Killing God Island

Chapter 1852: The test of Chen Tian's team by the four big families in Area 6

Ye Minyu suddenly thought in his head, yes! Five days can't be done by the average person, so why give five days? Except for her sudden vomiting, which made Ye Minyu meditate, this five made her seem to have indeed seen a place similar to the five-character slogan somewhere in the past two days.

"Yes! That's it!" Ye Minyu suddenly jumped up in excitement. The original five days, in addition to the prescribed time limit, the most important thing is that this is an important reminder, yes it is there!

Ye Minyu can sleep well this time, because she has thought that the entrance is there. Ye Minyu knows that it is not so easy for the four big families to train us, how can it be easy to set a dead end, besides training our combat effectiveness Apart from various aspects, the most important thing is that we must be very smart and wise in addition to being able to fight.

Ye Minyu smiled at the thought of this place, as if she had control of everything, but soon Ye Minyu thought again, could I really think of this level? If someone else has the same idea as me, then my previous assumptions are not wrong. In case there are really other teams there, it is inevitable to fight them.

In the morning, although Ye Minyu also brought everyone, this time it was not the same as the previous days. It was not about finding no accurate targets everywhere. This time, Ye Minyu took everyone directly to a place based on the memory impression in the mind of the previous few days. They wandered back and forth five or six times in this place, but Ye Minyu was not quite sure here before.

But this time Ye Minyu definitely looked around and said, "Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, Ling Zifeng, three of you, come with me first!"

Chen Tian and the three of them looked at each other, and they didn’t know what Ye Minyu wanted to do, so they all stared at Ye Minyu and waited for her to speak. Ye Minyu saw that the three people only saw that they didn’t speak alone, so she immediately pointed. The following says: "The three of you here have the highest level of micro-entry. I think there should be something similar to the following. You try to use their respective micro-entities to detect it."

Ling Zifeng replied directly: "It should not be. Although the detection of the ground needs to magnify the perception of many times, but I don't feel any abnormality below.:

Xu Shun didn't seem to feel anything, so he shook his head.

"Really not?"

Ye Minyu reconfirmed to look at the three. Only Chen Tian did not speak among the three. When Ye Minyu reconfirmed, he also looked at Chen Tian. As long as Chen Tian also said that there was no Ye Minyu, he would think that there was really no, but Chen Tian did Hesitated for a moment and said, "I don't have it within ten meters below me, but my perception of being in the micro realm recently can penetrate about fifteen meters below the ground. It looks like something unusual, but you need to give me some time. It is also just able to detect about 15 meters, and the control is not very good, so I need more time to make me affirm."

Ye Minyu directly replied: "No problem, there is always time!" To know people like Chen Tian, ​​they can basically feel the weak things within ten meters underground, but if they want to probe down, it’s not easy to get one centimeter more. Yes, not to mention that there are five meters more than the original. This ability cannot be done by Xu Xian and Ling Zifeng. At present, only Chen Tian can do this in this team. Love Me eBook br>Chen Tian only noticed this underground, there are indeed some differences, but he did not find out the differences there. If it is just a rough place, I am afraid that it will be quite difficult to dig the entrance of this place. Although Ye Minyu did not tell Chen Tian how to find this location, Chen Tian was not stupid. Since she asked so, the designation was to be excavated in the place she said.

So Chen Tian was so serious. Finally, after half an hour of hard work, Chen Tian finally found the position, and Ye Min Yuguo unexpectedly let the others start to dig up at this position. Although they are all strengthening people, because they are few people and This ground is not as easy to dig out as expected, and there are no tools. This is also an aspect that seriously affects speed.

Three small children finally dug out a big pit, and there is indeed a very deep underground passage inside this big pit, which is dark and looks very eerie, but Chen Tian took the lead in it, and then Ye Minyu and the rest.

"This place is really weird!" Angelina said as she walked in. When she first entered, she did not adapt because of her eyes. After entering, she was really like a blind man, and each one could only be maintained by subtle perception. Don't bump against each other, or hit the wall, etc.

But the most important thing is that nuance perception can avoid many dangers. Whether it is stepping on a trap or suddenly there is a beast inside, you can avoid this series of tragedies by first feeling the dangerous space. Therefore, Chen Tian, ​​a person with strong ability to enter the micro, naturally has to stand at the forefront, especially Chen Tian should take the safety of the team into the forefront.

It's not as easy to walk in as it is, and it's very rugged and narrow inside, but this is just a place to enter. The inside can be completely different, and there are dark lights inside. The more you go down, the wider, the more verified. Ye Minyu's words, it seems that this must have been the real exit from this area before, but the building was bombed by a bomb that collapsed and sealed the entrance.

Ye Minyu studied the topography before, and did not adopt the method of looking for everyone separately, that is, looking at the map, the directions are all based on the coast and rocks. The thickness of the rocky cliffs cannot be opened in the middle, just like why the previous area sent a plane to pick you up It’s the same in the district, and the same thing can’t be done through manpower, naturally the four big families will take it into account.

Although Chen Tian is a reinforcement person, after all, the reinforcement person is not as omnipotent as the superman in the movie. Although they want to create such an omnipotent reinforcement person, their current level of strength in this area is similar to this. This kind of omnipotent is still "plugged" far, so it will send the plane over.

But the crux of the problem is, why the Guangpai plane entered this area, why not directly send it to the next area because of the terrain, that is, this area must also have a reason for us to become stronger, which may be a test of our intelligence or maybe Our patience, in short, dangers are everywhere, especially the danger warnings imposed by the four major families.

That needs more attention. After all, these four families are like the real organizers behind the scenes on this island. They are in charge of all the life and death of the order here. Since they want to give us a hint to let us enter, it must be this There must be something interesting and terrible waiting for us.

At this time, the more you go inside, the wider and brighter, there are more and more people who have this idea. Of course, not only Ye Minyu thinks this way, but it seems to be extending in all directions. In fact, here is just a secret to the next It is the same way in the area, and it is also a small aircraft to leave this area, but this is because of a certain reason, not the four major families really want the rest to enter this underground area to fight.

Of course, at this point, Chen Tian and they don’t yet know that everything is actually a coincidence, and it can be said that it is not a coincidence. The coincidence is that we can only leave here by this way, and it is the four big families that are not within the coincidence. Want to completely wipe out the n area and build from scratch.

Fortunately, all of them entered the underground area, so that they would not be affected by the second bombing. This is actually a challenge given to their team by the four big families. If they are not smart enough, they may die. Here again.

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