Killing God Island

Chapter 1896: Section L 24 beat Yao Jun with a punch!

Of course, it seems that the people selected by these people are very strong strong team members, but in Ye Minyu's view, these teams have loopholes. If the team members of Chen Tian are met with them, they will definitely die. This You can know Ye Minyu by observing it. Of course, the people sent by Ye Minyu also show their talents in the areas they are good at.

Although Lin Xue’s own abilities are actually very powerful after being strengthened, so far, she has not allowed her to over-express her powerful strength after being strengthened, but still allows her to attack the old team of the cover team and the help group at a long distance. Yes, in fact, she knows all kinds of combat in melee combat. In addition, her own genes after becoming a strengthened person also have the same traits as Chen Tian that cannot be easily killed by people, plus they can be copied. The ability of others to strengthen the gene itself is far more powerful than Yao Jun and Wu Yifan.

But Ye Minyu knew this, but did not use her for melee assault. This is not because Ye Minyu didn’t know how to make the best use of it, but Ye Minyu knew that she was stronger in sniper attack. Everyone else could attack in close combat, but sniper this This is an important job but Lin Xue must. This is why she knows that she is very capable but does not use Lin Xue.

Of course, although Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng couldn’t kill, they also followed the entire team. Now these three people are next to Ye Minyu to protect him personally. With their three protections, Ye Minyu naturally doesn’t need Angelina to protect herself from the sidelines. Of course, when Angelina chose to protect her, it was also because Angelina’s exclusive ability and Ye Minyu’s fighting style were compatible with each other.

Of course, there are Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng who will be by her side, and Angelina has been assigned to the main position of this operation, and everyone is told to act according to the current situation. All loopholes must be subject to Angelina’s command, and you must not take actions without permission.

This is Ye Minyu's special appointment for all of them. Of course, Angelina is rigorous in her work. Ye Minyu is still very at ease with her. In this way, Ye Minyu, the elder sister, Yao Jun, Wu Yifan, the windbreaker men are secretly in Approaching the target team, of course, Chen Tian and they will not be far away from them, and Ye Minyu has been using telescopes to observe, if there is any problem, she and Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, Ling Zifeng will go directly to support.

Of course, in addition to their support, Ye Minyu also sent Lin Xue to support them from a distance, so many defenses and advances and retreats are thoughtful and it will be very thoughtful to implement these plans. Of course, the people selected by Ye Minyu are also some who look like There is not much able-bodied person, plus her step-by-step details also informed the leader Ye Minyu this time.

Therefore, there will be no problem in following the steps she has arranged, and it is absolutely possible to kill these people easily, and according to the route she has set, these people must not dare to chase them hard, and even only recognize If you solve the weak of this team, you will immediately evacuate to the next team. Ye Minyu used the telescope to observe for so long yesterday, it is not white observation.

And after the battle yesterday, he marked the terrain of these people very clearly, and those of the team were weak, and the clothes they wore were also clearly written in detail. Angelina could clearly see the place marked by Ye Minyu by opening the notebook she was holding.

The place marked by Ye Minyu is often a plan one after another, plus the killing objects marked next to the plan, and the characteristics of the person to be killed and in case this plan does not work in practice, the backup plan will also be written later It is clear that although it seems dense and troublesome, the structure of Ye Minyu's mark is very clear and easy to understand. So Angelina led the five-person team to act very smoothly, basically what they want is to find the people Ye Minyu marked yesterday and solve them with the fastest speed It’s best to kill them without disturbing the rest. Even if they are disturbed, they will immediately follow the escape route.

And the five-person action is not that the five people are all together. They will spread out to find out where the target is, and then gather in a mast flower that reports the target everywhere, and then follow Angelina’s final order. When to unify and evacuate together, if you encounter any trouble during the evacuation process, they first retreat according to the normal escape highlight.

If someone intercepts at this place, it is likely to be hit by a long-range support sniper rifle, and Lin Xue will cover them from a long distance to retreat, so that they have to give up the pursuit if they can't find the enemy's position.

Angelina followed the step-by-step instructions written in Ye Minyu's book. Every time they wiped out a person, they also counted who killed, did anyone kill more or less, of course, including Lin Xue who killed his opponent from a distance. After today's killing missions are completed, it is necessary to stun two and bring them back to let Ye Minyu kill them.

So I had to go to the last place, according to the two people marked on the book to stun them and bring them back to Ye Minyu to kill. Everything went so smoothly, leading them to believe that it seems to be smooth sailing today, but let Angeli What Na did not expect was that the two men Ye Minyu looked away, and they did look clumsy when they killed the enhanced special forces yesterday.

But the strength of the two is not weak at all. In fact, yesterday’s behavior was purely fun for acting there. It was a tease of Ye Minyu who watched their battle from a distance. The strength of these two people is not weak at all. It was Angelina and the other four who resolved that so many teams had withdrawn safely and made them feel very skilled.

So when facing these last two people, although they were also very careful, when they were going to stun these two people, they thought that they had hit the backs of these two people, but one fell to the ground and the other had a basic pattern. Without moving, he glanced back at Yao Jun with a knife on his neck: "Who are you? Why do you hit me?"

Such naive words, just like they were joking, Yao Jun was also stunned by this hand knife, and he was also quite surprised to say this sentence back. He didn’t say anything directly and connected to his neck and back of the head. After chopping a few times, the man turned back and gave Yao Jun a punch. Instead, he punched Yao Jun.

At the same time, the man who just seemed to have been knocked to the ground, slowly stood up and "kneaded" and "kneaded" his back head and shouted: "Who is so unworthy of virtue, the back head will die, even if it is not dead. I’m an idiot. Are you responsible for seeing me?"

These two people are very strange people. They didn't care whether they invaded or not, but accused Angelina of these invaders like a joke.

But Yao Jun was a bit miserable. Suddenly unable to guard against it, he was beaten with a tooth and fell to the ground. He has not stood up yet. Angelina immediately felt that the situation looked bad, and it seemed that these two Individuals cannot be easily solved in a short period of time, and if these two people yell to the rest, then we will be directly surrounded and it is difficult to retreat.

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