Killing God Island

Chapter 179: Sick Girl in First Love (Part 2)

Caskent shook his head and said: "You misunderstood, I just let them prepare at all times, and did not mean to let them shoot, because I see your little girl has some skill, I decided to let you see my heavenly catastrophe State, I am afraid that I will become too strong, you will choose to escape, so as long as you have escaped, my men will immediately shoot you!"

Caskent took off his jacket after saying this, revealing a strong muscle, and then he roared like a beast, and the muscles that followed him began to wriggle up and down. The whole body and face also changed dramatically. The head begins to grow long hair and fangs from the person's appearance, and the eyeballs and orbital hair and the whole body also start to grow and grow dark and long hair.

Caskent, which was twice as big as it was, turned out to be even bigger. It turned into a huge orangutan like King Kong in almost thirty seconds, but unlike the orangutan, he was able to speak. And my own thinking: "I want to crush you directly!"

Caskent's huge palm shot directly at Ben standing on the ground. At this time, Benx and Caskent were as small as ants, and he was not even as big as his palm.

This guy turned into a chimpanzee? Ben Xi jumped and dodged at the fastest speed, dodged an axe behind him, and found that he could not cut his long and thick long hair and skin. Although there was no cut, it hurt. After Cascade, I saw his body turn around while waving his long arm. This huge and powerful arm is simply incomparable to human beings. Ben Xi did not expect this guy to have evolved to this extent. Cascade and Kaweier and Locke have the same fighting strength not only because of melee combat, but also a comprehensive evaluation of the overall fighting strength and physical evolution. The terrorist forces that really fight are definitely the same as the two big men in this v zone, which is why Kuang Qi and Chen Tian do not account for the cause of Kaweier he dare not fight life and death with Locke.

Locke is actually the most potential person in the v zone to unify the v zone. If there is no madness and Chen Tian to help out, Locke is twice as powerful as Kaweier in terms of combat effectiveness and leadership, especially in terms of employment, but he is helpless. Losing without knowing the madness, he not only has two men with the same strength as Kaweier’s left arm and right arm, but also has a life and death brother Caskent with his own strength. At this time, Caskent is fighting with Ben Xi It was found that Benxi's melee ability is very strong. It is not easy to quickly win and lose if he does not enter the sky-tribulation state, and Caskent is also afraid that Kaweier, who has unified the v zone, will not allow him, may support Benxi's. People will be here soon, so Caskent would like to solve the problem as soon as possible, and then leave the v zone to enter the next zone, so he will take a great risk to apply to the state of heaven.

To be honest, this state is very unstable, and it will bring a lot of unknown hidden dangers to the body after use, so it is rarely used after awakening from Caskent and comprehending the power of Heavenly Tribulation. This is his fourth use. The first two were used twice when playing with Locke and Kaweier, but after using them, they almost gave their lives, but that is because those two people will also be in a state of heaven, and their strength is almost the same as him, but this The state of Xi’s Heavenly Tribulation was not awakened, so the powerful overwhelming power made Ben Xi only be able to hide from the left and right.

Seeing that the hand chopping didn't work, I directly hung a pick chain on the handle behind the axe, and my arms directly and quickly flexed out an arc, and then flicked forward while being caught in the hand directly by the huge orangutan. Here, but all he caught was that the chain axe was still chopped on his thick shoulder, but he was bounced away with nothing.

This huge body and a hard surface that could not be split by the axe made Ben Xi directly choose to escape. She knew at this time that she was not the opponent of this huge orangutan, and she would definitely die if she didn’t escape, so she turned to prepare to escape, but She had just been turned to prepare her right leg and was hit directly by a bullet. At this juncture, she had forgotten the little babies who were lying around.

However, Ben Xi didn't expect that the marksmanship in these little tricks was so accurate, but fortunately, most of the shots were bad. The shots of Caskent were not intended to shoot her, but to let She knows that if you want to escape, you shoot and kill you. Only if you choose to fight our boss directly, we will not shoot. But this huge chimpanzee standing directly in front of Ben Xi, Ben Xi really has no way to deal with him, just can use flexible movements to avoid some attacks of this orangutan, but There is a shot in the leg now. Although the original body, which is many times more than the normal body size, can still stand up and move, but it is impossible to jump and avoid just as lightly as before.

And Caskent really wants to make a quick decision. Once again, his arms are like the gibbon, and his body jumps up to the ground. His body jumps so high, not to mention that the body's huge jumping force is so high that it can provoke more than 20 meters. The dark shadows directly made the sky instantly dark. The area covered by the shadows was very large, and even some of his men began to evade further.

And Ben Xi looked up and saw that the orangutan wanted to sit down. She also began to limp and want to leave here, but she just wanted to leave a lot of Caskent's men around the outer circle of the shadow She would shoot her and start firing. After barely blocking a few rounds with an axe, Ben Xi could only temporarily return to the shadow area in order not to let more bullets hit her.

But the body of the huge orangutan above the ground is also very fast, with a rapid drop of wind that has just slammed heavily on the ground in just a few tens of seconds.

At the same time, this huge gravity also smashed the surrounding ground with a tremor. The resistance and strong hurricane formed around it also caused the surrounding rock and sand to blow up. A dozen people in Benxi can't see clearly what is happening in front of them. If Benxi is really crushed, the consequences will definitely die, and the body may be squashed.

But soon the figure in front made the situation of the ten-meter celebrity of Caskent feel a bit wrong, because the figure in front was not a tall orangutan, but the figure of Ben Xi and a man who appeared to be riding on something. Because the barrier formed around the spread of dust in front was too large, for a time, these dozen people could not guess what was happening there. The black shadow alone did not look like the boss.

After the smoke had receded, the talents could see clearly. At this time, a man riding on a tiger was supporting her and letting her ride on the tiger’s back. The young man jumped from the tiger’s back. With a toothpick on the top, walking posture with grief, and a neutral hair style is a Chinese man with long hair with a ponytail. Although the appearance is quite handsome, the facial features are not perfect handsome. But the match looks masculine and a bit evil on his face. This man is the sixth crazy one of the seven war madness of the Prins family. He smiled suddenly. He just suddenly appeared on the back of the tiger and hard-wired the card. Scunt's blow in the air, while grabbing his thick arm in the air, he fell heavily on the ground.

The huge vibration just above the ground, like an earthquake, caused the surrounding area to swing to the left and right. The deep giant pit on the ground was Chang Yanxiao's backhand.

At this time, Ben Xi, who was riding on the back of the tiger, spoke for the first time, but he promised: "Why... why do you want to save me?"

The morbid murderous girl who has been living in her fantasy has been completely attracted by the scene just now, the scene where Chang Yanxiao caught the blow of Caskent, and his backhand will be such a huge chimpanzee The moment he fell into the pit, the handsome image of the man in her heart shocked her heart that had never sprouted for 18 years.

This kind of mood that accelerated his heartbeat for a while and didn't know how to talk to him, so that the moment sitting on the tiger's back was anxious and didn't know what to say. It took a long time to tell why you should save me. Sentence, and then the whole face became red and hot as the heart accelerated, but I was looking forward to Chang Yanxiao's answer.

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