Killing God Island

Chapter 1832: O Zone 2 Strange Empty No One

This night Chen Tian is also asking everyone to eat a special meal, after all, they are also afraid that there will not be so many good dishes and restaurants in the next area, so they are also looking for a variety of delicious food to eat these days. After all, they don't worry about killing people. The murder spot here belongs to the currency here, so what you want to eat and buy everything needs to be killed.

And this murder point must be obtained by killing, and Chen Tian’s team has obtained too many murder points for this violent way of brushing the kill point, so no matter what store is consumed for Chen Tian’s group All belong to the consumption concept of Nine Cows and One Mao.

So there is no need to think about it. Just eat whatever you want. This is the style of Chen Tian's group. Of course, this p area is really a good place for them. If there is no higher pursuit, live in the p area of ​​this island. It is indeed a good place, after all, it is no different from the outside world.

However, for Chen Tian and those who want to leave this island, the bustling urban scene in this area is still not attractive enough. What they want is to leave this island and really enjoy the outside life, so Chen Tian they The guys stayed in the p zone for the last night and left the p zone to enter the new zone o.

Facing the gate leading to the next area o area, everyone in the team of Chen Tian also looked serious one by one, and they also looked forward to the next area and were also a little nervous. After all, what does the next area look like, the next one What kind of crisis will there be in the region? All these unknowns make them feel very uneasy.

But for them, they are full of expectations. After all, they have stayed in this area for nineteen days. Those who wanted to leave this area quickly, but they didn’t expect to spend twenty days to leave here. I don’t know how long I’ve been trapped in this p zone. It’s quite remarkable that Chen Tian’s mother can leave here in just 19 days.

After Chen Tian nodded to everyone, he lifted the universal watch on his left wrist to the gate leaving this area, swiped in front, the gate automatically deducted Chen Tian’s murder point, and the huge and thick gate opened directly. However, as soon as Chen Tiangang entered the door, it was closed, and it was impossible to enter multiple people at the same time as he wanted to open.

So it’s absolutely not feasible to steal the crime and want to leave here in this way, but the Chen Tian team’s killing point for each of them is too enough, and the scores of these three days are not in vain. Yes, even after deducting such huge murder points, everyone will still have a lot of murder points.

So after Chen Tian walked in, Angelina and Xu Shun, Ling Zifeng, Ye Minyu, Han Xue, Yao Jun, Wu Yifan, and Zhao Yanzhi, who joined Ling Zifeng in p area, also opened this door at the same time. The inside officially entered the o-zone. With the closing of the back door, the scene of the entire o-zone was fully displayed in front of everyone.

Compared with the p area, it doesn’t look so luxurious. It can be said that it looks very simple, but it does not lack the necessary things. There are places to eat and rest, but with the p area, it can only be said that it is related to the countryside. It's similar, and it's not that all the high-rise buildings are taken at a glance, but at a glance, the jungle is more than the house as before. Of course, this is just visual. Chen Tian, ​​of course, because they have just entered the o area, of course, they will first use their eyes and subtle perception to roughly analyze it. After everyone enters this area, as Ye Minyu uses When the universal watch on the left wrist performs a terrain scan around to explore. Qi Yanshushubr>I didn’t expect Chen Tian to have the same idea as Ye Minyu at this time. They were also using a watch to detect it. The terrain here is not very large. It seems that this o zone not only has no p zone prosperity, but the whole area The area is not very large, then what Ye Minyu has to consider next is how to leave this area.

Of course Chen Tian also took this into consideration, so Chen Tian directly asked Ye Minyu: "What shall we do next?"

"First find a way to leave this area. During this period, everyone should try not to be distracted. Just stay alert. After all, when I entered here, I didn’t even see a person. Even we saw the women’s team and Zhuo who entered here. Their signals have all disappeared, so I think it is quite weird here, we must be more careful next.

In this way, Chen Tian and his party kept walking forward. After walking for about ten minutes, a sign board appeared in front of them. In addition to giving Chen Tian their directions, they also wrote these four words: Be careful.

This warning sign has increased the strange atmosphere here, but there are still no people around. The situation just scanned shows the terrain. Later, I carefully scanned whether there were any people around. When scanning the surrounding enemies, the distance would be restricted. Starting from the central area, this function has been gradually weakened.

After all, in the early stage, this is a life-saving detection ability, and it is also the key for the strong to find and hunt the weak, and to find them. However, with the gradual deepening of the entry area, this function is obviously weakened, maybe for better 'S hidden opponents provide protection for more people's lives, but this island is simply impossible to protect people's lives.

The only possibility is that in order to increase the difficulty of the game, they will reduce the detection function of the universal watch to detect the general position of the surrounding enemies so much. Now only the enemies within 50 meters can be displayed. Of course, based on their current combat experience With the awakening of entering the microcosm, this distance may not use the function of universal watches to detect the microcosmic perception of the three people Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng.

So what is the current situation in this o-zone Ye Minyu did not dare to easily assert, but the signals of the women’s team and the brothers and sisters of Zhuo’s who had previously entered this zone could not be detected, and even the energy flow in their bodies was very weak. Although it is certain that they have not died, this energy flow is very weak.

This is the reason why Chen Tian touched some uncomfortable feelings. After all, the strength of the women’s team and the brothers and sisters of Zhuo’s brothers and sisters are not weak. If they can’t live in this area, even the Chen Tian team can’t. This is what Chen Tianxin felt very worried about.

After all, from the current point of view, the atmosphere here does not seem to be right, and there is no one to be seen here. Even if you see a lot of houses with one or two floors, they are empty and there is nothing. It feels like walking for ten minutes. This area is like an empty city, the atmosphere is strange at first, but it can be said to be very uncomfortable.

So now everyone in the team of Chen Tian is walking back and forth, after all, even the women’s team and the brothers and sisters of Zhuo’s family have nowhere to go. It can be seen that the strength of the place should not be a waiter, so everyone in the team of Chen Tian is always Stay alert and move forward slowly, but there is no wind and grass around, it seems that everything around is still safe.

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