Killing God Island

Chapter 1435: S Area 90: Furiously let Fujimoto take it, dare to speak out.

The highly toxic Ling Zifeng produced, even if the other party is not injured, it will penetrate the epidermis through the epidermis and begin to invade the subcutaneous tissues inside the body, slowly entering the blood of the poisoned from the body skin, but this may be the case Poisoning is much lighter than direct skin stabbing, and there is a certain chance that it will not be killed directly.

It will be more fortunate than these mutant creatures who immediately see the blood and seal the throat after being injured. Of course, some mutants that are very resistant to themselves and not poisoned. After all, this poison is Ling Zifeng’s own poison that weakens his blood dozens of times. .

These mutant creatures naturally have physical strengths and weaknesses. Some of them are very powerful and have many body mutations. They are completely resistant to this poison. Although the body’s genetic constitution can resist, they are also weakened. Due to their physical strength, their overall strength was severely weakened by half, and the spread of this poison was fast.

So when Ling Zifeng used this trick, Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng could stick to the mountainside for a while, and in this case the three could not attack blindly. Ling Zifeng went in because it was not afraid of it at all. It is a kind of poison, and although Chen Tian and Xu Shun have strong physiques, the toxins that these mutant creatures cannot resist are naturally the same for both of them. If they fail, Chen Tian and Xu Shun will also have physical problems, which will lead to their own strength. Also dropped a lot.

However, Chen Tian’s worries, Ling Zifeng couldn’t even think about it. Ling Zifeng immediately gave Chen Tian and Xu Shun two black pills and told them not to take them first, because these two pills are also highly toxic, but for a while When we shot them, the two of you took the two pills, which would prevent the highly toxic substances from these mutants from spreading to you.

Chen Tian and Xu Shun thought Ling Zifeng was so thoughtful, and thanked them quickly. Of course, this time thanks to Ling Zifeng's powerful poison, it turned out that the mutants in front of him had begun to change a lot, and some of them had already Falling down, and being directly stepped forward by the person in the back side to run directly forward, because the front has been poisoned, and the mutants behind are not poisoned, so they are still rushing forward.

As a result, this scene appeared in front of Chen Tian and Xu Shun Ling Zifeng. The poison made by Ling Zifeng was really powerful. The mutant creatures rushing to the mountainside in front were falling down one by one, and some people were already dying, even There are a lot of mutant creatures that have died and do not know what happened in front of them. They are still approaching this side, so the mutant monsters that are falling on the ground are getting more and more ears, some have died, and some are dying. Too.

But these dying mutants, unless they are trampled to death by mutated creatures rushing back, otherwise they will become resistant as long as they are not poisoned, and they will slowly repair the body, and use the evolved antibody genes Healing the body's poisoned genes like a purification, of course, the degree of cure is also different from person to person, and different strengths of varying biological constitutions will also have different states for this virus.

Several of these mutant creatures have mutated in this s area to the extent of surpassing Chen Tian and other human bodies. The reason why they are scared to run here is that the stronger their strength, the more they can feel the madness and destruction of three. The powerful strength of this area, so although these very strong mutant creatures are not as spiritual as humans, they will still be afraid of the absolute strongmen and run here with these mutant creatures.

After all, there are exactly two points on this side and the side of Kuang Qi. This side is also the furthest distance from the side of Kuang Qi. If this distance Kang Qi also wants to come to chase, it will belong to the earthquake and will not give these creatures a way of life. But in fact, Kuangqi did not intend to slaughter these mutant creatures by himself, but only because of the instantaneous destruction of the three districts caused by the abnormal gambling. A mutant creature with weak aura strength.

Of course, although the s area is much smaller than the t area, the overall area of ​​this area is also the kind of terrain that is not too big or too small, so not all mutants are scared away, some After the mutation, mutant creatures with a very low IQ still do not perceive the dangers of Kuang Qi and others, and want to use them as today's food, so Kuang Qi will kill these dead and dead monsters directly from the air!

Kuangqi’s fist is not enough to hit the opponent with one punch. It is enough to kill the monster in front of him. As long as Kuangqi wants to kill the monster in front of him, he only needs to use a powerful punch to blow the opponent directly. This method of killing people from a distance is not very difficult. Basically, it is possible to strengthen people with a little arm strength.

However, it is rare to kill every single shot in the air. The main reason is that the intensity of the madness is too domineering, and it will be smashed as soon as it hits the internal organs.

Some bodies were directly hit and scattered, and fortunately hitting half of the body, thinking that they could still live, but only half of the body found that they had exceeded the recovery limit of their genetic cells.

So even if they are not hit to an important part, they still cannot repair the injury themselves. Eventually, too much blood is left to cause death or the injury is too heavy to cause fatality, so as long as the air wavers hit by heavy madness, there is no possibility of survival. This absolute top strength is not to bully the small, he does not have the real strength of Dongyou just waved his hand casually, the changes in front can be completely different.

This exaggerated level of strength has made Ms. Zhao and the rest of the same world-class top masters as him. They are all amazed. Although they can also kill people from space, they are not as casual as he is, and the hit is basically It’s all a one-shot kill and you don’t have to worry about it.

This is the difference between having and without madness. Although they are also top experts, if madness does not appear, there will still be a lot of mutants along the way and attack them, although they fight these mutants. It's the same as playing, but after all, they have to protect these important people from being injured, and they can't use their real power to some extent. After all, using too much power will cause the surrounding strength to be ineffective, especially the ordinary people's physique.

So if they hadn’t appeared in this way, they were actually quite strenuous. After all, they are really okay, but too much worry will make the battle very troublesome, and some mutant creatures have too low intelligence, which makes them unable to distinguish these. Individuals are not the type of food they can be.

Although the strength of Ms. Zhao and Miller can easily solve these mutant creatures, it will make all the blood on your body very disgusting, but after Chen Tian appeared, all this has changed, so the world is the strongest The man really did not want to change because of him. It was because he punched three small areas with his real power and scared away most of the mutant monsters with brain and cognitive ability.

There are some mutant creatures with simple minds and few commands. When they see these basic things, they simply wave their hands in the air, and the monster in front is killed by his strong air resistance, and some of them are beaten on the spot. Smashing scattered all over the ground, what others saw in the eyes of others was like a wave of madness, and he was already smashed into a flesh in front of him.

The power of madness is to make these future four big family candidates and the current Fujimoto wave clan Fujimoto Wu, that is also the top human strength, and even immediately reach the quasi-world top ten combat level, but when he Seeing this power of madness now, it is even more murderous for this man. First of all, he trained himself with ordinary physiques in various combats from an early age, and hone his will with various cruel means.

Later, all aspects of the change have surpassed the point of strengthening many people, and with his ruthless character strength step by step to bring him to the peak of life, he can become one of the four major families. The boss of the Fujimoto Clan itself is a kind of legendary A glorious life, after all, the owner of the four major families is not everyone, and this kind of chain organization of various countries that covers the sky and the status and rights can be shoulder to shoulder with many countries, covering large families in various industries around the world.

Fujimoto Takeno sat in this position in this grade, it can be said that he is quite outstanding, so he will never allow anyone to be better than him, especially the woman he likes, that is, Ms. Zhao, who is very capable, originally he came This is to increase some relationships with Ms. Zhao, but the result of the madness made Ms. Zhao always talk and laugh with him.

This is what makes Fujimoto furious, not only because of his ability, but also his intellectual mind is naturally not bad. Now he just sees that the relationship between the two should be like the lover above the friend, but look It really looks good, but Fujimoto must have something he likes, and he has to let him wholeheartedly and like him to die, so Fujimoto must let the madness die.

But it’s not that simple to let Kuangqi die. At least here he is afraid to provoke Kuangqi. Although he is the supreme leader of a world-class big family, he still dare not show any hostility in front of Kuangqi. After all, Kuangqi’s The strength is too fierce, and I have long heard that he never obeys discipline, even if he is now working for the Prins family, but still enjoys the privilege, I heard that even the head of the family must follow his heart.

And Fujimoto is naturally not an ordinary person, so now he did not show his intention to enter the island together this time, nor did he take the initiative to approach Ms. Zhao. After all, smart men know that if a woman is not very concerned about a man Often, he doesn’t have much affection for this man, so if this man keeps getting close, it will only make this woman hate him more.

Fujimoto knows that he doesn’t compare with the status of Madman Zhao in Ms. Zhao’s mind, so it’s not that he had to highlight himself at this time, but Fujimoto has been secretly in his mind, thinking about many kinds of things after he left the island. The plan to deal with Kuang Qi, of course, these plans can not be realized now, but once out of this island, Fujimoto Wu's power is much stronger than Chen Tian.

At least the four Shura who can face the frontal battle of Kuangqi, if these four teamed up are likely to lose, because the strength of these four people is really quite strong, although any of the four of them singled out is definitely not Kuangqi’s opponent However, these four people are all super masters of the top ten in the world, and belong to the very powerful people in this level. Once these four people join hands, I am afraid that Chen Tian can't resist.

Four Shura joined forces together to directly kill one of the highest twelve combat strengths of the Ruandi family. Although the strength of the twelfth show is definitely a world-class superpower, they can’t stand these four people together. The attack, even when these four people joined forces, was not killed even after two minutes, and the ability was absorbed by one of the four Shura.

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