Killing God Island

Chapter 1386: Section S 41: Mutual Embankment!


Soon, the time between the sounds of participation was not long, and the people who fell with the sound were quickly reduced one by one, causing them to now know that their power is not at the same level as the power of these monsters. There is no way to fight them. At this juncture of life and death, these people no longer want to lose their lives because of money.

Prientes Tanding has recognized the status quo since they have turned around and escaped here. They have only now realized that these people are totally unreliable, and now even if they are given 100 million, I am afraid that no one will be at the front. After all, life is more expensive than money, especially these people who are scared now are using money to order them that they should not work, so Prints. Tanding immediately played the trick of great brotherhood, making each one escape. They are together here again.

Although they are also running away frantically, fortunately, the remaining ten or so people did not run apart. If Printus Tandin just didn’t talk about playing a little means of brotherhood, I am afraid they are now running away. They Whether he can escape Printez Tantin doesn’t care about their life and death, the key is that they all escaped, and then he will become the target of their attack, now they are together again, everyone will definitely run together Protect me in the safest place, and even if the first dead one catches up, it will not be Printez Tantin.

If this is not the case, Printes Tandin will immediately become the target of these monsters. After all, Plinters Tandin can see at a glance that these people and Ms. Zhao’s strength is not a little bit, These people's muscles have no effect at all, but now he really wants to run back immediately so that Ms. Zhao and two other experts can help him out.

But in the end, Printez Tantin did not do it. He didn’t do it not because he was so ostentatious, but because the route to escape was blocked by these reinforcements directly, because they were from Behind them, they still want to escape? How could that be possible, so now the only hope for Printez Tantin to escape is to keep running forward.

Now whether it is Prins Tantin or these muscular men, they are running fast, even the ordinary physique Printez Tandin is also clenching his teeth and holding his breath, holding all the strength to run forward desperately, after all The result of stopping now is sure to die, so they must now get rid of these five or six creatures with unclear forms in order to survive. After all, everyone can’t join forces to kill these things. After all, their fighting system and Strength is not a level at all. It is not that they can not catch up with them for so long, but they feel that an unknown hunch is slowly approaching.

That's right, these five or six mutant creatures have a stronger micro-entrance state than the normal micro-entrance state. If the detected distance is relatively larger, don't look at them as they are now, but entering s from t zone The area was similar to Chen Tian’s fighting power, and some of them were very talented. They entered the micro-realm at the same level as Chen Tian’s current micro-realm.

That is, some of them can only extend the powerful perception ability of entering the micro realm to a distance of more than one meter, so they can perceive a weak energy gas field diffused around them. This weak energy fluctuation is It can't be easily concealed. After all, this energy fluctuation can be detected through tiny things. Although they have all become non-human beings, they are all masters of the strengthening class before they become monsters.

After being engulfed by non-human genes, even if it becomes a monster, its strength will definitely not be too weak. Although they seem to be weak and weak when they fight with Ms. Zhao’s three people, but these people are among the world’s top combat power levels. It is a game with top equipment and full-level full attributes. It is the same as a pk player who has just developed out of the novice village.

Ms. Zhao and Millionaire Miller are so strong that they don’t need to be included in the combat level of this area. From the s area, there are many mutants with strong strength, including these five or six are not weak. They are weaker than others, but they are completely weak in terms of the strength of all the strengthened people and non-human mutants in this area. Otherwise, how can these five or six mutants not care about completely ignoring the establishment of this site. The warning goes directly beyond the boundary.

It is quite easy to kill these bodyguards that Plinters Tandin finds with the strength of these mutant creatures, basically just less than a few minutes, Plinters Tandin personally selected more than twenty muscles The man killed half, and the remaining half were frightened and fled, but fortunately, Plinters Tantin did not go wrong, and nothing was scared. He turned around and ran away. He would be so afraid He could not leave here alive.

He directly told these muscular men who were scared and had no battle, and they immediately said a lot of brotherly and meaningful words to them. With the death of the same life and death, I will not forget everyone, after all, everyone together Life and death are sad, I believe I have I have everyone's future! He said this to let everyone know the importance of him, plus he did not let anyone behind the palace, and let everyone escape together. This point he has the mind of being a leader.

He first said that if he wants to think about it, everyone knows that he will enjoy endless glory and wealth only if he is guaranteed not to die out, so he will certainly have the right to protect Prins. Tantin, and will naturally let him run in the best. In front, and these people in the back will naturally be solved one by one by the monsters chasing after them. Printez Tantin thus belongs to using their death to delay time for themselves.

Although Prins Tantin is just an ordinary person's physique, he can't run many pieces naturally, but fortunately, these people he chose are muscular men. They also know that Prins Tandin is not to strengthen the body. Therefore, at this critical moment, it is natural to let the fortified person carry him away, and he is not just looking for one to let them carry himself. After all, carrying him means that he must also be in the front, and Purin Tes Tanding believes that the most powerful of these people is Carlosi.

And now the person carrying Printez Tantin is Carlosi. Even if these people fight together, they may not be able to fight any one of these five or six monsters, let alone these five or six monsters together. Chasing them, so they are running forward crazy one by one, and those who run at the end of these people are definitely mortal. On the running speed, these people can't have these mutant creatures running fast.

But these five or six mutant creatures are waiting for the hidden enemies to prey on these people, or prey on them, so they are always using the micro to perceive various dynamics around them, including one meter in themselves. A piece of fallen leaves in multiple areas should also be used to feel the safety of the surroundings and whether there are any traps around them, so they are not actually unable to catch up, but they are not chasing them seriously, but trying to find while chasing Out of the source of dangerous breath around.

And the source of this dangerous breath is naturally the owner of this site. Of course, these five or six mutant creatures also have certain wisdom. Of course it is clear that this is the case, but the original owner of this site is not one person, but two and a half people. The half-animal body is composed of men and women. Don’t look at the two as long as the gods in ancient Greek mythology. In fact, they are only human beings whose genetic mutation has been engulfed by half and cannot be recovered. Therefore, there is a form in which the upper body is human and the lower body is a beast.

However, the strength of the men and women is still very good, but these two people are not for the group of Prints and Tantin, of course, they are not in the same group with the five mutant creatures that are no longer in human form. It is these five or six monsters and the protection of Prins. Tantin. These people are the enemies of their laughing couple. After all, the reason why this site is theirs is to forcefully occupy the area with the attitude of a strong man. The entrants were solved by these two people, so this small area is naturally the boundary of their little couple.

So now they naturally want to deal with it, that looks like five monsters and six like monsters and Printez Tantin and his ten or more men have all been solved, and so many things can be regarded as their husband and wife. The rations this week are over, and I can’t eat the rest. I can dry them for meat and save them for later. In short, the couple is preparing to have a praying mantis in front of the carduelis. As a result, the pair looks like a half-variant Little couple, at first glance, these people can't do any damage to those monsters. The difference in strength is too great, so I decided to take action in advance.

It is precisely because of these two people's shots that their energy permeates the surroundings for a moment, making these mutant creatures aware of them, so they are also waiting for what this hidden master in the dark means, but they are During the period that the Marathon couple hasn't shot against them, leisurely chasing Printez Tantin and during this period they have not ran into the attack range of their husband and wife, Printez Tan More than ten people died, including Printez Tantin, and he added up to five people.

Printez Tandin did not expect that the strong muscle male bodyguards he himself chose, so unexpectedly, even if he did not kill a monster, even if he had not dealt with the monster until now, not yet. In five minutes, there are five people left, including yourself. If you go on like this, don't say how much success you can create in this s zone. It is very likely that you will be accountable for your life.

Prints Tantin immediately thought of her own money. Ms. Zhao once told him that she encountered danger on the island. When I happen to be away from you, as long as you have to immediately watch for help, you just need to Try to delay the time to ensure that it will not die, someone will definitely save you!

Printez Tantine was being carried forward by Carlosi on his back. This running speed was really not slow at all. He also saw the crisis, so he directly ignored the life and death of the three people in the rear. By the way, Carlosi’s true running speed can easily throw off the three people in the back. After all, before coming to the island, Printez Tantin knew that Carlosi was very strong, or he would not find it directly this time. Carlosi, Carlosi is the first person Printus Tanding looks for, after all, in his heart, Carlosi's strength is still very reliable.

In fact, it is true that Carlossi is many grades higher than the reinforcements he found in the later stage than his muscles. Although Carlosi is indeed better than the other reinforcements by several grades, his strength and Chen Tian's strength is too different, and Chen Tian's single pick of a monster here is not easy to solve, so Carlosi dare not confront these monsters.

Especially after seeing the strength of these monsters, he even believed that the situation is quite crisis now, and he must first ensure the safety of Master Princess Tandin, and he has no obligation to manage them for the rest, so Printez Tantin Immediately increased the speed, and immediately surpassed the three muscular men who were close to them.

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