Killing God Island

Chapter 1495: R Zone 32: Wake up and turn me into a semi-robot!

During the running of Ye Minyu and Xu Shun, they met Yao Jun, who was also trapped in a hard glass cover. Although Yao Jun's overall strength greatly increased due to the genetic breakthrough that was finally broken through, he was in phase with Xu Shun. The difference is still much different, plus this super-hard transparent cover, there is no artifact level of hardness and extraordinary strength impact can not be broken, even Xu Shun's use of the artifact's toughened war bones and his own powerful strength was finally broken.

So of course Yao Jun couldn't come out by his own strength, but fortunately Xu Xian was by his side, Xu Xuan naturally had a way to rescue him, but even Xu Xuan would spend a little time, the hardness of this thing is indeed not super strong It can be smashed in two or three hits, so Xu Shun turned on the Sky Tribulation state again and cooperated with his coccyx blade to continue to furiously fight for five minutes to rescue Yao Jun.

Now Yao Jun, the team of Chen Tian, ​​is here. Next, a plane map of the base that appears in Ye Minyu's brain, plus when asked where Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng might be held, the two's answers are not known, after all, they Never related to each other.

This undoubtedly added a lot of difficulty to Ye Minyu. First of all, it is now to exclude the route that has just been taken. Now Ye Minyu will have to walk through the places that have not been visited by this base in order to know where they are, and What makes Ye Minyu happy is that everyone is okay, but now Ye Minyu does not know that A Ruiqi is dead, everyone in Xu Shun's sentence is probably okay, I heard that they have been caught and have already died A Ruiqi Seems to be included.

In fact, everyone in the Chen Tian team was lucky, but it was a pity that A Ruiqi was killed. Although the rest were caught, they were not in danger of life. On the contrary, everyone's strength has been greatly strengthened.

After Xu Shun rescued Yao Jun, he learned Wu Yifan's whereabouts from his mouth. After all, the two of them were arrested together, but during the period of the second reinforcement, he was slightly comatose. Hearing them say that Wu Yifan was undergoing an overall physical examination and undergoing a rather complicated physical transformation.

Ye Minyu immediately felt that the situation was a bit serious. When asked about the laboratory No. 138 that Yao Jun heard, through Ye Minyu's understanding of the topographic map of the base, he immediately brought Xu Shun and Yao Jun to the place,

However, this time Ye Minyu didn't let him go in rashly, but looked close. When he saw the huge machine sound inside, he finally found Wu Yifan's figure. He really wasn't dead, but only half of him. This body was transformed into a robot. If only the right arm was a mechanical arm before, it could not be completely said that he was a robot. Now most of his body has been transformed into a mechanical body.

Even the lower limbs have been transformed, but the reformer is quite interesting, there is no part of him that symbolizes the transformation of the male, and he is left with two kidneys, but there are many fighting machinery inside the body, and the brain retains his original The brain of this person has been a very handsome person. Although his appearance has not changed, there is a strange feeling that he can't say.

However, they plan to take Wu Yifan directly for the first brainwashing experiment to see if there are any sequelae after the brainwashing of this device, and then they are brainwashing the rest of the people. Ye Minyu is right this time, and Wu Yifan will be brainwashed in the coming night. By the way, Yao Jun and Xu Shun certainly don't know what this instrument is for, but Ye Minyu knows that he used this thing outside the island to brainwash many people. So Ye Minyu immediately shouted to Xu Xuan and Yao Jun: "Quickly stop the behavior of these people, they want to brainwash Wu Yifan!" Xu Xuan and Yao Jun immediately rushed In the past, these people did not expect to suddenly rush out of the enemy inside the base, and these people are not powerful combat members, but researchers with certain talents and knowledge.

They are basically helpless as soon as they encounter the unexpected situation. Although they all have a certain combat ability, their defense is slightly longer in the face of the sudden attack on them. The first few people even Nothing came and the reaction was instantaneously killed by Xu Shun's coccyx blade. The rest of the people were just about to fight. Yao Jun had thrown his fly away. They couldn't escape the flying knife at lightning speed.

As a result, Yao Jun hit the vital parts and fell to the ground. These two people solved the non-combat members of less than ten people. It was really finished in an instant. This is not too strange for Ye Minyu. After all, Xu Shan and Yao Jun The strength of both people is very strong, so it is not very strong to deal with these combat strengths and the number of less than ten people is normal in a matter of seconds.

Now what makes Ye Minyu confused is that the two of them shot too quickly without leaving a live mouth. What is now in front of him is how to make Wu Yifan wake up normally, now he has a tube inserted all over his body, and his body has been transformed into a semi-mechanical In fact, whether his transformation was completely completed or not, Ye Minyu is unclear, but now Ye cannot be so hard to wake him up directly.

So Ye Minyu could only walk in by himself, first put his finger on his neck to see if he had a pulse. From the pulse heartbeat, he should be fine now, but how to make him wake up? Is it simply injecting drugs to cause coma or what?

Although Ye Minyu has a wide range of knowledge, he is not an expert in the Department of Biology, and he has never studied human genetics, so he only knows a few of these instruments before him, and there are many instruments that she does not Knowing what it was for, just when he was at a loss, Wu Yifan suddenly woke up on his own. In fact, Wu Yifan's transformation surgery was already completed.

In addition to brainwashing him, these people now need to install some bombs in his body to control him in the future, but unfortunately he was killed before he could install them. Plug it into his transformed body, so just pull it out, but when he saw that his body had become a machine, the whole person was dumbfounded instantly.

In fact, Wu Yifan's mental quality is very good. If someone else may have collapsed, after waking up, he may find that most of his body becomes mechanical, and no one can accept it for a while. After all, no one wants to change in the future. As a robot, although this is not a robot, it is completely different from the normal person. Wu Yifan looked at his lower body without saying a word.

If the reformer transformed this place, it is estimated that Wu Yifan might choose to commit suicide, but fortunately, the reformer still left him full of exquisiteness, so Wu Yifan's expression seemed to be relieved, but even then Wu Yifan was also The angry decision must kill all of these people. This anger made it difficult for him to swallow, so Wu Yifan clenched his fists and whispered, "I want me to want me to kill all the people here without leaving !"

At this time, Xu Shun and Ye Minyu also understood that these people turned Wu Yifan into a half robot. It would be difficult for anyone to replace it. This kind of hatred can only be repaid with their lives. Of course these catch them without permission. Transform them, although they make them stronger, but for them, they will not get Stark's good, but will kill him!

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