Killing God Island

Chapter 1341: Tiankai Wanqi Pian 308 evolved into two distinct types of fortified people

Chen Tian’s physical strength is not very expensive now, and the strength of these strengthened people is more than one block in their strength, so it is very easy to kill them. After landing, he repels all the enemies that rushed over and borrowed directly. The blood from the ground corpse will rush in and directly halve the many fortified people in front of them in one move. Chen Tian also sees that they are somewhat tolerant.

So Chen Tian once again transformed his body into blood, so that these people not only could not attack Chen Tian in this form of attack, but Chen Tian also absorbed the blood of all the surrounding corpses in this form, and turned himself into a sky-tribulation with them. The body height of the state is the same, but it is only a human form in blood form, and this thing is formed quickly. Although it was composed of liquid blood at the beginning, the real body was exposed after the composition was to a certain extent, and this real body was not just The red liquid, although it is also a red surface for many years, is a giant who looks like an ancient warrior in a red armor and a red sword.

It seems to me that I am like a samurai giant. In fact, it is the form of the blood demon **** that Chen Tian can use to open the blood river. However, Chen Tian must use the blood river's ability and absorb the surrounding blood to maintain it. Trick, but Chen Tian now uses this trick without having to open the blood river, but it is not as powerful as the trick when opening the blood river, but it is more convenient than using the trick to open the blood river.

It’s just that it’s not as powerful as the blood demon **** when the blood river is turned on. Of course, the size is not as big as the blood demon **** when the blood river is turned on. In addition, there is no continuous blood like the blood river as the driving energy. Of course, the power of the blood demon **** It is much worse than opening the blood river, but it is still wrong to deal with the more than ten fortifiers whose strength is under him.

After all, Chen Tian uses this trick because the shape of the dozen people who opened the Sky Tribulation state is relatively large. Even if they are very strong, they will increase the difficulty if they want to easily solve them. Although you can kill them without this trick, but it will consume more physical strength than using this trick, so Chen Tiancai used the blood demon god, at least this height has not much distance from them, plus the power of the blood demon **** And Chen Tian's diverse fighting styles.

Chen Tian immediately fought with these strange-looking and fortified humans with a height of at least 5 meters to 10 meters. These people were completely out of shape when they opened the Sky Tribulation state. I am afraid that this ugly human evolution is not the big four. The family ultimately wanted the results, and the gods in the so-called god-making plan did not refer to this form after the evolution of this gene. I am afraid that the four families may actually want to open the sky in human form. This type of state strengthens people.

Not only will this type of reinforcements not fall into a violent state, but also their strength will be stronger. They may also have their own exclusive abilities on the basis of the sky-tribulation state, but this type of reinforcements are too few, although the Zhuo brothers and sisters The sister Zhuo Wenxin in the state of opening the Heavenly Tribulation is still in human form. At present, including Chen Tianzi’s opening of the Heavenly Tribulation state may not be completely human. However, Chen Tian is the kind of person who still maintains the human form after opening the Heavenly Tribulation state Not all are human appearances, you may not regret a series of states such as the appearance of wings.

At present, it is very rare to strengthen people who maintain the human form in the state of Heavenly Tribulation. It is really good to list the rare things as precious. However, although the enhancement genes of the Heavenly Tribulation state will be displayed in their own unique time, Therefore, the strengthened people who turn on this state will become very strange, but their various forms can show a very strong side. This is why they will become more human than their own human form The reason for a lot of strength.

After all, this state of kicking and kicking can also be called instinctive release, that is, ordinary humans who have been strengthened by enhanced genes can indeed get at least three times stronger than ordinary people in all aspects, but this is only the surface that is really strengthened Genes are exiled to all the fortified people on this island. The hidden genes in each person are different. What kind of gene is this? The changes that occur after this gene is fused with its own gene will evolve into two completely different types. Reinforcement

The fusion of the reinforcement gene and its own gene is very good. It is not necessary to turn on the Sky Tribulation state to release its own reinforcement gene. It will directly generate its own exclusive ability, and the fusion of the reinforcement gene and its own gene is not very good. They can often only use half of the ability to strengthen genes in human form, so they need to use the form in the state of opening the sky to want to exert 100% power.

Of course, these kind of strengtheners with good integration can also be in the state of Sky Tribulation, but after they are turned on, their form may not change much on the basis of human form, but basically a well-integrated strengthener does not Do not have to pursue the 100% power value that turns on the Sky Tribulation state. They prefer to use the exclusive ability generated after the fusion with their own genes.

However, this type of fortified person who has 100% genetic ability in the state of Heavenly Tribulation is mostly not ideal for gene fusion, but by fighting talents, he has the power to use Heavenly Tribulation to show his full power to strengthen genes. However, the price is that it will become a variety of strange shapes. This form is the form that they strengthen the gene itself is not a form that they can control, and most of these types of strengtheners do not have exclusive abilities.

So these two types of fortified people are two very different types, and of course there are other types. For example, the two types of beasts and domineering bodies are also two representative categories of fortified people. Of course, Chen Tian now To deal with these is the kind of strengthened people who do not have their own exclusive capabilities and cannot achieve perfect fusion with their own genes. If they want to release their full power, they must start the Heavenly Tribulation.

Although the power released by the opening of the Heavenly Tribulation is powerful, it is not their main consciousness that can be controlled. Of course, these strengtheners who initially opened the Heavenly Tribulation state may not understand that this Heavenly Tribulation state is also classified, and it is not The strength is unchanged, even if the first form of the Sky Tribulation state is not very strong, if there is a second form, the absolute strength is much stronger than the first form, so even if the Sky Tribulation is turned on, there is still a great improvement Space is not its own ultimate strength.

However, the opening of the Sky Tribulation state can indeed inspire the current maximum strength of this strengthened person, so these people will open the Sky Tribulation, but their strength after opening the Sky Tribulation is considered to be the top-level strongman in the t zone, but It is a pity that this t-zone needs special means to leave here, so there are really many masters staying here, many masters have even exceeded the strength of this area, such as Chen Tian and other masters, but they have not found a way to leave Still staying in the t zone, so their strength is indeed okay, but the strength gap between Chen Tian and Chen Tian is really large, leading these people although they already know Chen Tian's powerful want to beating him.

But they could not cause any damage to Chen Tian at all. Not only were they caught by Chen Tian, ​​but Chen Tian also launched a very fatal attack on them directly, such as the first unlucky reinforcement Because of his amazing size and strength, he wanted to force himself to be the main frontal offensive target, but Chen Tian is now in the state of blood demon god, and he does not lose him in shape, so he is punched by Chen Tian. Escaped, and holding the blood blade in his hands with a knife to the very fortified man in front of him, directly cut off his waist and feared that he would step forward and directly crush his head without dying.

The shape and power of Chen Tian’s blood demon form is not easy to step on a person’s head. Of course, after killing the first attacking enemy, the remaining enemies also rushed from all around him. They tried to use their respective Chen’s method launched a fatal attack on Chen Tian, ​​but Chen Tian perfectly resisted their siege with various tricks, and the **** sword held in his hand was cut horizontally and flew three directly. Head, although their bodies are strangely shaped and can withstand Chen Tian's punches and kicks, but the next time Chen Tian's head was cut off, all of their bodies fell motionless.

And several other monsters made Chen Tian feel overwhelmed. Their form could not see the head at all, and their form was not the form of humans and Chen Tian’s cognitive animals, but a look. Creatures that resemble spheres are not only difficult to find out where their heads are, but they can’t even attack their hearts, but it seems that the stuff of the round rumbling is really difficult to entangle. In fact, this thing is not an egg. It is similar to a snail shell but its surface is very hard but smoother than that of a snail shell.

The seemingly spherical form is actually not a sphere, but a creature that looks like a creature in outer space. It is a kind of soft vertebrate, similar to the internal structure of ancient trilobites, and the outside is like a crab and shrimp. Protected by a hard shell, there will be many sharp claws inside. Before the attack, it looks like a very smooth surface. When Chen Tian killed all the people who had just rushed back and forth, the last one was born. This oval sphere, which looked like a glowing egg, stood among the dozens of people he had just killed.

This egg-like thing is also one of the dozen or so fortified people who just got on and off. As long as Chen Tian killed him, the members of the Quartet Alliance were all killed, but at this time, Chen Tian was killed by this luminous sphere. Attract, this thing although Chen Tian knows it is an enemy at a glance, but still want to determine what this thing is. Although Chen Tian killed a lot of fortified people who look strange, but this looks very special, although Chen Tian thought so, but Chen Tian still killed him. Although it was just a sphere, it had to die, so at this time, the blood demon **** more than several times higher than this ball, directly lifted the knife and chopped the ball. past.

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