Killing God Island

Chapter 1655: Part 44: Chen Tian’s proposal, mutual help and mutual benefit!

At this time, Zhanlong seemed to think of Master once, inadvertently once said such a sentence to him, the destiny of ugliness, the killing of the sword, but Zhanlong did not care too much. The ugly time refers to the appearance of Chen Tian, ​​and the killing of the sword refers to Zhuo Wenxin.

The two destined to kill the dragon were gathered together at this time. Although the war dragon realized it, it was too late this time. Because Zhuo Wenxin was too angry, the strength and speed were mainly to kill them directly, and Dago, who was holding a double shield, wanted to block again. This time Zhuo Wenxin cut off his heavy metal shield directly, not because Zhuo Wenxin's dagger is the hardness of the artifact, but because of Zhuo Wenxin's speed and strength. Almost to a certain extent.

Just like an airplane in flight, if it is hit by a bird, don’t look at the bird’s small size but it can directly hit the plane into a hole. This is the great power combined with the speed and strength, although Zhuo Wenxin used It is a small dagger, and the metal quality and volume are far inferior to Dago's metal shield.

But he is a passive defense, and Zhuo Wenxin is an active attack. Just like the bird hitting the plane, he directly uses the speed and the strength of his own sword to directly split the ultra-thick metal shield of Dago. It wasn't that the War Dragon responded and directly moved Dagora to his position, then he had been cut in half by Zhuo Wenxin like a shield.

However, Zhanlong did not play against Chen Tian, ​​and Chen Tianchizi's movement speed is also very fast. Although it is far less than Zhuo Wenxin, it still appears to be very fast in front of the seriously injured Zhanlong. It was used to drag Dago to save his life, but ignored Chen Tian’s attack on him. Chen Tian’s arm turned into a blood blade directly. During the process of dragging his companion, his sitting shoulder was directly cleaved by Chen Tian. When he felt the pain, Zhuo Wenxin, who was moving fast, had already reached his second attack, and the expressions of these two people were always fixed under this panic-stricken panic.

Zhuo Wenxin's dagger blade crossed the force generated by the body of the two of them. After disconnecting the body of the two of them, the strength still did not decrease by half. Continue to fly forward and continue to fly forward until the front building is directly cut off a wall before stopping .

Although Chen Tian knew that the two of them would be mortally cut apart by Zhuo Wenxin's body, he still stepped forward and squashed their heads with their feet, making the two of them die more thoroughly. Zhuo Wenxin solved the two and immediately ran next to his brother. At this time, Zhuo Yanxuan’s body injury and appearance injury had recovered, but the internal injury had not healed. It can be seen that Zhuo Yanxuan dealt with the other three of the Dragon Warrior just now. Not as smooth as Zhuo Wenxin.

The main Zhuo Yanxuan dealt with the three from the beginning, and they all used the three forces to the full. However, Zhuo Yanxuan naturally knew that these three were not weak, but he did not use the ghost mode and The evil emperor's eyes rely on his current evolved domineering body and his own strength to fight against the three people positively, and finally completely solve the three people in the form of hard contact.

Therefore, Zhuo Yanxuan would be relatively injured, but Zhuo Yanxuan immediately thanked Chen Tian who came to help. Although Chen Tian could solve everything in front of Zhuo Wenxin, Chen Tian’s appearance was not The presence of fuel on the fire as an enemy has fully demonstrated that Chen Tian is a man, and he did not want to take advantage of Zhuo Yanxuan's serious wounds and wanted to take the opportunity to resolve the evil idea of ​​the brothers and sisters.

Although even the current siblings in this state, Chen Tian alone may not be able to do it, but if Chen Tian is really enemies with these two people, it will definitely cause a great blow to Zhuo’s brothers and sisters, even if he can solve Chen Tian This sibling will also hurt a lot, so Zhuo Yanxuan's intention of thank you also has this intention.

Of course, Chen Tian did not hear such a deep intention, but instead smiled and walked to the Zhuo brothers and sisters directly, and said directly to Zhuo Yanxuan: "You don’t have to be polite with me, and I didn’t do much help just now!"

Zhuo Yanxuan chuckled and continued to say to Chen Tian: "What about the rest of your team? Why both you and Ye Minyu?"

"I give them free activities here. After all, this area is quite prosperous. Everyone's general state of mental tension is not good. It is also necessary to relax yourself properly. Ye Minyu and I watched when they relaxed. Look at the terrain around this p zone, but I suddenly felt the energy stance of your brother and sister appearing around, and you can see from the universal watch that your sister is being selected by the death roulette, and the killing point is currently 13 times. It’s wanted, so I’m following your sister’s battle to radiate the energy around her.”

Chen Tian was originally a real person, and especially treated Zhuo Yanxuan, a friend he always admired, and naturally told him why he came here. Zhuo Yanxuan also nodded with satisfaction: "This time Thank you very much. In the future, if you have trouble, our brothers and sisters will come to help you."

Chen Tian lifted his left wrist and looked at his watch. "This reward order should only last for three hours, and now it will still be one and a half hours before it disappears. You have not recovered from your internal injuries, and Zhuo Wenxin has also suffered some minor internal injuries. Area p is not necessarily the only team with strength, so I suggest that your brothers and sisters stay with my team during this period."

Zhuo Yanxuan looked at his sister. Zhuo Wenxin also nodded to his brother at this time. After all, Chen Tian’s proposal is currently very helpful to the brothers and sisters. There is temporary shelter from the Chen Tian team and the strength of their brothers and sisters. It can be said that it is definitely more guaranteed during this period, even if there is any tough team, there will not be any problems. The number of Chen Tian’s team and the current strength of each of them are improved. This naturally understands the brothers and sisters better than the rest. .

In this way, Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin did not refuse: "So good! But I worry about causing trouble to you. You have to know that there are many people who want to kill our brothers and sisters!"

After hearing this, Chen Tian smiled: "When will the dangers we encounter along the way be less, and they will come, even if they let them come, just feel that there is no good opponent to practice in this area p, I am just It's boring!"

Zhuo Yanxuan saw Chen Tian's so bold "sex" style, which also made Zhuo Yanxuan very patted his shoulder and said, "Okay! Then trouble you during this time!"

"What's the trouble? The friendship between our brothers is not just superficial friendship. I really treat you as a friend, so please don't be too polite with me. If you don't have your brothers and sisters to help in the t zone, our team will be in the t zone. He was destroyed by the regiment, and how can he live to this day? Too much talk is out of the way. When no one needs help, helping each other in such a place is also a way of survival."

"You are right! Then now you two still have to explore the terrain around?" Zhuo Yanxuan asked directly, Chen Tian hadn't answered, Ye Minyu said first: "No, we're going For the rest of the round, your remaining siblings should be more familiar with us than the rest. After all, you came to this area one day earlier than us. With the visionary of the two of you, how could you not explore good terrain around here?"

Ye Minyu was right. The first thing this pair of brothers and sisters came to this area was to walk around and explore the various terrains in the p area and understand the survival rules of this area. Ye Minyu said in a word that I proved in front of this pair of brothers and sisters, I You don’t lose the wisdom of you. You can stay in this team for a while, but it’s best not to play tricks, but also remind them secretly.

Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin listened to Ye Minyu's tone and the attitude they had just spoken, and the two brothers and sisters also smiled back slightly: "You are right, my brother and sister are in your team. Discuss together, it should be more efficient for everyone to solve together!"

Ye Minyu wanted to hear this sentence: "Well, everyone helps each other, I think we can leave this area soon!"

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