Killing God Island

Chapter 1564: Q Zone 21: Tenjin Strikes VS Tornado Remnant Cloud!

Kuangqi Melee has never used a variety of fighting techniques, Kuangqi has reached the level of no moves and there are tricks, which is the so-called real tricks, whether it is attack or defense, it can be reached, there can be one hundred in one second The kind of attacking style, but Bei Qibu is not an ordinary person. Although he is not an opponent of Kuangqi in terms of strength, he is still an absolute top-level strongman in combat. He has also achieved the same tricks as Kuangqi. The realm of strokes.

Therefore, the two can’t fight each other, they can’t easily avoid each other’s defenses by avoiding them, whether by hand or by foot, or by using various knees and elbows. , So if you continue to play like this, the result is not very big, so in their world's top expert matchup, the key to winning and losing is to fight against the real power to see, except for the power to fight Abnormal killer skills for each other.

However, it happens that no matter whether it is madness or North Qibu, the two have not shown their true strength. The two of them just want to warm up before the real battle, and this so-called warm-up is only more aggressive now. Both of them want to make a small difference in the warm-up process.

However, it is obvious that the two of them are super high in close combat, and on the premise that there is no flaw in each other for a while, it is not easy to win the other side, especially if they do not come up with their true strength level. Therefore, although the two have been attacking each other continuously, the effect is not obvious, but it has brought no small damage to the surroundings.

The duo lasted at least fifteen minutes of continuous attacks from each other. Although the duo just warmed up and did not increase their true strength by attacking, the destructive power brought to the surroundings was not small, and the madness was still there. When enjoying the long-lost battle with the master, Bei Qibu has begun to be a little overwhelming. Although Bei Qibu does have the capital to fight Kuangqi head-on, he has not yet reached a level where he can really compete with Kuangqi.

In the ten minutes of close combat with each other, he has reached the limit he can bear, but he insisted on fifteen minutes, of course, mad qi has long found that he can’t stand it, so when he attacked himself again, mad qi After deliberately evading, he raised his hand and directly grabbed his fist. The longer the two battled, the more madness was still the previous loading, but Bei Qibu was much worse than just now, so madness directly grabbed his fist to attack himself In reply, "The warm-up is over, let me look forward to your real strength next time!"

After he finished speaking, he released his hand and then took a step back for more than ten steps, directly pulling away from Bei Qibu, and Bei Qibu could also see that he saw that he was about to fight in close combat. Lost, did you stop it on purpose? Thinking of the North Qibu here, I don’t want to lose face in myself, and after the battle between the two, the two of them have a messy face, and the sky is still clouded with lightning and thunder, but there is no rain, but the clouds are constantly ringing Thunderous thunder.

At this time, Bei Qibu also said to Kuang Qi with a serious face: "Then please allow me to call you a senior, then I will attack you with the ultimate goal of killing you, I hope you will not be merciless to my men!"

After listening, Kuangqi nodded and said, "Okay! Then you come! Let me get a good look!" After the sentence, Kuangqi still looked forward calmly, and at the same time, Bei Qibu also instantly turned his hands to each other. Lift, the huge energy that has not been completely dissipated immediately follows his energy. Here, the energy during the battle between the two has just been brought together, and this powerful force can be clearly sensed to be in the side. Converged together, and in the form of extremely fast rotation. But Bei Qibu did not attack Kuang Qi at close range here, but his hands waved hard in the direction of Kuang Qi and shouted loudly, "Then let the seniors know For a moment, what is the power of my tricks?"

The face-to-face waving of Bei Qibu's move seemed to throw away the tremendous energy of the whole party for a while, but Bei Qibu's loss was not as simple as the lingering clouds, but the battle he had just battled with Mad Qi The huge tornado that was formed blows instantaneously to the madness with a great multiple of the powerful destructive power of the overall tornado. This huge tornado seems to be able to devour everything, and it has begun to surround the surrounding before it has attacked the madness. Everything engulfed in **** in, and the super rotation inside is like a huge meat grinder.

No matter how big or small the thing is, it will be instantly twisted and smashed, not to mention the human body, so as long as the mad qi is sucked in, it will also be the same result, and this huge suction is not like not to be not. It can be done by sucking it in. This suction power can be sucked in even the huge wooden trunks, showing that the suction power is not human-resistant.

But Kuang Qi was able to stand upright on the premise that the big tree was sucked in, and he stood upright. At this time, Kuang Qi looked up and saw that a huge hurricane had greeted him for a moment. Kuang Qi held his right fist and punched his fist. He lifted his head and smashed this punch heavily on the ground, and shouted to Bei Qibu while hitting the ground: "Then I will let you know this trick! You show me, My move called Tenjin!"

The huge tornado was instantly hit by the **** of heaven with a fist blow, and a huge force was instantly rushed from the ground and instantaneously impacted with the tornado. The two huge forces instantly burst from the middle at the moment they hit each other , The whole ground burst with a sudden blast from the middle, and Kuang Qi and Bei Qibu were also blown away by this force, and the dark clouds and thunder in the sky were instantly split into two.

While the whole ground was shaking, it began to change from cracking to a huge earthquake. At the same time when the whole ground began to collapse, Kuang Qi also appeared in front of Bei Qibu from the distance that popped up. When Shi Beiqibu was hit into the rock by himself, when he saw the appearance of Kuang Qi, he smiled slightly and praised: "Sure enough, he is the strongest Kuang Qi in the world. Today I can compete with my predecessors, my Life is worth it, but if I was defeated by you in this way, I am afraid you will not have fun, then let me use this life next, let you remember this battle with me!"

After Bei Qibu finished this sentence, the rock behind him was instantly shattered by the powerful force in his body. It was seen that Bei Qibu's hair instantly became longer, and his overall clothes were also shocked by his instantly swollen muscles. At this time, he was strong There are a lot of black totems in the half-body muscles. These totems are like cursed lines. This is the true strength of Bei Qibu, and it is also the root of his inherently powerful power. This root is as powerful as the cursed taboo power.

However, this state can only be used for a maximum of ten minutes, but it will die after ten minutes of use, and will faint because of physical exhaustion in less than ten minutes, but it will not die in less than ten minutes. Normally, Beiqibu will use this trick. In a minute, a very strong opponent is completely killed, so even if this trick is used, it is okay, but now this person is recognized as the strongest in the world.

Therefore, Bei Qibu is preparing to use his strongest move this time to force the final confrontation with Kuangqi at the cost of his life. If this move fails to defeat Kuangqi, Bei Qibu is willing to die even if he is dead. This is Beiqi. Bu wanted to prove that he was the ultimate killer, and when he saw him using this trick, he shook his head slightly and sighed slightly.

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