Killing God Island

Chapter 1934: K section 16 hit the pain in the face

Ye Minyu didn't chop each other for three consecutive times. On the contrary, after he evaded three times in a row, he suddenly shook his body forward and shook his body forward, giving Ye Minyu a direct head-on blow, directly leaning back and leaning back. He lifted his leg and kicked it directly on his stomach, and when Ye Minyu was not fully stabilized, he was close again.

The control of this speed and the accuracy of his footing really made Ye Minyu unable to reflect at all. He could only beat his body a few steps back and just stood firm. His face was kicked hard again. The coherence of this attack was "sex" Ye Minyu had to admit that the boy in front of him really had two sons.

Ye Minyu was also beaten twice in a row, directly and quickly jumped back and back for a few steps. He wanted to help him to distance himself from the enemy, adjust his body slightly to continue his attack, but the other party seemed to see his intentions, he jumped backwards When he followed, he rushed towards him again, which caused Ye Minyu to panic.

The blade seemed to have chopped on him, but he didn't actually see it on him at all. When he realized that the chopping was empty, the bald man had approached again and directly extended his hand, directly grabbing Ye Minyu's neck with his right hand. She lifted up the whole person directly. Because of the great strength he used, Ye Minyu couldn't breathe at all, but the strength of his hands was well controlled.

It didn't kill Ye Minyu directly, and she couldn't fight back with a knife. At present, Ye Minyu is already in a situation where she can't fight back.

It seems that this man's strength belongs to the best in this team. He can be said to have subdued Ye Minyu directly without destroying the force. At the moment when Ye Minyu was pinched to a certain degree of hypoxia and was about to suffocate, this person directly whispered Asked her: "What means do you use to divide my team members? How should I find them? I will give you only three seconds to answer, otherwise I will kill you directly!"

Ye Minyu, who was caught, felt very difficult to breathe, and her feet were lifted. Now she has completely lost her fighting ability. At this moment of crisis, when a black shadow flashed suddenly, a punch punched the bald man. Half of the upper body was directly bombed. The impact of this punch was too large, which caused Ye Minyu to be hit by the impact very far.

She also suffered some minor injuries, and when she reacted, she discovered that Angelina was beside her.

"Are you OK?"

Ye Minyu really didn't expect that Angelina would appear at such a critical moment, and would also appear in front of Ye Minyu with this super strength. In the past, Ye Minyu thought that she was similar to her own strength, even if it was stronger than herself. Some, I didn't expect this amazing power to suddenly burst out this time.

So Ye Minyu asked with a very surprised expression, "How come you are so strong suddenly?"

Angelina raised her left arm and said, "This arm originally hides such a powerful force. I used to know that she had some potential abilities, but I didn't expect the real strength to be so amazing. It really exceeded her expectations, Ye Minyu. At first, it was also because Angelina lost one hand in her left hand, and she thought of replacing her transplanted one arm, and she did not think that the biochemical arm of the transplant amount was so powerful.

Today, she completely opened her eyes. I really didn't expect Angelina to be so powerful now, and just a little too strong with that blow. What is the origin of this biochemical left arm?

This is really a question worth thinking about, and Angelina’s sudden change of strength will bring side effects to her. Although all Angelina is very smart, she is not in this situation. Think about it, but Angelina has already begun to think about this issue.

Why didn't this arm show her such outstanding strength before, but now it suddenly gives her such strength, does this arm have independent thinking, if that is the case, then Angelina suddenly becomes so powerful The strength may not be a good thing.

Ye Minyu’s worries are actually not unreasonable. Angelina’s arm does have certain risks. The biochemical arm does have independent thinking. The more Angelina relies on his strength, the easier it is to be affected by this arm. Autonomous thinking control, although this arm can't affect Angelina's brain autonomous thinking now.

But if you always use the power of this arm and slowly rely on this power, you will slowly be controlled by this arm, but all Angelina’s words don’t seem to care too much, she suddenly changes to herself. It's so great to be so excited that this punch can solve an opponent's feeling.

The powerful explosive force at this moment has exceeded Chen Tian, ​​and Chen Tian’s strongest explosive may not have the powerful punch of An Jilian at this time, so Angelina has exploded the fat woman’s rolling meat ball with one punch. I'm already "fascinated" by the punch of my left fist. This kind of punch can blow out the whole person. It is really cool.

The strength of the punch in Angelina’s eyes really excited her. She now resolved Ye Minyu’s opponent and passed to the rest of the members. She now seems to want to let everyone know her current strength. How strong it is, and the intention of trying to solve the opponent with one punch in the past is also very obvious.

However, there are no more people left in the place. There are five remaining places, Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, Lin Xue, windbreaker and sister Zhao. It is certain that now the enemy has killed ten people. Too.

And so far after An Ruiqi, he was selected by Ye Minyu to force him to join his trench coat man. He was obviously that when he was selected by Ye Minyu to enter the team, he belonged to himself with a certain strength, and the strength was still a bit. Not weak, so he is the opponent.

It was not cheap to fight for so long, but the face of the man in the trench coat was covered with blood. Although he looked very embarrassed, he held a fierce look with a double knife. On the contrary, the man in the trench coat always gave him a fight with bare hands. , But did not knock this person down, showing that this person is also very resistant.

If the average person would have been beaten and lie here long ago, anyway, the gap between the fighting power of the enemy and the enemy is very obvious. Even if the other party has a weapon in his hand, he is still being beaten by the wind and rain man. The weapon on his hands does not matter to the enemy. Use, but defeated by the enemy, seemingly makes the windbreaker beaten miserably.

The two confronted each other again. Although the double-handed knife in his hand seemed to be good at wielding the knife, it didn't play any role in front of the windbreaker. It could even be said that he couldn't hurt him at all. Several punches were punched again on the face, and the strength of each punch was not weak. The vibration on the face made his facial skin tremble, and even the blood he spit out contained his half. tooth.

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