Killing God Island

Chapter 1308: Heavenly Tribulation, Wan Kai Pian, 275 The greatness of life, the suffocation of dea

Of course, the brothers and sisters of Zhuo's also know very well this Ye Minyu whose IQ is not under him, so their brothers and sisters did not choose to join the team of Chen Tian, ​​but the bigger reason is that this pair of brothers and sisters liked the world of the two. Including the strength of the siblings and the various factors of the civil and military, their siblings do not need to join any team at all, unless they encounter this special situation and special period.

However, encountering this kind of situation is not a completely unsolvable problem for the two brothers and sisters, as long as they set up a plan and join a certain force within their plans, and rely on the power and work of the two brothers and sisters Ability to join the forces is not a problem, their brothers and sisters are talents that many people dream of, but this pair of brothers and sisters joining that force may create great benefits at the beginning, but in fact the unfortunate thing in the later period Behind it, it is very likely that you will lose your life if you lose it.

Of course, the team that the brothers and sisters joined and cooperated is not the end. Among them, the Chen Tian group is the only team that does not have this problem. The main reason is that Chen Tian and Zhuo Yanxuan both respect each other, and each other also I feel that the other party will be a good opponent in the future, and the temperament of the two people is very good. If they are not in the special environment on the island, these two people may become a life and death.

It is precisely because of this relationship that the brothers and sisters of the Zhuo family generally do not count them together with the Chen Tian team. Of course, even if they want to count, the Chen Tian team has an intellectual aspect that is not inferior to the pair of brothers and sisters Ye Minyu, of course. This pair of siblings is also the only team that has worked with the Chen Tian gang many times and has not been counted once. This is because the IQ of the siblings is very high, and Ye Minyu dare not set up in front of them.

However, the most fierce fight was not the Chen Tian and Zhuo Brothers and sisters, but the Xu Xun side. Xu Xun was indeed injured by playing Jimus before, but that was not because Xu Shun was not as good as Jimus, but at that time. Jim Muss attacked Xu Shun, to be precise, Xu Shun, who had not been injured by Jim Mus, had the absolute upper hand, but Xu Shun after the injury was suppressed to the present. Although Xu Shun’s own repair ability is not as good as Chen Tian, But the repair ability is relatively fast among the strengthening people.

If Xu Xian's self-repair ability is not good, then his own bones will stretch out of the body and will cut his own skin and flesh. If he can't repair it quickly, he will bleed and die himself without fighting with others.

In addition, the combat mode of Xu Shun has completely formed a perfect combination with his own main combat mode in continuous practice. Besides, after Chen Tian becomes stronger, the evolution of his body will of course be closer to his own built-in. The combination of weapons, so his own repair ability may be second only to the Zhuo brothers and sisters. Although it cannot be compared with Chen Tianna’s repair ability, the general injury can also be easily recovered within ten seconds, no matter how deep the wound is. Both the bones and internal organs can be completely repaired, as long as they are not cut off, they can be completely repaired in at most thirty seconds.

Moreover, Xu Shun’s built-in weapons are mainly to strengthen his body bones, so that the bones become as hard as steel. Otherwise, his built-in weapons cannot be called toughened war bones. Of course, this built-in weapon is a weapon-level hardness. Therefore, fighting Xu Xu may cause him internal injuries, but Xu Xun has never injured his bones after obtaining the inheritance of her tempered war bones before his girlfriend died, and this artifact will cooperate with the user's bones to form A total of various lethal moves.

And this kind of battle mode with its own bones as the strongest weapon is Xu Shun’s most unique combat tactic. Of course, even Chen Tian will lose a lot in this battle mode. I can imagine how powerful this is, of course. Xu Shun's tempered battle bone moves still use his tailbone blade as the main attack method, and it is also the most powerful and powerful among many combat methods.

Since Xu Shun's repair ability is strong and he has toughened war bones, how did he get injured by Jimus' sneak attack? And even if the injury should be able to be repaired within a minute, why would it be suppressed by the strengthener who could not beat him?

The person who fights Xu Shun is called Goviaiste. This person's strength is actually the same level of Xu Jian's strengthener. The one who has just been suppressed by Xu Shun seems to have a lot of difference in strength. That is entirely because of Xu Shun's fighting consciousness. Goviaste is better, plus Xu Shun is better at self-thinking about different ways to deal with different people when fighting his opponents. So Xu Shun will not fight opponents like most fortified people. He has a set of fixed combat routines for fighting with anyone, and Xu Shun uses different combat methods to fight different people. Different, there is no fixed way, even if Xu Shun's certain kills are fixed, for example, when killing strong enemies, they basically use their own tailbone blades, although the killing methods are all by the tailblade. kill.

But in fact Xu Xuan's killing methods are very diverse. Even Chen Tian, ​​who used combat tricks to kill people with a variety of unexpected tricks, also highly praised Xu Xuan in the use of tricks. He also said personally in terms of potential Xu Shun was really chasing afterwards. If you exercise more in the future and be different from the real enemies in practice, you will soon be able to catch up with me. In terms of combat consciousness, only Xu Tian is Chen Tian in the team. The person with the most potential for development has a strong operational consciousness. Of course, Ling Zifeng also has a strong operational consciousness, but Ling Zifeng's potential is great, but it is definitely not the kind of potential in the operational awareness.

Ling Zifeng is more like Chen Tian in the west. In addition to the potential, he pays more attention to the use of his own physical fitness. After all, Ling Zifeng is different from all the fortified people on this island because he is not a fortified person at all, but his physical factors are very special. It's just that the four big families don't know that he is not a fortified person, only Ms. Zhao knows what Ling Zifeng is really.

Ling Zifeng's physique is the same as Chen Tian's. This is a special physique. The reason why Chen Tian is special is that in addition to his original strength, Ms. Zhao's powerful physique has been successfully transplanted, and Ling Zifeng's cell genes are rooted. He is not human. He is the only special person who has not been strengthened to synthesize the gene of the autonomous half-human half-worm. Because his mother is the king of insects, Ling Zifeng’s real strength is also quite good. In fact, the most powerful It wasn't Ling Zifeng fighting in any form, but Ling Zifeng's blood was highly toxic in the poison. At first, even one of the five ancient gods of war could not resist his blood poison.

It can be seen how powerful the blood poison in Ling Zifeng is, and what is the strength of the Five Ancient Gods of War in Area A? Area a is of course the most central area of ​​the island and the strongest area in all areas. The natural strength of the strengthened people gathered in it is also the top. These five ancient gods of war are the most powerful representatives of area a, and the wheelchair Shirley the girl is one of the five ancient gods of war, and she was the worst of the five ancient gods of war in the peak period. One can imagine how strong the other four are.

And one of the other four of the five ancient gods of war was poisoned by the blood in Ling Zifeng's body. He died because the genes could not resist this strong poison, so he was banned as one of the five ancient gods of war. However, although Ling Zifeng's strength is very strong, the strength gap between him and this title is really very different. Although Shirley is the last one in the bottom of the strength of the Five Ancient Gods of War, Shirley's strength is quasi-ten.

At present, the world's top combat power regards the top ten masters recognized by the world as the top expert wiring level, so these ten people are called the world's top ten, and this level of masters is basically just like the saint in the gods list, there is a saying called The saints are all ants, and here the top ten in the world are just like the saints. No matter how strong they are, they are all ants in front of them, unless they are at the same level as them.

The quasi-top ten level is also very easy for adults to beat children in front of the real top ten level masters, but the quasi top ten level belongs to this level of invincible masters under them. If Shirley’s physical condition does not have any problems At the height of her a district, at the peak of Chen Tian’s strength, he can play at least ten, but now Shiri’s physique is the same as Gu Shouchuan’s. The degree is quite bad for her and Gu Shouchuan now. It can be said that a critical condition may occur at any time and any place. Although the disease is so serious, they will die for a while with their powerful strength. Not the kind.

Although Shirley and Gu Shouchuan belong to this kind of strong, but their physical physique does not allow them to play this kind of person, but Shirley is also much different from Gu Shouchuan's strength, although Shirley is a quasi-top ten, but Gu Morikawa really has the world's top ten super masters, but he dare to single out against Kuangqi, and he really has the strength to fight against Kuangqi, and his strength is recognized as strong by Kuangqi. It is not uncommon for people with two characters to be able to utter their own words with great strength.

However, no matter what level of master, there are periods of heyday and decline. Especially in this killing island, many people have been as glorious as Shirley, but some people have saved me the opportunity when they are brilliant, so This kind of person left the island and started working for the four big families, and Shirley hadn't lived this opportunity because she didn't want to live. She had to feel that she was strong enough for anyone.

So she had to fight with Chang Yanxiao, one of the seven war mads. Because of her strong strength, Chang Yanxiao didn’t make a little difference and she couldn’t beat Shirley, although Chang Yanxiao never took the initiative to beat a woman. But this does not prove that he did not take a proper means to counterattack at the critical moment, but what Chang Yanxiao didn't expect was that he missed it and directly shredded it as it is today.

Shirley belonged to the kind of people who lived, died, and succumbed. They clearly had a great future and could leave the island, but because of their strong struggle for a while, they were beaten by Chang Yanxiao and become the way they are now. Her injuries continued to increase. If she couldn't find a cure, Shirley would have to wait for death. In addition, Shirley forcibly protected her men at critical moments and forced her own ability to put herself into combat. It is even more serious for some internal injuries in the irreparable genetic system that was originally beaten.

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