Killing God Island

Chapter 1376: Nine Jewels

Steve Lan guitar once claimed to have a hundred-member generals, and there were as many as 100 cadres. Each cadre also had a group of combat madmen who were not weak. The powerful forces formed once controlled an area for up to two. Years old.

However, after this battle, it can basically be said that after this battle, although Chen Tian and his team won, but all of his men, except him and second-rank Stanson, there are not even ten members alive. To, but this is also considered to organize the elite for them. The seven or eight people who are still alive are very strong masters. Although they are not as good as Chen Tian, ​​they are at least under Xu Instant’s strength. If there is no such person in the district, this kind of person can definitely walk sideways.

Of course, in this way, it is also a good thing for Steve Ranji. In recent years, Stanson, as the second leader of Steve Ranji, really tried every means to be the first, but he played again. But Steve Ranji, so this ending is actually very good for both of them.

Steve Lanji can finally have the opportunity to leave the fate that bound him in the t zone and can leave here, and as a solution to thirteen forces, at present, Stanson will eventually choose to stay for his own power desire, when this strength Very strong, but has always been the t-zone supremacy, while others such as Ben Xi and the women’s team naturally embarked on the journey to the s-zone with Chen Tian.

Although the character of this journey is very chic, in fact, the upper s area is a more dangerous area than the t area. However, in order to become stronger and leave here, this s area is also a necessary way for Chen Tian and others. Although the Chen Tian team One person didn’t die, but the women’s team suffered heavy losses. A few people had died before, but for Willow, Shilomi, Bone Girl, and Muscle Girl, which are more important to Shirley, it’s okay if they didn’t die. Yang Liu, one of the three main forces, also died, so this time Shirley's alliance with the Chen Tian team was the most unsuccessful decision for her blood loss.

In fact, Shirley and Chen Tian formed an alliance, just to win Chen Tian and Ling Zifeng or Xu Shun. He was fancy with the fighting power and potential of these three people, but as they have been in contact with them for a long time, this matter has not waited. She dismissed the idea by saying so, because their team's overall cohesion is very strong, and it is not that she wants to win over the three people, and the three people can agree.

So she did not speak out, and finally the plan of the beginning of history was abandoned, but Shirley did not leave Chen Tian and his group, but chose to help Chen Tian and finally, if she did not help They, even if they won, may not be as easy as they are now. Don't underestimate the role of any one person in this battle now. Maybe the lack of any one person's final result may not be like this.

Now all the people who are still alive have gathered together, especially those who Chen Tian did not know before, such as Steve Lanji and Stanson, as well as the eight of their men who Chen Tian just rescued, they and The Chen Tian team and the women’s team and these women briefed each other. After each person introduced each other, they came to the point and said. Next, how should we take out the gems to find out the way to leave here.

Chen Tian was also very forthcoming and said that they had a total of five in their hands, and the brothers and sisters of the Zhuo family gave Steve Lanji two gems before, as a sincere cooperation to cooperate with them, plus his collection With one, everyone found that there were only eight in total, and if you want to leave here, you must first gather nine.

When Chen Tian learned that there were only eight jewels in all of his hands, Chen Tian asked Ye Minyu with an ugly expression: "What shall we do next? I didn't expect one less, so it would be the last gem in these bodies. Is it one of them? Now that there are so many corpses, if it is really on one of these corpses, then some can be found."

Ye Minyu and the rest listened to Chen Tian's words, and they all fell silent. After all, Zhuo Yanxuan Chen Tian said it was very likely, and if it was really like Chen Tian said, then at least they should look for For several days, everyone fell silent for a while, but as for the brothers and sisters Zhuo and Ye Minyu, they seemed very calm. Since Chen Tian asked Ye Minyu, brothers and sisters Zhuo naturally did not answer Chen Tian's questions.

Ye Minyu also hesitated to answer Chen Tian’s question after a moment of hesitation: “I think the chances of these dead people are relatively low. Although it is possible to be among these dead people, the chances are very low.”

Chen Tian: "If you say that the Quartet Alliance does not have one gem in their four major organizations? If they don't have any gems on their bodies, wouldn't these gems have no whereabouts? It's even more difficult to find them. If so, I would rather spend time rummaging on these dead people."

Ye Minyu also said bluntly: "You don't need to worry about the problem of not finding the last gem, because I already guessed that the last gem should be nearby." At this point, Chen Tian knew Ye Minyu's meaning, Chen Tian is not stupid, but he seems to be reckless, but he is not only attentive but also a little smart. It's just not comparable to people with high IQ like Ye Minyu and Zhuo Brothers.

But still very clever. Hearing Ye Minyu's words, he had already thought: "Can you mean..." Chen Tian paused and whispered to Ye Minyu: "Could these hidden in the dark One of the people has gems?"

Ye Minyu nodded: "Yes! I think one of them must have a gem on him!"

Chen Tian: "So how do we find this person among these people who are hidden around us? If we provoke these people indiscriminately, it may cause great trouble. After all, more than half of us are injured and hidden. Between the number of these people around and their strength now, because the distance Taiyuan also can not estimate their strength, and rashly provoking them may be against us."

Before waiting for Ye Minyu to return to Chen Tian, ​​Zhuo Yanxuan said first: "I have a way for you to find out who the last gem is!"

This remark made everyone's eyes shine. Of course, among the people present, apart from Zhuo Yanxuan's sister and Ye Minyu, I'm afraid everyone didn't realize how to find the real way of the last gem, so Chen Tiancai It will be so anxious, Chen Tian’s anxiety also makes the rest of the people’s emotions become anxious, but in fact only Chen Tian’s group and the people who are willing to use their hands to cooperate with Zhuo’s brothers and sisters to leave Steve in the t district . Lanji is restless.

Because these people want to leave here too, especially at the most critical time, it is found that there is not one of the most critical gems, and the natural inner anxiety also follows. This is normal, but it is different from these people. Brothers and sisters, Ye Minyu and the women’s team are obviously completely different from the current atmosphere. After all, in this case, normal people should show that the irritability, anger and excitement are right. They are so calm and surprising. It is very strange.

Brothers and sisters Zhuo and Ye Minyu belong to the way they already know how to find out, so they are so calm, and the calm of the women’s team is because they don’t have to worry about whether they can find gems. Shirley itself is from The advanced area left to come to area t. Since she could leave area t and go to area a, and escaped to area t from area a, she naturally knew the secret of the underground passage, so he didn’t care if they could gather gems. Qi, after all, their team can leave if they want to leave, so there is no tension.

As for Shirley, why didn’t they tell Chen Tian how they went out? Of course, this kind of secret wouldn’t tell others easily. After all, this secret is only known to very few people. When she was planning to kill someone who was not as strong as herself, he This secret was only told to save lives.

At this time, Zhuo Yanxuan, ready to take the initiative to tell how to find another gem, at this time Chen Tian was also very looking forward to asking: "How can I find out the position of that person?"

Zhuo Yanxuan stretched out his hand and said to Chen Tian, ​​take all the gems and put them together according to the shape of the gems. What will happen? If I’m not mistaken, these nine gems are originally a gem, but they are divided into nine gems. As long as you put all these eight gems together, the other gem will be pulled, even if it’s not. Being dragged over there must also be something that will allow us to find out where the gem is.

After listening to it, Chen Tian immediately took out the eight gems in his hand and put them together. When they were all put together, it was indeed like what Zhuo Yanxuan said. This is indeed nine pieces of gems divided in one moment. There is a gap in this gem, and the shape of this gap is definitely the ninth gem, and after Chen Tian pieced together the whole gem, the whole gem emits dazzling light, and also flashes behind the rock in the distance. The light is as dazzling as Chen Tian’s eyes, but the light is not as dazzling as Chen Tian’s, but it is enough to prove that the person who hides this gem is now hiding behind this rock.

This dazzling white light beam has exposed his position. At this time, Chen Tian handed the spelled gem to Ye Minyu, and then he was going directly to the back of the rock, but what Chen Tian did not expect was that this had been Hidden behind the rock, this young man was also very courageous, although he was alone, he dared to walk out in front of Chen Tian's group and so many people around him.

It seems that he also knows well, knowing that he has been exposed, even if he does not come out, I am afraid that they will come over directly. Instead of letting them take the initiative to find me, it is better for me to face the bold proposal, so the young man came out directly, this kid A blond hair, it is the former one who although not strengthening the physique, but can play a stronger strength than the strengthening man at a critical moment. He is also a kind of natural ability, but it is not a power. That kind of natural combat awareness is so strong that you can use your own ordinary physique to solve an enemy who is a hundred times stronger than his physique.

This man is the one named Chen Chen who they have met before, named Bobby Chawinter. His blond hair is very obvious, and he is also one of the objects that the four major families are paying close attention to. The physique does not have any exclusive ability for ordinary people, but it is particularly powerful when fighting, which is why he is favored by the four big families.

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