Killing God Island

Chapter 1404: S Zone 59: A mad blow, and even the three zones!

Ye Minyu can only get a rough idea of ​​the terrain here in the S area. In addition, he has not been careful about the terrain of the mountain. The familiarity of the terrain led Ye Minyu to consider it for three hours.

How to arrange and match each other with the formation method can achieve this kind of effect previously planned, and then he walked back and forth in different places in the mountain for several hours, and kept the terrain in mind.

When all formations and how to arrange them, tools and things needed, etc. all need preparation, and in the near afternoon everyone has completely solved this mountain, all creatures except them, and then Ye Minyu started Assign everyone what they do, basically everyone has a heavy task, and Ye Minyu basically checks and supervises every place.

Ye Minyu personally supervised and inspected the arrangement of various tools at various positions. Then he used the few props and materials left in his bag to make an automatic connection instrument for the entire array to control all the institutions to be closely connected. This delicate work can only be done independently by herself. The rest of the people have started to manufacture various institutions in their respective areas according to Ye Minyu’s assignment, and Ye Minyu does this thing in one night. In addition to Chen Tian and Xu Instant at this night In addition to Ling Zifeng and the others, the rest of them include the newly added Bird Girl, Worm Girl and Stretch Girl.

Only in this way can it be fully laid out before the sun comes out tomorrow, and then only the main controller made by Ye Minyu is in place, all the large and small arrays on this mountain can be opened normally, and the main reason why Chen Tian and the three of them do not have to work is that they The three are responsible for mutating creatures who want to approach this mountain at night, and will all lead away or kill on the spot.

If the number is small, it will be solved on the spot. If the number is large, it can only be taken away. Fortunately, this night is very peaceful. However, Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng have been guarding the night at different intersections at night. The rest of them worked all night and didn't finish the work until noon, and Ye Minyu had completed the most critical confidential control parts a few hours earlier.

Ye Minyu didn’t dare to be neglected. He personally looked at each place one by one, and changed it if it wasn’t. After all the inspections were completed, Ye Minyu personally installed the soul parts of the entire formation in the center of the formation, as long as this thing was not The destruction of this formation will not stop, no matter the large formations and small formations on the mountain will run according to a certain running track.

This formation seems to be fully operational because it is too hasty. In fact, there are too many inadequacies. Although there are many drawbacks, it is difficult to easily crack as long as it is not an expert who knows the magical warlock. After the formation is completed Everyone was tired and fell to the ground. Although the physical strength of strengthening people is many times stronger than that of ordinary people, if ordinary people cannot complete it so fast, they can complete it so quickly because of their extraordinary physique.

Ye Minyu also sees that everyone is tired, and this formation is already running, even if the mutants outside the mountain come in, it has become the boundary of all organs, so Ye Minyu let everyone find a comfortable place to rest first, after all Reinforced people must rest when they are too tired, after all, they are also humans.

Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng did not sleep for a night, but their physique plus the previous vigil did not reach out to help work, so the three are still in good condition. Sleeping was not a problem for them at all, so Ye Minyu still let the three guards here, and Ye Minyu spent the night to make the main array control system, and the degree of fatigue caused her to take a nap.

Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng are strong, but in the face of many mutant creatures during the day at this time, after coming in from the mountain to the mountain side, they have touched various organs and caused various changes within the organ, but everyone But sleep soundly.

Ye Minyu also said to Chen Tian three before going to bed, no matter how many mutant creatures want to climb on the mountain, it is easy to go up and difficult, basically they will be trapped in this mountain, and they will touch various organs no matter where they go, but these organs let Their chances of dying are very low, basically they are seriously injured, and they will not kill their lives. After all, Ye Minyu will kill them to add killing points to themselves.

So Ye Minyu said to Chen Tian before his break: "No matter how many unknown creatures come under the mountain, you don't need to control them. As long as they are not close to the area controlled by the Faithful Formation, you don't have to provoke them."

Because of this, Chen Tiansan’s talents didn’t pay attention to the mutant creatures entering here. Now everyone is resting. Only Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng did not have rest, and the three people are not going to protect them but the central area. The main control authority of the government is, after all, this formation is safe for everyone. It is safe for Ye Minyu’s formation to be seen by Chen Tian.

The three of them are so busy at this time, of course, they inevitably have to chat with each other, Xu Xuan naturally feels that Ye Minyu stays on the ground and is based on the mountain, which is completely different from her previous decision to leave here. There must be something wrong with it, although Xu Xuan Many combat methods in the melee are taught by Ye Minyu, but Xu Shun also knows what kind of person Ye Minyu is usually, so he just guessed.

When Chen Tian heard Xu Shun say this, his facial expression was obviously pondering. In fact, Chen Tian was also doubting this, but he hadn’t thought of what Ye Minyu wanted, so meditation replied for a moment: "She is such an elusive one. As long as she understands, as long as she doesn't count us alone!"

At this time, Ling Zifeng also accepted the sentence: "If she even counts herself?"

Chen Tian was silent for a moment and then replied firmly: "If you count yourself, I will kill her by myself!" ’

Ling Zifeng saw Chen Tian's expression so dignified, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He laughed and did not speak at this time as if guessing Chen Tian's mood at this time. In fact, Chen Tian also knew that Ye Minyu was indeed a rare talent, but It is also because she is too smart and knows too much, so Ye Minyu plays a big role in this team, so Chen Tian is just talking about killing her.

If this really happens, the eighth floor will never kill Ye Minyu for the sake of the overall situation, unless she does something beyond Chen Tian’s tolerance, and like this kind of person, if the relationship breaks, Chen Tian will not let her If you leave, it will be very troublesome to join the rest of the team, so Chen Tian will kill her if this happens. Otherwise, even if one or two of his members are killed, Chen Tian cannot really kill her.

Ling Zifeng understands this from Chen Tian’s face, so he laughs without saying a word, and Xu Shun is actually not a person who likes to speak bad things about others behind his back. The reason why he said these is precisely because of Xu Shun Xu Tian, ​​who has not regarded Chen Tian as an outsider and can grow rapidly in this environment, has his own unique insights in terms of strength and analytical ability. Of course, there is a steel scale in everyone's heart.

There are only two people in the team who really agree with Xu Shun, one is Chen Tian and the other is Angelina, so in front of Chen Tian he would say what he thinks without hesitation and would like to put his own The idea was also said.

And Chen Tian actually understands in his heart that Ye Minyu is really important in the team, but at the same time it is also the biggest risk factor. After all, this person Chen Tian also knows that he is indeed the kind of person who is very bad in nature, but Chen Tian also believes that she should not Chen Tian still believes this if he will do too much for the entire team. After all, there will be a tacit understanding with the hand.

Chen Tian believes that this kind of tacit understanding and harmony has completely changed Ye Minyu. Although her personality cannot be easily changed, at least Chen Tian believes that he will not treat the people of his team. Chen Tian is the kind of person who uses and doubts people. This kind of person is not needed, so Chen Tian believes that there should be no problem.

Ling Zifeng just listened to the two chatting, but he was smoking on the ground a few meters away from the two. The cigarette on his finger was floating upwards in the shape of a white strip of smoke. Suddenly, a strong rumbling sound rushed ahead. Coming out in the distance, this huge sound, coupled with the shock on the ground, coupled with a deep forest in front was immediately subjected to a huge impact, and the shocking whole like flying sand and rocks was instantly destroyed.

All trees and forests were instantly cleared. What appeared to the three people was that, like a powerful missile exploded, the forest that was just green in front was destroyed instantly.

Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng's eyes looked forward in a moment, and all three of them looked at the front with their eyes wide open, and at the same time shouted in their hearts: "What a joke? What happened in that place?"

The scene in front was really scary, directly to Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng were all dumbfounded. With the strength of the three of them, it can be said that they have experienced many big scenes along the way, but this time The released scene really scared these three people completely, exploding with such a powerful impact and the powerful destructive power that just appeared around them.

Even Chen Tian started to meditate. If he was in that position and had such a powerful impact-like explosion, it is likely that even his own physique would be unbearable, and Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng were also scared. Big eyes keep this expression for a long time.

The three of them were completely shocked by the scene just now. If this powerful destructive force is not a missile or a huge military weapon, it is impossible for me to have this level of destructive force. This huge destructive force will directly The three areas in this small area were immediately leveled off. I can imagine how scary this power is. Although I don’t know what happened on that side, Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng are very glad that they have no place. In the three areas that have just been destroyed, otherwise half of the life may be left even if it does not die.

But the three of them were also more worried. What if the situation just happened here? What should we do now to find a safe place to evade temporarily, or do we follow the original plan? Due to the sudden changes in the situation, Chen Tian went directly to Ye Minyu's rest direction, preparing to wake her up and ask what to do next. After all, the situation now looks very urgent.

But the initiator of the huge changes just now was not caused by what kind of missile or explosion. The people who really leveled the three areas are just mad!

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