Killing God Island

Chapter 1556: Q Zone 13: Gu Shouchuan's face is given by top experts!

Bei Qibu's indifferent expression, and it seemed to respond to Gu Shouchuan's non-targeted statement: "You are right, I really don't want to fight you because I think you are in poor physical condition now, I will fight you now , Even if you win, you won’t win, so I’m here to wait for the madness. If you want to leave here, I will never stop you from going north. After all, you are also one of the strong people I admire. , But it’s a pity that you are no longer my opponent, so we don’t have to do anything.

"Not your opponent? Would you like to give me a try?" Gu Shouchuan's expression did not seem to be a joke, so Bei Qibu immediately shook his hand and replied: "No no no , You forgive me! I sincerely beg you to give me a chance to single out against Kuang Qi. I came to this island just to gamble on a fair showdown with Kuang Qi, the strongest in the world, so I I don’t want to bother you. Although I know that you have a good relationship with Kuang Qi in private, you should want to use all your energy to consume my physical strength to help Kuang Qi?"

Bei Qibu said this to Gu Shouchuan for a moment, because he sensed Gu Shouchuan's intention. In fact, Gu Shouchuan wanted to fight Bei Qibu, not because he thought he could beat Bei Qibu, but he wanted to To help Kuang Qi consume the physical strength of Bei Qibu, after all, Gu Shouchuan saves Chen Tianyi's life indirectly in those years, and has been receiving a lot of help from Kuang Qi in the past few years. No force can easily hinder the island’s escape from the Holy Land.

So Gu Shouchuan wanted to help Kuang Qi once when he still had energy, but he was seen through by Bei Qibu. I saw that Bei Qibu said to Gu Shouchuan here: "Kuang Qi is a tough guy worthy of respect from any master, I think He also wants to play against me in a fair and just life and death. If he knows that I was exhausted by you before winning me, I think he will not agree with you."

Bei Qibu said that Gu Shouchuan also felt that, according to his understanding of the past, he really would blame himself for nosy business. After all, Gu Shouchuan knew the strength of the madness, although the strength of Bei Qibu in front of him is also very against the sky. However, Gu Shouchuan does not think that he can really defeat Kuang Qi in the heads-up, and Kuang Qi has always been a belligerent character. I am afraid he may even look forward to playing against this top expert.

Therefore, these few words of Bei Qibu made Gu Shouchuan really give up the idea of ​​just wanting to fight him. In fact, he also knew that walking with Bei Qi meant that he was drawing a final stop for his final life, so Gu Shouchuan Although such sacrifices can be made for friends, if the Gu Shouchuan team does not have him, although the rest of them are a bit strong, but once they enter the zone, they may not be able to survive in the strongest area.

So after thinking about it, Gu Shouchuan gave up the idea that he just wanted to fight Bei Qibu. After all, Gu Shouchuan also knew that his physical condition was not as good as that of that year. If it was that year, he would definitely shoot without a sentence, but now most of him When you meet this kind of top-level master, you want to use the prestige of the past to ask the other side for some face to resolve. It is the principle of Gu Shouchuan that he can not shoot or not.

Therefore, Gu Shouchuan also belongs to the point that he did not want to fight with him through Bei Qibu, and he is also ready to find a step down. After all, the strength of this person in front of him, even if Gu Shouchuan is not seriously ill, can not fight this person. Okay, so Gu Shouchuan nodded directly to Bei Qibu and said, "You said something reasonable, and I also want to see who will be the last winner if you fight against Kuang Qi."

"So you agreed?"


"But there is one more thing I want to tell you as an additional condition. If you agree, I will naturally as you said, and I will give you a chance to fight against the madness!"

"What additional conditions? You talk about it!"

"Actually, the so-called additional conditions are also trivial for you!"

After finishing this sentence, Gu Shouchuan turned and pointed at Chen Tian and everyone in the team of Chen Tian and said, "My additional condition is that in addition to my team leaving, I will also take this team away from here, otherwise I will advance Intervene in your battle with Kuang Qi, I think this should not be what you expected!"

"Although I am curious, why did you save this ugly boy, but since you said that, then they and your team can naturally leave here first, after all, I have no deep hatred with this group of people, it doesn't matter if you let them go !"

Gu Shouchuan clenched his fists slightly, and turned to Chen Tian: "Don't be too reckless in all things, don't think that your undead regeneration ability can really kill you. Should you know Ms. Zhao? I told him Some friendships, when he was hungry, I said that when you meet you, you have to be merciful, and I also heard some of your things in a chat with you, so this time I will return Ms. Zhao to save you once, if you are true I don’t know if I’m going to fight this person, I don’t have a move, so are you leaving the zone with us or staying here and letting all of your team die here with you, it’s up to you!”

When Chen Tian was fighting Bei Qibu with one arm, he was not beaten by one punch, but he hasn't recovered it yet. In the future, Chen Tian also loses more than he wins. Chen Tian is not stupid. How could he not understand this? At this point, it seems that this time Chen Tian wants to let his arms grow again, it takes at least a week of slow process. Chen Tian did not expect that he will be beaten like this, which completely broke his inability to kill himself. This kind of self-confidence, I did not expect that the strength of people who are too much worse than myself can also seriously hurt me, and even kill me instantly!

Such a blow made Chen Tian silently nod his head behind Gu Shouchuan's group, and Ye Minyu they had already seen the strength difference between Chen Tian and Bei Qibu in front of them, so they all left with them and left. The entrance of the district is only a few kilometers away from here. If they run at full speed with the strength of these people, they will arrive in a while, but these people walk forward without saying anything. It looks like everyone is not in a hurry.

And Gu Shouchuan's slow walk is that he is also looking forward to the two strengths of Kuang Qi and Bei Qibu who can be called God of War level to come to a real one-on-one match, and it is still a life-and-death match with both lives as chips. It can be described as a once-in-a-lifetime, so Gu Shouchuan felt closer to the strong breath of madness, he deliberately said to Zhang Ling behind him: "Slow down some steps, I'm looking forward to an old friend of mine fighting with the person just now , So don’t hurry.”

Zhang Ling nodded softly and said, "I see! But your friend should be very powerful? How can you fight the strong man like a monster just now?"

Gu Shouchuan immediately replied to Zhang Ling: "I must not despise this battle, but then you have to wait for me in the advanced zone. Your strength can't bear the power of these two battles, so although Slow down, but don't go too slow!" After finishing this sentence, Gu Shouchuan smiled slightly at Zhang Ling.

Zhang Ling saw Gu Shouchuan smiling at herself, and immediately nodded her face slightly red, seeing her shy look, she knew how much she loved Gu Shouchuan in this girl's heart, but she was trained as an early The female killer, who has killed many people, is also very fierce, but she is very introverted in her own feelings. She clearly likes Gu Shouchuan but for many years she has only kept him as a help. She is afraid to express her inner feelings, which will affect When Gu Shouchuan cared about her current sister-like care, she was afraid that she would be more embarrassed if she was rejected.

The latest chapter of the killing island, chapter 1,556, q section 13: Wu Gushouchuan's face is given by top experts! URL:

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