Killing God Island

Chapter 1901: The large-scale marriage battle that broke out in L area 29 completely surrounded by

Owning Ye Minyu has made the Chen Tian team solve a lot of big and small problems. Her wisdom allows everyone in the Chen Tian team to play in their own combat, and can also cooperate with each other to play a more terrible combat power. .

This is also the main reason why they will not be killed in many battles in this kind of conference fight, because one of them is fighting with his mind, using the tactics he has already thought of and matching the battle of each member. Talent is in battle. This is an important factor for Chen Tian’s team to keep his team successfully completing the mission for many times in such a “chaotic” group battle.

Of course, apart from Ye Minyu who is very brainy, he also has to say that Chen Tian is very good at seeing people, and also has his own unique insights. Lin Xue, who he joined at the beginning, has repeatedly proved her important value in the entire team. With this time, she repeatedly killed snipers who wanted to sneak into Chen Tian over a long distance.

The rest of the team of Chen Tian was not attacked at all, because she is a genius sniper, so she can think of if the other party also has a sniper, they will hide there and how to solve all the other snipers for "sex". The problem of not reporting the building itself.

Lin Xue undoubtedly achieved this, not only solved the elite snipers of the other party one by one, but also helped his teammates to siege many times. Is she sick to directly kill the enemy who wants to attack her members, but directly to her The arm and leg penetrated directly, creating an instant opportunity for teammates to fight back.

This is the important "sex" of Lin Xue in the whole team. Although Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng look more important in the whole team, the important "sex" of Ye Minyu and Lin Xue is also to ensure that the entire team can solve each enemy. The key to the team's smoothness and helplessness is because the important "sex" of these two people is as important as the three of Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng.

Ling Xue did not hide very far this time, but set up the sniper rifle next to Ye Minyu. Ye Minyu ordered and protected by various spider silks set up by Angelina at any time. The three of them belonged to the whole The core loyalty area of ​​the team, and around them evacuate the rest of the team and assign their respective battle areas.

Now the rest of the team of Chen Tian has gradually become a single person who can fight a lot of reinforcements, such as Yao Jun and Wu Yifan and Sister Zhao and windbreaker men. All four of them can stand alone unless they are the enemy Too many people on the side or being hit by two sides will make them helpless, otherwise they alone can kill many people, and now they have this ability.

But compared with the three of Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng, they are still far away, and these three are responsible for solving problems that they cannot solve alone. For example, in the case of Yao Jun and Wu Yifan being besieged, it is obvious that they can’t do it alone. In this case, Ye Minyu will see it with a telescope and tell Chen Tian that they will go to support. Before they arrive without assistance, Lin Xue will be responsible for long-range fire cover.

Overall, under this situation, Lin Xue still supports each place as much as possible, and Chen Tian and the three of them will not be separated, so even if they continue to support the rest, they will still When there is a gap, the gap will be filled by friend Lin Xue. Lin Xue will use his very accurate shooting to suppress the enemy's attack on his own. has created quite a lot of time for Chen Tian and the three of them. When Chen Tian handles other people’s affairs, this side will still be hit by Lin Xue’s long-distance precision shot Suppression, they dare to act lightly and will definitely be disabled limbs, know that his sniper rifle bullets are armor-piercing bullets, the bullets that tank armored vehicles can penetrate can be imagined on the human body.

Therefore, Lin Xue seems to be inconspicuous in the entire team. In fact, it plays a very important role. This was also the reason why Chen Tian took the initiative to join him. It was not that Chen Tian looked farther than Ye Minyu, mainly because Chen Tian owned A very bright candidate vision, he may not have thought that Lin Xue will have such an important "sex" in the whole team.

However, Chen Tian saw a very great personal potential from Lin Xue. The main potential of the person is that this person is definitely not an ordinary person, and those people who Lin Xue and Chen Tian actively invited to join have such a common "Quality, so the Chen Tian team actually has its own unique important "sex" in the entire team.

Of course, this does not include the windbreaker men that Zhao Ziye and Ye Minyu accidentally soaked by Ling Zifeng forced them to cooperate with themselves. This is not Chen Tian’s initiative to let them join, of course, neither Yao Jun nor Wu Yifan, so their potential It’s not very big, but they are the people Ms. Zhao chose specifically, and they naturally have some potential advantages, but they are not as accurate as Chen Tian sees. This is not Ms. Zhao’s glance.

Ms. Zhao is very interested in the "sex" style of the three of them. It is also because Ms. Zhao is doing experiments among the three of Chen Tian, ​​Yao Jun and Wu Yifan. The purpose is not to see who will become stronger, but Looking at the three of them who are better suited to survive on this island, and what happens to them in the same group.

Chen Tian’s previous occupation was a fool plus crime, Yao Jun was a professional special forces soldier, and Wu Yifan was a professional killer. If he used his career alone, Chen Tian was very unremarkable, but it is indeed the most stable and most powerful on this island. Strong, these two people may definitely be able to fight outside the island, but after entering the island, it is completely different.

Of course, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan are definitely people with potentials far above those of ordinary people, but unfortunately most people on this island are much stronger than ordinary people, so they can’t appear to be so prominent. Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng are among the best among these extraordinary people.

They are natural fighting geniuses, and Lin Xue is a special genius in some aspects. Her "shooting" talent is amazing and unmatched, and the fighting aspect is not weak, but if they meet Chen Tian in close combat, they may It's over. After all, they are the best in this kind of combat. Even if she kills them with a very talented sniper gun, their natural fighting consciousness can avoid them.

This is the important reason why these people Chen Tian can adapt in this killing island full of murder. In short, everyone in Chen Tian’s team is not easy to provoke. When these people who are not easy to provoke join hands together in this kind of When the situation is compared with the life and death of these teams and soldiers.

Just like playing a large-scale online game, except for the people in their own team, the rest of the people in their eyes are soldiers or members of the rest of the team are all enemies, but those enemies should be killed first, and those enemies should be dealt with later should be clear The choice, plus this is a big dogfight, I don’t know when to encounter any danger.

It is impossible to know what enemy the enemy will emerge from in the next moment, and it is more likely that someone will sneak attack. Just like Lin Xue, hiding in a long distance and killing him, even if you have strength, you should always pay attention to yourself. And try to hide your position as much as possible to prevent it from being attacked by people who are not aware of it.

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