Killing God Island

Chapter 1587: Q Zone 1: Three top powerhouses, target each other!

Although Jonny Eileen’s appearance is definitely a standard dark-skinned beauty, it is also inferior to Ms. Zhao with pure Chinese descent and Qian Da. Wilson with white aristocratic descent, but Kuang Qi is like Zhao. The friendship between women is just not a more intimate relationship with friends, but with Qianda because she only wants to train her to make her stronger. At present, it is only a potential stock that she focuses on.

Another reason is to give Ms. Zhao a face. After all, the master of Qian Da is Ms. Zhao, and Ms. Zhao is a partner with Kuang Qi in the early morning. It is precisely because of this complex relationship that Kuang Qi has always brought Qian Da on this island. Yes, it's a training to protect her again. After all, her true identity is one of the four major families, the eldest lady of the Wilson family.

I saw that Qian Da also looked at Kuang Qi very seriously like Yan Xi and said, "I have been with you for some time. I think my current strength seems to have improved a lot. I really want to know that I am now How far is your strength from you?"

Although Qian Da’s strength during this period of time has really grown very quickly, all these madnesses are seen in eyesight, from the previous a-level strength to s-level, until now Qian Da’s strength has surpassed the s-level, even The double s level of ss, and this level is generally summarized as the quasi-ten junior level, it can be said that it has reached the battle level of which fortified people who entered the a zone without reaching the center a of the island, even even Higher than them.

Therefore, Qianda thinks that her own strength is already very strong. For Qianda now, it will be very slow to continue to become stronger after entering this level. After all, the division of strength of the quasi-ten intermediate and advanced stages is not so. In detail, in short, Qian Da's strength is indeed not weak at all, so she now wants to be affirmed here.

Unexpectedly, Kuang Qi did not directly answer her question, but slightly raised his finger and pointed to the sky!

" do you mean?" Qianda directly asked Kuangqi because he wanted to be recognized in Kuangqi's mouth, so he eagerly wanted to let Kuang Qi told him personally, how far is he from his level of strength!

I saw Kuang Qi shook his head, and said one word to the other, seriously said: "Don't you understand the gesture I just made? I mean, the gap between us is like heaven and earth, so If you set my goal as the standard, then you must continue to work hard!"

When he heard such words from Qian Qi, Qian Da was immediately furious: "What do you say? I don’t believe. I will fight you after getting off the plane. I hope you won’t be merciless!" Instead, he nodded slightly: "Good! Now let's take a rest now!"

In this way, a few people flew directly over the r zone from the sky by helicopter, and reached the q zone directly. Kuang Qi will not rest easily under normal circumstances, but this time he rested on the plane for a long time, because Kuang Qi felt The ominous sign of the q area, the madness is not ordinary people, he can not sense it, and this q area is actually the main battlefield of the madness, but the rest of them do not know this. These include the brothers and sisters of Zhuo who have entered the q zone, and the Chen Tian group and Ben Xi and the Big Mac who have settled the base of the r zone and have entered the q zone. People group, all these people have left the r zone and entered the q zone.

But whether it is madness, or Zhuo’s brothers and sisters, it is still unclear how dangerous this q area is. Although an area is more ruthless than an area, this area is actually completely different from the rest. At this time, there are many masters gathered here, among which the top ten masters of the world's top ten have gathered no less than three people, including Gu Shouchuan who appeared in several areas before. He has not appeared in many areas, and he is also in the q area. .

Of course, in addition to Gu Shouchuan's group, there is also a gang of gangs, including the women's team, which is in this area. Although the female team's Shirley is very strong, compared with Gu Shouchuan and Kuang Qi, they seem very Small, of course, in addition to them, there are Chen Tian, ​​the Zhuo Brothers and Sisters duo, Ben Xi and the Big Mac duo, as well as the remaining powerful organizations in q area and individual individuals who are not weak.

And the dangerous level of this q area at this time, even the masters of Zhuo's siblings and Chen Tian did not sense any danger at all. In addition to the madness who was flying to the q area in a helicopter, he could sense the crisis. One is Gu Shouchuan with a pale face in a wheelchair. As one of the top ten masters in the world, Gu Shouchuan, who was one of the twelve shows, can naturally feel the danger coming. Although he is seriously ill but his strength Still strong and ridiculous.

It can make Kuangqi and Gu Shouchuan aware of the danger, and make these two people believe that they can fight these two people. Naturally, it is also the level of the top ten in the world. Although this person is not the tenth recognized by the world. Ranked among the top ten, but has the level of battle in the world's top ten, just like Gu Shouchuan and Kuang Qi, neither of them are ranked among the top ten in the world, but their strength level is also recognized as the top ten in the world. Level level.

And this other madman and Gu Shouchuan, who are valued by a large number of top super masters, are ruthless people named Bei Qibu. This person is a pure combat maniac. Fighting madman who fights with him. He fights with others for neither money nor fame. He only seeks to stimulate and prove his strength is the strongest existence. He not only has the world's top ten fighting level, but also defeated in two years. Three super masters of the real list of the world's top ten.

Because Bei Qibu's reputation is not very good, although he defeated the three masters on the list, he did not make the list or even replaced the status of the three top masters in the world, but he did not care about these in the world. The ranking of the strong, in his eyes, many of the world’s top ten masters are also well-known. Although they do have unmatched combat power for others, for him, there are some super masters he has not found. He is the one who thinks he is not worthy of fighting with himself, even if he can't fight himself.

So he is looking for people with real abilities in the world, including people with real fame and abilities. That is definitely the madness currently performing missions on the killing island, so this time he is personally fighting the madness. Only came to this island and waited for him personally in this area.

This is why Kuangqi has to take a short rest on the plane. Kuangqi has felt that in addition to a strong strange energy, there is also a very familiar strong force in this q zone before he reaches the q zone. And this familiar energy is that Gu Shouchuan is right. After all, Gu Shouchuan and Kuang Qi still have some personal friendship, so Kuang Qi certainly knows that Gu Shouchuan is also there.

Similarly, Gu Shouchuan can feel that Kuang Qi is approaching this side. At the same time, this powerful Bei Qibu is also waiting for the strongest man in the legend. He can also feel that Kuang Qi's energy breath is speeding towards this in the air. The sides approached, and Bei Qibu naturally came here by hijacking the four family peripheral fighters with his own strength. From the perspective of the destruction of this fighter landing, this guy did not give himself a back path for this battle.

Such people who are crazy for fighting are still very appetizing. After all, they like to fight with powerful people. So at this time, the madness is relying on action. Although it is still in the state of closed eyes and gods, but There was a smile on the corner of his mouth that looked forward to this battle. Although this person was the one he was going to clean up from the list, from the standpoint of strength alone, this guy was more mad about his appetite.

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