Killing God Island

Chapter 1284: Tiankai Wanqi Pian 251 is too unexpected!

After all, the two of them are first-class masters in close combat, otherwise the two of them are so fierce fighting each other if they can both be at the critical moment, maybe the two of them will not be killed until the other side has been killed so many times, so it really depends The focus on who is stronger on both sides does not depend on the strength of the two sides and the way each other fights.

But now it can really be judged which one of the two sides has higher strength, and it can only be seen which one of the two sides has stronger physical strength. Now, only the physical strength of the two sides can persevere longer, and the one who will win at a certain time, of course, includes Injuries between each other during combat and self-repair after injury to each other require a lot of physical strength, so the way the two sides consume each other's battle is not entirely a collision between quantity and strength.

Combat skills only account for about 40%. The only way to really let the other party lose a lot of energy is serious injuries. No matter if it is a trauma or an internal injury, as long as the other party is injured, his body will automatically repair itself, as long as it does not hurt it. The repair ability will repair itself, and the physical energy required to repair the body will be repaired regardless of the time and depth of the wound.

So as long as the other side is injured, it belongs to the role of consuming his physical strength. After all, the proliferation of information cells needed to repair the wound needs to be exchanged for his physical strength, so Ola. Kuzt and Ben Xi The reason why the battle looks more promising.

It doesn't refer to the battlefield of the two men's battle, but the style of the two men's battles is very representative of the style of the melee strongman. Every action and battle of the two's defensive avoidance and attack. Many details have only been experienced in regular battles. Experts of all kinds of combat training can only be seen, so in the conference rooms of the four big families that are far away, they also have many people at this time cut many aspects, many people's special lens footage to Benxi and Ola. Dove Zitt is in battle.

I thought that the two people's fighting style and fighting each other's every move was not a random fight, but that each move of the two sides could be very coherently connected with the next attack and the actions of the two sides attacking each other were very standardized. At first glance, the attack is the same as the agent's battle in the movie. I can't see which one is an empty move. It seems that the two are more interesting for people to appreciate.

The battle between the two is now more aggression with Aura Douzt, and now the overall feeling is that he keeps launching various attacks towards Ben Xi, sometimes even when the right arm turns up and hits him. The overall right arm elongates the average human arm more than twice, and the black energy above the fist is more than three times greater than the average person's fist like a hammer.

If this kind of attack is generally strengthened, it will definitely not dare to be hard-wired. After all, this attack is indeed quite powerful, but this girl is completely overwhelmed by his arrogance, seeing Ola. At the moment when her right arm slammed into herself suddenly from top to bottom, she first thought of not running but hacking away with the axe in her hand. After a dull noise, the whole ground on which she stood The surrounding sunk three inches because, as a center of her, the ground was shaken and covered with cracks.

Of course, Ola Douzt knows that Ben Xi has the ability to catch this trick, but catching and catching the next Ola Douzt attack is not just about hitting the punch directly, Ola . This time Kouzit is preparing to fight Ben Ben really, so from this very tough attacking method, it can be seen that Ola Kuzit is really moving with Ben Xi this time, Ola Kuz The strongest state is called demon haunting, because his exclusive ability is dark energy, so he often calls this ability of his demon power, and the form of this trick is by his own dark energy. Twist the whole body to assimilate his whole body with his energy.

Let his entire body completely deviate from the original form of mankind to carry out various attacks that are impossible for the human body. Among them, the entire body can constantly display various forms to fight freely. It is indeed much superior to this in this regard. , So after Aura Douzt punched Benxi with a punch and was chopped up by Benxi with an axe, the impact of the upper and lower impacts plus the force of the frontal impact of the two forces formed an invisible form from the two sides The impact force and the applied force are mutual, so both Benxi and Aura Douzt are repulsed by each other's forces.

It’s just that Ola Douzt didn’t get bounced by his own power, but used his dark power to tightly wrap the axe blade that had just been axe into the dark energy, so at this moment both The powerful impact of the time did not separate the two. After all, the dark energy of Aura Kuzt has been wrapped around Benxi’s hand axe, plus the surrounding of Benxi’s body that was also shocked by this force. The ground sank instantly.

Although it seems that both of them are okay, in fact, Benxi and Aura Douzt suffered internal injuries. Although Benxi used his own strength to forcefully take this fist from Ola Douzt, but her overall The bones and tendons of the right arm have been injured, and now the genes in her body are repairing for her right arm. This is actually a part of the physical strength that has been consumed. Ola. The advantage is that although he is the attacking party, because of the strength of this shocking force, how could he want to be unharmed, but he did not show it in the look as he did.

In fact, the two of them were forced to endure not to vomit blood. After all, this force first oscillated from the body of the two people and then expanded to the surroundings. Therefore, the internal organs of the two people were also greatly shocked, although not It will affect the life of the two, but the strengthening gene belongs to the type of whether you are slightly injured or seriously injured, as long as you still have physical strength, you will automatically divide the cells to forcibly repair themselves. Unless it is a temporary injury that cannot be completely repaired, such as a broken arm or the like, all internal injuries or broken bones will be repaired by themselves.

So whether it is Benxi or Aura Kuzt, under the full blow of the two, just a lot of internal organs have suffered more or less internal injuries, so according to this autonomous repair situation, the two will disappear instantly. One-third of the physical strength, this result is unwilling to accept whether it is Ben Xi or Aura Kuzt. After all, this kind of injury although the whole internal organs have suffered more or less internal injuries, but only a little internal injuries. It is necessary for the whole body to repair itself.

This is in vain to consume one's own physical strength, especially in such a melee environment, physical strength is particularly important for the strengthened people who want to live to the end in this situation. It is most effective to slow down this repairing ability. It is to let the body fight with the opponent again. The physical strength used during the battle and the physical strength consumed by the repair will conflict with each other. This is why the wounded and strengthened person will heal the wound slowly when fighting with others.

So now both of them want to go together, which is why Aura Kuzt will entangle the dark power on Benxi's axe, so in addition to being ejected by the power, it is because he wants to The attack on Ben Xi continued, so just after the impact of the two men's move just passed, Ora Kuzt stretched upward with black energy, and the overall dark energy was like a snake, hovering straight into the position of the handle on the axe, This made Ben Xi just feel a hot chest, and he knew that he would vomit blood, and he swallowed the blood with patience, in order not to let the other party notice that he was injured.

So after Ben Xi swallowed his blood, the black energy had just hit his head like a tiny snake head, if he was hit, his head would definitely be pierced by this thing directly, but Ben I found something too late. It is impossible to get out now, even if I loose my hand axe. After all, my right arm has been entangled by the dark energy of Aura. He lifted his left hand upwards, blocking his face directly with his axe.

The tip of the black energy shot in front of her head was really blocked by Ben Xi, but the black energy body shot at Ben Xi was not only these few, but the rest was stuck in Ben Xi's chest and heart. If it weren’t for Benxi’s heart, it’s inherently different from the normal person’s position, so although Benxi’s body was pierced through several holes, fortunately, neither the head nor the heart was penetrated. No, but Benxi already feels tired of playing. After all, Benxi really wants to see how this person really is. Now that he has seen it, generally speaking, Benxi feels that this person's fighting style is like Chen Tian's ugly man. The fighting style is very similar.

So Ben Xi is not going to be entangled with the person in front of him again. After all, this person's strength is not weak. It is easy to overturn the boat in the gutter by dragging the mud and the water. This time it almost killed Aura. If the position of your heart is not the same as the position of ordinary people, now Ben Xi is already dead in the hands of Aura Kuzt, so this also makes Ben Xi kill his heart again.

Relying on the axe of his left hand during the penetration of his body by his black energy, before Aura Douzt wanted to pull back through the body of Benxi, she cut off the black energy line immediately with an axe blade, and then she herself A roar, although the voice is a very thin cry from a female, but it is very powerful, and the entire right arm of Ben Xi instantly exerted a force.

Ben Xi fell over his shoulder and fell flat-footed Aura Kuzt to the ground. Then the left-handed axe, who was also very fast, fell directly to the ground, and it was a bit dazed. Aura Kuzt's head was cut directly in the past. The axe blade was approaching in almost a second, and the ruthlessness of this move was not going to give him any chance at all.

If ordinary people would die directly, but Ola. Douzt is completely different from normal people in this state. Although he does not have the super regeneration ability of Chen Tian who will not be killed if he is cut off his head, But his current body is assimilated with his own abilities, and all the things that the human body can't do, in this form Aura Kuzt is possible to do, this axe really cut It's right, but it's not Ola Kuzt's head that was cut.

Ben Xi's axe was cut directly on the ground, because Oula Kuzt's head was retracted into his body, and the whole body seemed to have no head, and now in this state, it is certain that he 'S head is indeed inside the body, but exactly where he is currently in the body, he can't even perceive it into the micro realm, so the next step is to directly step forward and continue to prepare to give him an axe.

Unexpectedly, Aura Kuzt, who loosened Benxi’s right arm, completely abandoned the human form and turned into a black energy subject, instantly hitting Benxi’s body, and Benxi’s body just stepped forward. At the same time, before the axe was hacked again, it was hit by Aura Douzt, who was integrated into the energy of the black cylinder. Ben Xi is now in his strongest state, and he was completely attacked by Aura Douzt. Without preserving the combat power, the speed is also the fastest attack speed she can use now. Unexpectedly, Aura Douzt, who suddenly integrated into an energy, is faster than her.

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