Killing God Island

Chapter 1380: Tiankai Wanqi Pian 347 Looking for the entrance of S area

These fortified people who are now fighting with Zhuo Yanxuan, they dare not love the battle at all now, just to be able to escape in Zhuo Yanxuan's hands, now it is most important for them to escape.

So these details have no time for them to think about, and Zhuo Yanxuan can easily catch up but they haven't chased the speed of their escape, and Zhuo Wenxin, who loves to kill so much, did not kill one of them, which is very strange, But Zhuo Yanxuan only wounded several of them, but did not chase them. After seeing the success, he waved to his sister. Zhuo Wenxin was very happy to follow his brother and left.

Of course, this thing, Chen Tian did not know that they all sleep in their own tents, and there is no fighting around, so they sleep a lot, after all, it is to replenish physical strength and recover from injuries, so they need to Adequate sleep, although adding a lot of people I don’t know, but the strength of these people, Chen Tian, ​​they all know that they are below their own combat power level, so they don’t have to worry about making them.

After all, these people can be defeated in the exhausted state of the previous war, not to mention the fact that they are full of energy and there is no injury. If you want to kill these people, it is easy. That is why the sixteen people want to take the risk in the middle of the night. Trust the reason that Chen Tian said to take them away, but also to steal gems by himself to try to leave the place one step ahead of Chen Tian.

However, these people only left a part of them, and fifteen people did not choose to leave, but chose to trust Chen Tian. When Chen Tian and others were ready to go to Ye Minyu's tent, Ye Minyu just came out from inside. With a serious expression, he said to everyone: "Damn it! Who stole my gem?"

When Chen Tian heard it, his eyebrows were raised instantly, and the whole person instantly became angry. After all, he wanted to leave here the most, and everyone desperately tried to get the gems to leave the T area, but now some people dare to steal gems because of their own desires? This is tantamount to offending Chen Tian's bottom line, so Chen Tian was instantly angry!

"What? The gem was stolen? Hasn't the gem been kept in custody?" Chen Tian looked directly at Ye Minyu, and Ye Minyu's expression was very serious. "I know you are angry now, but even if you killed me, it didn't happen. Yes, and I can’t sleep with such a big gem? They stole it while I was asleep. Even people like you who are much stronger than me are not aware of it. You think I’m asleep Can you still spot it?"

I lost such an important thing, and spoke so straightforward, that is, Ye Minyu. If you change to other people's anger, Chen Tian would have killed him long ago. Although Chen Tian is not the kind of person who fights against him, Chen Tian is that. In this situation, as long as one person affects the major interests of all people, this kind of black sheep must be removed to ensure everyone's safety.

Chen Tian is a person who knows what to do and what he shouldn’t do at the critical moment. Although he advocates that the interests and rights of the entire team without the leader are the same, Chen Tian also gives everyone a most The basic requirement is that if you are a team, you have to work together. Since I am a member of the team, I will be responsible for protecting every member until I give my last strength. Although I do not ask Everyone is like me, but at least they can't do things that betray the interests of the entire team, and such things that put everyone's life and death out of personal circumstances.

Once this kind of thing happens, no matter who I am in the team, I will mercilessly kill all the vigilance. Since the component becomes a team, everyone should treat everyone as a family member. This is Chen Tian. The only one that binds everyone is that Chen Tian will not care much about the rest. After all, the people who come here have their own stories, and everyone has different interests and hobbies. Chen Tian will naturally not interfere in the rest.

But for this, Chen Tian absolutely cannot forgive, and at this time Ye Minyu belongs to losing everyone’s most important things, but it is not entirely for personal reasons. After all, they are also in the tents around them, and they did not. Perceived it, so it also has a certain joint responsibility. After all, when you enter the micro realm, you will not always open when you sleep, so Chen Tian looked at Ye Minyu, and his anger was reduced by half. After all, Chen Tian also knew Ye Minyu’s role in the team Sex.

So Chen Tian flicked his fist, and the entire right arm instantly turned into a red blood touch and directly hit the ground, which was quite powerful, directly smashing the ground out of a big pit, and then the blood touched back and recovered again The human arm shows how angry Chen Tian was at the time, but Ye Minyu didn't care, and his full expression was very calm.

Chen Tian gritted his teeth and asked, "Who stole the gem? If I knew it, I would never get around him. I said I would take you with you. Why do you still have to do this? The person who stole the gem is provocative. I Chen Tian! Let me catch that I absolutely killed him!" Chen Tian shouted this sentence with a very angry tone.

At this time, the team of Chen Tian and the rest of them were all around Chen Tian. Seeing that Chen Tian is so angry now, the rest of them naturally dare not blend in. After all, Chen Tian’s strength is still very fierce in appearance, even Xu Xian is not afraid. Persuaded in the past, Angelina also knew that Chen Tian was the kind that would not stop her emotions from venting, so as long as he and Ye Minyu did not fight, Angelina was not prepared to blend in this matter.

Even they dare not go to persuade to fight, and the rest of them are even more afraid. For the team of Chen Tian, ​​their two quarrels are just like the quarrel between the big and the second, but they still don’t care about it. Tao said: "Don't end up arguing, it won't solve any problems at all, since we have seen the simple map before, my sister and me and Ye Minyu's memory will not be so bad, since they take If you have a gem, you will definitely go to that place."

The person who said this was Zhuo Yanxuan, the older brother of Zhuo’s siblings, and Zhuo Yanxuan’s words had just dropped. His sister Zhuo Wenxin also added: “There is no need to waste time on quarrels, catching up with them and killing them. Just grab the gem back!"

These two brothers and sisters really work, Chen Tian really is not angry anymore, but directly to everyone: "We can start now, catch up with them and kill me, then grab the gem back!" "It seems that Chen Tian's anger has not completely dissipated, and at this time Ye Minyu also said to Chen Tian and others: "Wait! We don't have to be so anxious! "

Chen Tian directly replied: "Not in a hurry? We don't know when these people stole it. In case we can't keep up with their current departure, wouldn't we ever be able to go to the s area again?"

Ye Minyu directly analyzed and said: "I said he wouldn't be so anxious and free of my truth. Obviously, the people who stole the gemstones were more than a dozen of those thirty people who suddenly joined us yesterday. They must have planned the stealing privately. Gem's plan, and choose to do it when we are most sleepy from 3 to 4 in the evening, and they are absolutely afraid of waking us up with their strength, so they will definitely choose to bypass the road passing by us, and will definitely choose a longer distance If you don’t believe this way, you can see if there are footprints on that side. If there is, it proves that I am right. If I am right, then we will follow the normal path, and the time difference should not be much different."

Ye Minyu said this in order to slow down Chen Tian’s pursuit of them. After all, Ye Minyu wanted to use them as cannon fodder. This was because Ye Minyu asked them to go to the fact that there were no organ traps, etc. At least there is preparation to be careful.

In fact, even if these people go around, according to the time and in order to arrive early, they will definitely run non-stop, even if they can't catch up with them now, so Ye Minyu said that this sentence is to appease everyone, anyway, they stole Gems are also fake.

That’s why Ye Minyu deliberately comforted everyone. Anyway, they all believed in their own minds, so Ye Minyu said that they could catch up, even Chen Tian believed for a while, so Chen Tian and others set foot on the intersection of finding the s area. This team has at least three super strong people in memory, so there is no wrong way. Zhuo Yanxuan and Ye Minyu are super strong in memory, as long as you want to remember something seriously, at least one month She won’t forget, and Zhuo Wenxin is more exaggerated. She has the same unforgettable skills as Ms. Zhao, and what she sees is basically not forgotten. It is a permanent memory, so it’s impossible for these three people to leave. Wrong way.

And the real gem is on Ye Minyu, how could it go wrong? However, the distance is farther than they think, and here can be exchanged for various weapons, suitable medicines, clothes and various materials, but the transportation is not exchanged, so they need to run by manpower, but with their bodies Running for tens of kilometers in quality is nothing.

Especially Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng can fly, but others can’t have their energy level and speed, so they didn’t spread their wings behind to advance at full speed, but if these three people can fly at full speed, they can There are no more than five people catching up with these three people, most of them can get rid of them, so Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng did not run at full speed, but instead moved forward with their running speed, but they ran It's not slow at all.

So although the journey is longer than expected, they are not slowing down at all, and they arrived in three hours, but there is nothing special about this place. To be more striking, Chen Tian et al. That's where the bodies of three people lie, that is to say, the sixteen people who stole the gems are still alive with at least thirteen people.

But the key is why these three people will die here, and this position is the position that the gem shows, but why is it so barren? There didn’t seem to be any exits around here. Only the three corpses were seen lying down here. Ye Minyu walked into the three corpses and looked at their dead positions and wounds. The way of death, and touched the skin of their corpses with their hands and rolled their eyelids. After confirming the time of death, he thought about it with his cheek.

At the same time, the brothers and sisters of Zhuo also thought about each other. After all, the location is here, and from the time of death of the corpse, it can also be determined that those people have found here, but what about them? And why did they disappear? It seems that there must be some organs around here, otherwise it would be too strange.

At this time, Chen Tian also held his fists and asked to Ye Minyu who was thinking: "These three people should be the three people who wanted to join us and left here. They are now dead here. They should have found the exit into the s area. At that time, internal strife occurred between each other, so that these three people were killed. It seems that they must have found the exit from here. What should we do now?

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