Killing God Island

Chapter 1796: P area 185 Yao Jun failed!

At the moment when Yao Jun caught his deadly attack on the sharp blade with a dagger, his expression was absolutely terrified. This was not because Yao Jun suddenly used a weapon to scare him, but because of his subtle perception, Frightened by the failure to sense that Yao Jun had a weapon on him.

He didn't really think about it for a while, his own micro-level has been much stronger than ordinary strengthened people, why did he fail to notice that he had weapons hidden in him at the beginning, this perception has never failed, why But it will fail in this situation, what is going on?

This is the real reason for the almost distorted face that made him stunned and frightened. Of course, at the moment when the two daggers faced his blade, there was only a second interval when the two eyes met at one place. Realm also feels that he is centered on him. He is vacating six daggers in front, back, left, and right, plus Yao Jun holds the dagger in his hand to block his attack.

It happened to be seven daggers, and when Yao Jun had been killing people, he thought that he could use the seven knives at the same time and he was civilized. It was precisely because of this that he would be famous in the special arms outside the island, plus After strengthening his body, he cooperated with his own genes and continued to strengthen and improve this unique fighting method, which has evolved into a unique trick similar to the current sword-like method.

In fact, this so-called unique learning is a little exaggerated. There are many powerful people who can do this, but people who use this to kill people are rare. At least in this p area, only Yao Jun is using this trick. It’s quite easy to kill some people with lower strength than this, but it will be much less effective to kill people with higher strength.

Even with people of similar strength, the advantage of using this trick is not very great, so this kind of trick is generally not used by real masters, but Yao Jun often hard to blink this kind of trick, and cooperate with his best at the same time use seven The effect of the dagger is very noticeable.

Especially in this unexpected situation, in this case, it is really highlighting the strength of Yao Jun. Yao Jun has really studied this trick and has thoroughly researched it. This trick is simply too powerful as the opponent’s attack backhand. So this kid was out of luck. He had been careful for ten minutes, but he didn't expect to lose in this second of his active attack.

In fact, the moment of real battle depends on life and death, it is so fast, even if the previous battle is turned upside down, it is completely useless. The real decision of life and death is often just a momentary duel. It is obvious that Yao Jun is blocking his fatal attack with his right hand. Doomed to win or lose this matchup.

But this time it was because he did not notice that Yao Jun was actually carrying a weapon. This was something he never expected. This is also the cleverness of Yao Jun. In fact, it was not his induction failure that entered the micro realm, but Yao Jun used himself. 'S energy completely hides the seven daggers on his body.

To hide the seven daggers only needs to consume a lot of his own internal energy, otherwise Yao Jun can actually be more powerful, but even if Yao Jun is more powerful, he may not be able to attack him positively again to gain more advantages. So using some of his own abilities to hide his seven daggers is Yao Jun’s ultimate trick.

In the end, Yao Jun still used this final killing trick. In the next second to block his instant attack, he was simultaneously hit by Yao Jun’s other six daggers at the same time, and the hot blood "liquid" flowed out of his body at the same time. Seeing that he was half kneeling on the ground, Yao Jun desperately resisted his second blow to him.

It can be seen that the members of the strong team who can live for so long, everyone has super vitality and a tenacious desire to survive, obviously now with so many knives all over his body, he still took Yao Jun twice. Stepped forward to prepare a knife that cut off his throat.

And he blocked the knife, he only took a step back, and Yao Jun was ejected three meters more, it can be seen that if it is really hard, Yao Jun is not an opponent, but now Yao Jun’s chances of winning are much larger, but Yao Jun believes that he should be dying, but after watching him stand up again, his expression is smiling very strangely, even though the wound is still bleeding.

But he smiled so weirdly. This smile made people look a little hairy. I saw him pointing at Yao Jun and asked, "This is your last killer, isn't it? Unfortunately you didn't kill me directly, then It means you have no chance to kill me anymore!"

Yao Jun heard that he also put on a fighting posture with laughter and said, "Despite the injury on your body now, how dare you even speak out?"

"Speaking out loud? I think you are too confident. I forgot to tell you. I can let my internal organs change directions arbitrarily. This is some kind of exclusive ability that I gained after the evolution of my genes, so you just stabbed The six daggers that penetrated into my body were just puncturing the surface of my body. The bleeding of so much blood was only the reason of the deep penetration, and the reason why my self-repairing ability was not strong.

I am not as bad as you saw it, and now I have used my skin to clamp these daggers to the surface of my body, and now you only have one on your hand. The dagger is up, so it’s you who should consider life and death now! "

This sentence made Yao Jun's heart tense, because he was right, if he didn't have the ability he just said in his mouth, then the six daggers from the moment he pierced his body, he should be killed instantly. Even if you can persist for a few seconds, it is impossible to be alive now.

So Yao Jun's right hand squeezed the dagger in his hand. The other party also seemed to see that Yao Jun was starting to get nervous, and Yao Jun wanted to use a similar sword-like ability to retract the dagger "inserted" into him, but he didn't expect what the kid said. That's right, the other six daggers were still "inserted" on his body without moving at all.

It can be seen that this kid should not intend to let Yao Jun use this trick again, and his meaning is obvious. He will attack Yao Jun again, preparing to kill Yao Jun and then remove these daggers, so Yao Jun is also somewhat guilty at this time, after all, he did not expect that he would fail.

With this strange smile full of blood, he accelerated again in an instant. It turned out that he had never completely given up his defense against Yao Jun. It seemed that he had never used his full strength. Although the previous attack also used his full strength, but He was seriously injured by the seven daggers that he suddenly appeared, resulting in no follow-up after just attacking Yao Jun, and his real combat strength is that in this form of strong attack, non-stop combos will kill the other party in sharp pain. .

Originally, he was much stronger than Yao Jun, and now Yao Jun has a dagger, it is difficult to resist the enemy who is now full of angry and **** Lin Lin, so Yao Jun is telling what to do next. Did you just twist around and run away, or do you want to fight with him?

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