to rescue at this time. Whether they can survive depends on their respective strengths. This is of course Xi Lumei's own inner thought, of course Shirley It has always been that no matter how severe the environment is, you must always keep your best state to fight back, and the real master will quickly adapt to various environmental deficiencies and use this environment to solve any problems.

Of course, this is a way that Shirley has been teaching them to become stronger, and now Xi Lumei is also following Chen Tian and others to join the battle. Of course, Xi Lumei joined the battle completely so that she can leave here alive. After all, if Chen Tian is all dead, so many people besieging herself, her own chance of survival will be greatly reduced, so in this case, they must maintain temporary cooperation with Chen Tian.

In this way, first keep her own physical consumption at a minimum, and then escape from here on the right time, and Xi Lumei also knows that Shirley is definitely secretly observing the battle of several people at this time. Shirley also told them before, let them The three took this very rare life-and-death dilemma to improve their fighting level. Even those who survived proved the most potential of the people she was choosing.

Therefore, the three women of the women's team also have their own ideas. Although they all know that the odds are not great, the three of them really want to prove their worth in front of Shirley all the time. Now that Shirley has said this In fact, the three of them have been competing with each other, and this time also used this actual combat as a good opportunity, so before the three of them have shot, they have already thought of each other and formulated a series of A plan for being able to survive and kill more people.

It is also because he has his own emergency plan, so Xi Lumei just didn’t listen to Chen Tian’s order. Although he has been together for more than a month, he can see that Chen Tian is very good at speaking to the whole team. The weighty person may be the second in the team from the perspective of Xi Lumei's observation, so it is necessary to give up his original plan for an ugly one-eyed ugly man.

Her plan is to take Chen Tian and the three of them assault in front, and follow them when they are completely unable to use the three of them as cannon fodder to create a more concise escape method for herself. After all, this place belongs to one Similar to the terrain of the canyon, if Ye Minyu had chosen the location to be in a wide jungle, the situation would be even worse now. After all, she can definitely create an escape opportunity through the cliffs. Lumei is not just a strengthened person who understands the ability to grow bigger and smaller.

After experiencing more life and death, you will naturally control a variety of skills, because you have one more survival skill than others, and the person who died may be the other person instead of you. Xi Lumei is the one who survived from many times of life and death. Women, so in the face of such a strong lineup, they will be so calm and do not make any extra moves, very calmly follow behind Chen Tian's murder, and hold a wooden stick to quickly run forward at full speed.

Don’t look at Xilumei as a chubby woman in the eyes of most people. It looks like a chubby girl. It feels like a type that is stupid and will not move quickly. Although this figure does not Not all the types that men like, but her fighting ability is not weak at all, and she also has considerable explosive damage. This so-called explosive damage is not really an explosion. If the bone knife’s double-slashing scene is very **** The battle mode of Xi Lumei can only be said to be seemingly elegant and funny, but in fact it is powerful, especially her jump uses the weight of the body’s fat to push down, even if this trick is a strengthened person who has evolved many times. Body bones can't stand it at all.

Before, there were a lot of fortified people who died from being crushed to death by Xi Lumei, but this time the situation was slightly different. After all, her opponents were all opponents who turned on the Sky Tribulation status. Of course, Xi Lumei also knows that it is to maximize her own genetic properties to the extent that the person can play, or even completely change the form of human beings to achieve the form that can exert the greatest combat power. Most of this form is all power. The speed and the best form of various genes, so these people seem to be completely no human opponents, and the strength of each one is absolutely two grades with these strengthened people in the normal state.

Xi Lumei also realized this point clearly, and then took the initiative to directly jump up with her weapon, using her rapid falling power, holding the wooden stick in her hands with both hands, and pointing at a five-meter height in front of you, it was a power type. The first attack launched by the monster. The reason why the monster is alive is that Chen Tian also knows this type of monster, but the strength is quite strong. The speed and reaction will definitely not be as fast as that of Chen Tian, ​​so Chen Tian spreads his wings at the same time. The driving force and its own rapid running directly avoided this person and then launched a close melee to the people who were inside the block.

After all, in this case, neither close combat nor work can solve the location of the cave without close combat. The three people who know this cooperate very well. Chen Tian and Ling Zifeng are in better physical condition than Xu Shun. It’s a lot, plus Chen Tian has the weapon of silver dragon throwing stick that can be used for defense, and Ling Zifeng can actually have his own weapon, but it’s usually useless, so Xu Shun and Chen Tiancai don’t know, but Ling Zifeng’s weapon It was also used.

Ling Zifeng's weapon is a steel flute that looks short and not very long. In front of this base is a weapon with a very sharp sharp edge that can eject a slender blade that is nearly half a meter long, but now Ling Zifeng is not sharp. The blade of the sword was ejected as a weapon, but under continuous avoidance, he said to cover Chen Tian. Chen Tian also blocked the very fierce giant that directly attacked him without saying anything. Then, he said to Xu Shun again, please use my body to push me up. Now you can use it as hard as you can, push it as high as you can! "

Xu Shun also put Ling Zifeng directly on his shoulders, and squatted on both knees. At the same time, Chen Tian also forcibly resisted a fortified person who was fifty or sixty times bigger than him. Chen Tian was opened by the front one because of his physical strength. In the strengthened state of the robbery, the huge claws directly flew and flew out. At the same time, Xu Xuan also used his knees to scream with his hands, and at the same time, he used his waist and hands to push Ling Zifeng directly to his knees. It was about five meters high.

And Ling Zifeng was forced to be pushed to the height of five meters by Xu Shun. While spreading his wings directly behind him to vacate himself, he pulled out his steel flute directly from the back and used his powerful lung capacity and compressed the huge force into the flute. Let the music blown out of the flute is not music but a very harsh and this reverberating German sound will not only slam the dozens of people who are ready to attack him, but also form a sound wave area with him as the center. Everyone in the area, even the ground, was vacated by the sounding stone for more than half a meter.

However, Chen Tian and Xu Shun are completely okay, as if the sound is not aimed at them at all. In fact, the sound can control the sound wave of the sound at a distance from the attack area by the flute's temperament, and it has a considerable impact force, as long as the sound wave is well controlled The distance can completely allow Chen Tian and Xu Shun to move normally in this area, except that it will still be injured by the sound, but it will not appear like these fortified people. It stayed in place.

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