Killing God Island

Chapter 157: Let's play together

This black guy wanted to step on Chen Tian's head and continue to jump forward and run forward. Unexpectedly, Chen Tian in the red child state was turned on. The speed and avoidance were stronger than this black guy too much.

But the black guy also responded well. When he saw himself stepping into the air, he followed his body and stretched back slightly, and opened his mouth directly to Chen Tian’s shoulder. This black guy’s teeth are different from humans. Rows of rows are as sharp as the teeth of a shark animal. In this mouth, Chen Tian's shoulder was directly bitten off a large piece of meat.

"Damn!" Chen Tian touched his shoulder, even if Chen Tian's wound recovery ability was very strong, he couldn't heal such a big mouth in a few seconds, so although Chen Tian's shoulder wound was slowly healing, But still bleeding.

At the same time, these people who were suddenly drawn from the other side of the bridge by the plane had to make Chen Tian worry about Angelina and Wu Yifan and Yao Jun who were falling aside, even Kaweier and Locker The two behemoths fighting together are also moving towards this side. The two are too big after the Sky Tribulation. Caville is eager to fight for the past, and Locke is trying his best to prevent him from passing.

After all, there is his old nest, no one wants to fight in his home base?

So Locke grabbed Kaweier's tree and vine and sternly pushed back, and Angelina's body was cut by two-thirds of the blade with Zhuo Wenxin's dagger. Without the help of Ye Minyu, Angelina might have been really long ago. Dead, the timely treatment Ye Minyu did to her helped a lot, and the slow healing period of at least more than forty minutes was restored, so that Angelina stood up again. In fact, she should not fight now. Because of the plane flying away, these Locke gangs who wanted to leave the island were mad.

Angelina once again used a transparent spider silk, the sharpness of which is all Angelina's trump card.

Although Angelina's spider silk is transparent, it is not completely invisible. As long as there are reflection points and eyes so that the speed of the master can reach the micro level, it will easily avoid this attack.

Originally these people could actually avoid Angelina’s attack, but

It is a pity that these people saw Angelina the first time, after all, her appearance is a little girl, and the most direct reason is that their attention is still on the helicopter flying not far away, after all, this aircraft Membership is too much too much sadness and pain, also accompanied by their five or six years of research and development.

So even if they knew that they would not be able to catch up on foot, they would be unable to stop it even if they did.

But these people still walked straight from the bridge dividing line toward this side, but unexpectedly Angelina's Promise spider silk. The people and things within ten meters of her center were like being cut into several pieces by a sharp knife. Duan, of course, those who ran at the front were also the worst.

When they found out that the dozens of people in front, the culprit who was killed instantly was Angelina, even if her body and appearance were very cute, she would not have any special love for her, but instead draw one by one. Draw a gun, and Angelina is not stupid, and immediately ran in the direction of Ye Minyu after killing dozens of people.

The direction is different from the direction of the plane just passing by, and these people are more concerned about the direction of the plane. After all, the helicopter flying ahead is very low. Not to mention, the speed of this helicopter is also very slow, so these talents continue to move forward without giving up. Chase.

At this time, there were a total of twelve people in the helicopter, namely the genius doctors in the Rock group who were flying the plane, and the other eleven were John Nigerson, who was known as one of Locke’s left and right arms, and ten of his men. A good expert, John Nigsen kept urging in the aircraft cabin: "Hey, hey, can you drive the plane to a higher point, speed up, speed up!"

In fact, this doctor also has free plans in his mind, and he is more correct in his mind than these people. For example, this aircraft is flying for the first time, and I don’t know what changes will occur when it is flying faster or ascending. After all, this is the first aircraft it made. There are too few reference data, so he didn’t drive too fast or too high for safety. Another reason is that I am not familiar with these dozen people. In case they cross the river and demolish the bridge and really leave the island, they are on a long journey. No one can fly these people. I can be their technician, but in case I really fly away from this island, I will have a great chance of being killed by them. After all, if they really leave here, in order to A good seal will definitely consider killing me first.

This was also the reason why the doctor thought about it and finished it deliberately, but they didn’t know about John Nigerson. When the question was asked, the answer given by the doctor made them all one by one.

"Don't I tell you long ago? This plane is only 80% perfect and successful. If you want to be completely free of problems, you still have to wait at least a month, so now you can only barely fly like this, don't believe you personally Try it out?"

In fact, this is the doctor’s radical method, and he deliberately bluffed him. John Nigsen continued to look at it again. After seeing the control area, he suddenly lost the interest to try it himself.

At this time, Kuang Qi also got up and said to Qian Da and Han Li next to him: "The chaos in the front is no longer fun. Let's take a closer look at these group fights."

"It's very good!" I couldn't wait any longer. Han Li was very excited. While starting a warm-up exercise, she pushed her glasses and smiled very evil. Evil, while Qian Da resisted the thin and long one-handed The Japanese sword quietly followed behind Kuang Qi.

Just as the three were ready to join in the excitement, a huge saber-toothed tiger suddenly appeared in front of him. With the roaring sound, Chang Yanxiao sitting on the back of the tiger threw a stone in his hand. The strength of this stone is getting faster and faster. It is almost several times more powerful than a sniper rifle.

The direction of Chang Yanxiao’s throwing the stones was the helicopter’s position not far ahead. I saw the stones easily penetrated the helicopter’s fuselage and followed the instantaneous explosion inside the helicopter, except for the doctor who jumped from the helicopter for the first time. , It’s John Nigerson’s fastest response. He just fell into the plane’s inner warehouse and shook it strongly. He followed John Nigerson and saw the whole process of the plane being penetrated. John Nigsen deserves to be witty and powerful. There were a total of 11 people in the cabin, and the rest were actually found, but unfortunately the person who pulled the door open was John Nigerson. He jumped straight without saying anything, from the stone through the plane to The duration of the explosion is at most three seconds. During this period, it was the process of Johnny Ngson’s opening and jumping from the cabin door, which happened to be the process of the helicopter explosion. , Directly from the air to the ground, after all, he did not wear a parachute, and the flight height of the aircraft itself is not high, so landed at this height, although the body is sturdy landing, but for his strength strengthened person There is still not much problem, but the problem now is that he just fell into the crowd of Locke and because of his relationship, their hopes of leaving the island in three years have been broken, so dozens of people are serious Full of hatred and anger, John Nigsen’s expression was also a little bit

"Hehe you guys"

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