Killing God Island

Chapter 1787: Section P 176 convinces everyone

Zhuo Wenxin now holds this thing in his hand, but it requires a lot of murderous points to be exchanged for ultra-dangerous parts. Even Ye Minyu didn't expect that this pair of siblings should even exchange such a terrible weapon.

It can be imagined how many brothers and sisters Zhuo Wenxin and Zhuo Yanxuan killed after they entered the island. The truth is that the brothers and sisters killed more people than Chen Tian. More than ten times, don’t look at the fact that they only have two people, but in fact the people killed by this brother and sister can far exceed the imagination of ordinary people.

Many people may think that if they only have two people, how much can be killed if they are killed in the sky? In fact, these brothers and sisters are really the kind of "sex" that kills people without saying a word. Unless they meet this special situation, in fact, it is not terrible to have a strong light on this island. After all, the strong ones are strong unless they are beyond the sky. Otherwise, it can be solved by special methods such as various policy layouts.

In fact, the most terrible thing is that the strength is not only strong, but also as powerful as the strength. This is the most terrifying, and Zhuo's brothers and sisters are undoubtedly this type of people with their own strength and few people.

So when Zhuo Wenxin took out this round miniature nuclear warhead, the attitude of the fourteen people all changed immediately, including Zhao Yanzhi, who was beaten by Zhuo Wenxin, did not plan to pursue Zhuo Wenxin's dispute with her.

In the face of each other's stalemate, Zhuo Yanxuan broke the current situation, with the haughty laughter of haha, and attracted the attention of the rest of the people to him, only to see him walk towards Zhao Yanzhi again. .....

At this time, Zhao Yanzhi did not seem so arrogant. She seemed to have recognized the situation. The two brothers and sisters are definitely not ordinary people. The appearance and strength of this brother and sister and the high-destructive "sexual" weapons they hold make it now. These 14 people apparently dare not act rashly.

After all, the thing that Zhuo Wenxin showed is really too weighty. The danger factor of this thing is great. I am afraid that people with a little common sense know it, so it is really good to scare them with this thing. Yanxuan's strength is not enough, that may have a smaller deterrent effect on them.

After all, these people have a good level of strength. If Zhuo Wenxin holds this thing in his hand, but if she can’t, she can kill her directly at a speed that exceeds her ability to respond. This crisis has been lifted, and you can get this weapon that can scare other people at will.

Although it may not be possible to obtain a detonator, no one will ever choose to use this thing to the extent that the fish is dead, so even if there is no detonator, it can completely scare others, so as long as Zhuo Wenxin is weak, even if she has This thing is not too dangerous.

But the crux of the problem is that Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin are quite unusual in their strength. At the beginning, they thought that Zhuo Yanxuan’s sister should not be strong, but from the short time he had just played with Zhao Yanzhi, she could see her strength. Not only is it not weak, but it is probably still on top of Sister Zhao Yanzhi.

So they dare not act rashly. To know that these forty of them, Zhao Yanzhi is undoubtedly the fastest in terms of attack, but she did not expect her speed to be euphoric, not to mention any of them. There must be no way to directly grasp Zhuo Wenxin in the past.

Without this certainty, they naturally dared not act rashly. Zhuo Wenxin looked at his brother again and blinked at Zhuo Yanxuan, as if to say that he and I got it, then it’s up to you Too.

Zhuo Yanxuan looked at the form around him, and after seeing that they didn’t mean to do anything, Zhuo Yanxuan went to Zhao Yanzhi’s place with such a relaxed and natural expression. As he slowly approached, Zhao Yanzhi Looking directly at Zhuo Yanxuan doesn't know what he is going to do next, but Zhuo Yanxuan's handsomeness is indeed quite pleasing.

Especially the mature woman like Zhao Yanzhi who likes small fresh meat is even more resistant to Zhuo Yanxuan’s handsome and masculine man. How could such a condition be imposed? In fact, Zhao Yanzhi is such an excellent woman, but It’s not like seeing which man likes it. Generally speaking, people who don’t look good or not, she doesn’t look at all. She is more critical.

Before entering the island, her temper and appetite for men were also the same. She was a very rich rich woman outside the island because she was exposed after killing several cowherds and hiding their bodies in the basement of a private villa. She will be sentenced to prison, and the cowboys killed by her are all very famous cowboys in the world.

There are various types of handsome men and men in the United States, Japan, India and China. She likes to leave some of their things as a souvenir after they get it. If she refuses, she will be ruthlessly killed and her body will be stored as a specimen and refrigerated in her villa. A very secret basement for viewing when you are fine.

Therefore, although she likes men, not all men can look at them. There are not many men who can be seen by her. It can be seen how high her vision of men is, but Zhuo Yanxuan’s standards are very good. In accordance with it, the reason why she killed those excellent cowboys is that they are not perfect enough. Because they are not perfect enough, they can only be used as a piece of art to kill them.

But Zhuo Yanxuan passed the level of Zhao Yanzhi's serious face value and strength. The only thing was that it was a difference between men and women, so she added an additional condition, as long as this also passed Zhuo Yanxuan can get in Zhao Yanzhi's heart. Perfect score.

It may be that Zhao Yanzhi is too used to doing things on this island because of his own strength and previous "sex" reasons, so everything is done with his own "sex". This time is the same. I want to get Zhuo Yanxuan. Fresh meat directly spoke his mind, but few people were able to disobey her.

But it is a pity that Zhuo's brothers and sisters are born to be the type of people who will overwhelm everyone, and they will not be left at their disposal, so even if a woman like Zhao Yanzhi meets this pair of brothers and sisters, her temper and "sex" may be proud. You have to see the changes in form.

Now Zhuo Yanxuan walked to Zhao Yanzhi, but he unexpectedly reached out and touched it, "touched" "touched" Zhao Yanzhi was blushed and said: "True sorry, my sister has a bad temper, just started a little too heavy, attitude It’s not good for you either, but my brother and sister didn’t have the idea of ​​being enemies with you, so even if it’s gone, if you’re still suffering from the pain on your face, you can beat me now. It’s okay when I give you a slap for my sister!"

As soon as this remark came out, Zhao Yanzhi also had a red expression and immediately waved his hand. When he was about to hit Zhuo Yanxuan's face, it became very light, just like gently touching his face.

Along with her actions, there was an additional sentence: "We have evaluated this time, and I can be considered face-saving. Next, what you want, say it if you have a plan, and talk about what to do next if you don't plan. "

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