Killing God Island

Chapter 1257: Tiankai Wanqi Pian 224 is the reason, so I have a plan!

The greatest impact on the whole battle situation is that Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin, the siblings and Steve Lanji, and that bone sister, this woman, are all hard-to-handle characters.

In addition, all four of them had injuries before, but besides having just been in combat during this period, the four of them also took some medicines to temporarily replenish their physical strength and injuries, which can achieve a rapid recovery in a short period of time. Eighty or more combat states.

But in fact, this method is very damaging to your body, but now it is a battle of life and death, so in this knot of life and death, the outcome of this war in front of the four is for them four It is very important, so in order to quickly restore your own status temporarily, you can certainly distinguish between the four of them.

But even if these four people have to fight in person, it is impossible to blindly choose Chen Tian’s way of fighting. Behavior, in the end, it just consumes its own physical strength and cannot affect the entire battle situation. To really change the overall battle situation, first of all, we must first observe who is driving the rhythm of the entire battle situation in the place, and the strength of those people is so strong. They must be resolved to affect the entire war situation.

Of course, Jack Bi Kevin can also see that if these people really get started, it is impossible to deal with each other as casually as the seniors under their hands. According to their respective eyes, Jack Bi Kevin guessed that they must be in Pick their respective opponents, but of course Jack Bi Kevin knows that they have already calculated in their heart who they want to shoot, after all, they have been watching, who is the threat to us, so they can’t do it at a glance. Understand, but they haven't started.

Of course, Jack Bi Kevin also understands why they are so hesitant. After all, if they want to change the current situation, they must first be blocked. The three high-value siblings and Steve Lanji start, followed by the handheld A woman with thin bones and double bones will only change the whole situation if these four people are destroyed. Otherwise, the overall combat power of the two parties is now in direct proportion. After all, the strength of these four people is too strong and they can easily kill the Quartet Alliance. Member of the cadre level.

What caused the four of them to kill the four-level alliance cadre level members who turned on the Heavenly Tribulation state, and Steve Lanji’s men were mostly cadre-level masters, and who were the ordinary elite members of the Quartet Alliance who turned on the Heavenly Tribulation state. I handed it all over to deal with it.

Therefore, the original cadre members of the Quartet Alliance will be responsible for resisting the master members of Steve Lanji, all of them are surpassed by their brothers and sisters, and Steve Lanji and Gumei. A large number of kills led to Steve Lanji's men easily resolving these reinforcements who could not open the Sky Tribulation strength one by one compared to their combat power.

It’s just that the number of the four major organizations in the Quartet Alliance is relatively large, and with these fortified people who started the Heavenly Tribulation, even if the strength is not Steve. Ranji’s militant opponents, their strength is unlikely to be affected by them. It takes a few seconds, so you can still be killed for dozens of rounds.

Due to the large number of people in the Quartet Alliance, it is felt that the entire battle situation has not changed much, but in fact it has changed a lot. In the eyes of the four bosses of the Quartet Alliance, the scenes they see can be completely different. At the beginning, I saw that the dead bodies on the ground and the whole body were suppressed from the beginning of the number of people. The current situation is less than fifteen minutes, so if this situation continues to continue, the whole battle is not Fifty-five opened.

Even the four bosses at this point now have their own plans for the next step, and they will personally lead the team to fight for the next step, which means that this battle is truly a victory or defeat. The points will be truly revealed after these four bosses are connected to the entire battle.

Jack Bi Kevin did not say that he was going to fight, he really rushed directly to the kind of person who was preparing for a battle. He is now waiting for the other three who are going to shoot, and then he is choosing one that is not selected. The character is so ruthless, so Jack Bi Kevin once again asked: "Do you guys think about the next step, how do you solve them all?" Ola. Douzt took the lead back to Jack Bi Kevin: "It’s really troublesome to develop a series of plans before each murder, and the original plan will be implemented. There are various unknown possibilities during the process, especially in this kind of melee, it is not necessary to make so many plans. Now we are in front of us are those who are far more powerful than the cadres we manage. Now we are four Since the person is out in person, I might as well clarify my point of view. At present, it is the pair of high-value siblings who are taking the lead, as well as Steve Lanji and the thin woman with a skeleton, Just say who you want to start with, and leave the rest to me."

Jack Bi Kevin immediately clapped his hands after hearing it and then replied: "Aura Douzt, you are really quick, and your words are the same as I thought. I agree with what you said, then you guys Choose whatever you want, I will deal with everyone the same!"

Just after the thoughts and views of Aura Douzt and Jack Bi Kevin and the following actions were reached, the two of them looked at Alsace and Jeffria, after all, the four formed After the alliance, the four people are all on equal footing, so they also need the consent of the other two, so the two of them would like to know who the other two will choose as their opponents, but the other two’s views are different from this. Their views are completely different.

The other two's views are: "The four of us are leaders, not thugs or pioneers, but just seeing that they are currently unstoppable in terms of strength, do we have to deal with them?" The person who said this was Jeff Leah.

Jack Bi Kevin and Ola Douzt asked directly with a serious and slightly angry tone: "Do you have a better way?"

Jeffria may have faced such a difficult situation at this time, and his heart is also very unhappy. Naturally, he is also not small, so his tone of speech is also raised by a volume. "At present, I have no better way. But I think your approach is very inappropriate. Now the situation is very unfavorable to us, we must take the most important way to fight back, otherwise we will be the same as the ugly one-eyed dragon heads up again, if we are injured, we will not turn over again. Opportunity, we must have perfect control this time, after all, this is our final showdown with them, so if you two think that your plan is perfect, then you can go and deal with them now we just say Expressing your own opinion does not mean that you two are fighting!"

Jefferies had just finished saying this, and Alsace, who had not expressed his opinion among the four, suddenly chimed in: "Okay, okay, everyone is our own. We must now be consistent with the outside world, there is no need to fight and We don’t have to fight rashly now. Although the opinions of several of you have some truth, I think Jeffria’s view still has some truth."

Hearing Alsace’s words, it’s clear that Jack Bi Kevin and Ola Douzt’s faces changed instantly and said to Alsace at the same time: “You mean, you support his opinion Now we still have to wait and die, and when we are all killed, who are the four of us fighting with in the past?"

Arthas said directly: "No, no! You two misunderstood what I meant, and the meaning of the two of you just made sense, but have the two of you thought about the people you just mentioned? All of them are very strong in terms of strength, and I think they should be similar to ours in terms of strength. This is likely to have some variables. Even if you kill them, you will lose both sides and you won’t get anything cheap. If you The four of us were all killed by the group of dragons without a head. These people will fall apart and no one is spared, so I just thought that although the two of you just thought that it must be solved at present, at least from the perspective of having to destroy them, There is no doubt that some considerations are lacking."

Jack Than Kevin said with a serious expression: "Even if you make some sense, but what we want now is not a bunch of useless ideas, and now is the time to compete, I hope you have a good plan and you will be straightforward. Say it!"

After hearing this, Arthas continued to say to the three with embarrassed expressions: "I do have a relatively complete plan, and the implementation of this plan can definitely change the whole situation in Chengdu. Now it is not passive before us. The situation is just our people, completely blocked by the four people you just mentioned, so you just said that you need to resolve these four people before you can change the whole situation of the war. I also fully agree, but I don’t I agree that the four of us are dealing with these four people. Our current approach should be the same as what they have just done. We should be responsible for solving not these four people but the best of these strong people, led by Steve Lanji. In other words, we should adopt their strategy to solve the cadre members of the other team, so that some of the remaining people who are not very strong will slowly besieged and killed by our strong number."

The person who interrupted Arthas to continue talking this time was not Jack Bi Kevin but Ola Douzt: "What you said sounds feasible, but the pair who is powerful and worth a lot Men and women, as well as Steve Lanji and the thin woman with good body but good strength who will deal with it? If no one can deal with the four of them, what you just said is just empty talk, and even if Using your method, I am afraid these people will take the initiative to find us?"

Arthas said with a very calm expression after hearing: "You are right! If you really use this tactic, then these four people will definitely take the initiative to find us and want to solve us first, so I said, I have A perfect plan!"

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