Killing God Island

Chapter 1802: P area 191 five people have died four people

The strength of these three people is by no means the level that can be taken by bone sister in one stroke. Before the two were lost by one stroke in second, it was because bone sister’s attack was too sudden, and her close combat ability was really Too strong, if these three people attack the bone sister together, there will be no situation where they have just been killed in an instant.

However, although the three of them have a good relationship at ordinary times, they were completely distracted at the critical moment. Only when they thought about how they should deal with each other, would they lead to the seemingly unbreakable fighting style of the three people back to back, but they were stepped forward The three people who slashed with each other retreated, which can also be seen that the three of them belong to the mouth and have a good relationship with each other in life and death, but they still think more of themselves at the critical moment.

These three people were supposed to be able to fight hard with Gu Mei and Xi Lu for a while, but because they each put their own life interests in the first place, this moment led the three people to escape in their respective directions. Doomed to the death situation of the three of them, because the three of them will have a better chance of fighting with Gumei, at least a dozen rounds of battle with Gumei, maybe they can use their killer skills or other abilities during this period.

But unfortunately, they are so scattered that they basically have no chance of winning, because they fled in three directions, which caused Gu Mei and Xi Lumei to be unable to fully pursue, originally planned to have been sitting in a wheelchair to watch the battle Shirley, I plan to temporarily retain one person during this time, after all, these women don’t want to frighten them, but wipe out the five-person team.

So the real leader of the women’s team, Shirley, although she has been watching the game, it is definitely a kind of strength for Gu Mei and Xi Lulu. She naturally knows that the strength of these two people does not need her own help.

But the reason for her sudden shot now is that before Gu Mei and Xi Lumei have resolved the other two, they will probably run away, so Shirley’s shot is not to kill this person, but To prevent this person from escaping, after all, Shirley is best at using a spiritual position. You can also call this ability an at position, which is one of many motivations and the strongest one.

General motivation is a means of attack that can attack the other party’s mental thinking through their own brain consciousness, but in most cases, using this ability is to interfere with the other party’s thinking and let the other party produce hallucinations, which is stronger Mind motivation can control this person's actions and control his body.

The effect of Shirley's strongest mind power level, called the at position, is that you can directly use the mind power to attack or defend. You have exerted the entire year's power to an almost extreme state. Of course, the attitude of the at position Powered attack and defense are many kinds of "sex". Of course, Shirley can't use the at position to the extreme due to her own physical reasons, but this ability is still very good for all the masters in the p zone. Works.

At least Shirley still struggled with the so-called strong team in Area P. Although her physical illness and injuries sustained on the island over the years have greatly reduced her combat power, she briefly used the at position to conduct Forcibly keeping people is still very useful, of course, she does not want to waste too much energy, just want to temporarily delay the time.

After all, Shirley knows that these people should not be able to pass 30 strokes in the bone sister's hands. If she is serious, she won't be able to stop the 10 strokes and will be killed by her, while Xi Lumei may take longer. , But she can definitely solve the battle easily with her strength, so Shirley can use the at position to force an invisible wall in front, so that this tall man can't pass it.

The rest can be solved by the two of them. In fact, it is as simple as Shirley thought. For the women’s team, there is still a big gap between the strong team and their strength, so it is very difficult to deal with them. It's easy, and these three strong teams are not the top of the previous strong teams, the top of the previous strong teams.

There is indeed the strength to compete with the women's team. For example, the very belligerent four-person squad has the strength to compete with the women's team. Even if the women's team is not good enough, they may not be able to solve them safely. But unfortunately this team has already been solved by Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng first, but Chen Tian and their solution to the four-person hunting team also suffered a lot of injuries, and it is definitely a win in the win. The main reason is Because the people in this team are too confident.

If they were all too proud of their personal strength, if the four of them jointly attacked Chen Tian’s trio, they could easily kill Chen Tian and their trio.

But this kind of strong team is a team that far exceeds the strength of the p zone. This is a minority after all, and the Chen Tian team is actually a strong team that far exceeds the strength of the p zone, but Chen Tian they met It is a team that is stronger than them. Unfortunately, there is no super-smart talent like Ye Minyu in the Chen Tian team. Each one is very brave and likes the madness of killing people with powerful strength in battle. The metamorphosis of "sex" is also the result of the tragic tragedy that led them to a good hand in the end.

Of course, among the women in the women’s team, Shirley is a kind of brain, but her mind is far less than Ye Minyu of the Chen Tian team, but at least not as crazy as the four-person squad, they will be careful every step they take I planned something, so after the three men were blown away by the bone sister.

Among the remaining three people, including the tall and strong Han Carroll, there are three people, Jerryson and Kabako. Of these three, Carol's direction of escape is Bone Girl and Xi Lumei. No first In the direction of time chasing, the rest of Jerryson was not able to be stared at by the bone sister. He could not get out of it. Just after cutting a knife, he immediately followed up with Jerryson's escape route.

Jerryson did not expect that the mad woman was chasing after him. "Forcing" because he was helpless, he decided to fight with this mad woman. Although she looked strong, she was not a vegetarian, and she was "forcing" people. The woman has made him decide to turn around and die with her. The idea in his heart has just been determined, and he only feels a lot of pain in his body. When he looked down, his body was completely cut.

Jerryson only left a frightened expression. As the upper body of the body was cut freely, he fell on the ground and his hands were not waiting to support his upper body. He was stepped on the skull directly by the foot of the bone sister. He was so dying, he didn't expect that he would die so suffocating, he didn't even have time to fight back.

Kabaco, who had escaped in the other direction, was more fortunate than him. Although he was also stared at by Xi Lumi, who was not running, he was fighting hard with Xi Lumi. People played for fifty consecutive rounds, and you fought each other for more than fifty times. Although Kabaco failed to seriously hurt Xi Lumei, it also made Xi Lumei fat body hit a lot of silt. green. ,

Although Xi Lumei's self-healing ability can quickly resolve this bruise, but her internal injuries and surface bruises can be seen, Xi Xilu Mei attacked him and killed him, but it is not like the bone girl. Solve the battle as easily as possible, and the last big tall man in the five-member squad is Carol, the captain of the five-member squad.

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