Killing God Island

Chapter 1955: Section I Chapter 8 Lin Xue is deliberately delaying time

Ye Minyu’s eyes are not bad at all. He was able to see the men in the windbreaker at first glance mainly because of his strength. Although Sister Zhao joined the team on the face of Ling Zifeng, Ling Zifeng liked many women. The reason why Sister Zhao alone was invited to join is mainly because Ling Zifeng is a very talented person in combat. Like Chen Tian, ​​he also understands who has the potential or the right to join his team.

If Ling Zifeng really just thought about his younger brother's ideas, he would find a woman to join the team, Chen Tian would not easily agree, he let this sister Zhao join the team, Chen Tian did not object, that this woman was also approved by Chen Tian Of course, apart from the two most recently joined, the rest of the people need not say much. The rest of them are full members who have experienced many areas with Chen Tian.

These people are growing up step by step and whether they have potential. Both Chen Tian and Ye Minyu naturally see it. At present, there are really not many people in the Chen Tian team, including Yao Jun and Wu Yifan. The weak, but Yao Jun and Wu Yifan just look weaker than the rest, but in fact the two are not weak in battle.

Outside the island, one is a special force and the other is a killer. The two of them are weak on the island. They look weak against very strong teams, but even if they are weak, they are not weak at all. The physical evolution capability may not be as fast as that of the rest of Chen Tian’s team, but the physical evolution is also slowly changing. They are also slowly becoming stronger as the rest of Chen Tian’s team becomes stronger.

It's just that the team's overall strength and cooperation are too perfect, so the two did not show how good the record was. Instead, Yao Jun's injury looked very heavy, and his upper body clothes were stained with his blood. Although it doesn’t seem to be a fatal wound, there must be a lot of cuts on his body. Otherwise, it is impossible to cut the whole clothes with blood.

However, at present Ye Minyu has given the opponent to most of the team, so Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, who have just fought in the periphery, are safer. Ye Minyu is also preparing to fight with these people internally this time. I saw Ye Minyu. Two Nepalese sabers were drawn from the back and rushed towards the enemy.

Ye Minyu is preparing to be the same as everyone in the whole team. Now, no matter whether it is the pair of siblings or the people led by Ye Minyu, who is currently leading the Chen Tian team, they are now fighting like a Hong Kong film with various weapons. In the same way, in addition to oneself, whoever or several people meet the enemy, as long as it can hurt the team on the opposite side, it is best to kill, but also the other party members must be injured to see the blood.

So now the overall scene is really upset, the two sides fighting this time is really killing red eyes, Ye Minyu started holding a double knife to see someone and cut it, and naturally the rest were not idle.

One by one, they are also resisting these people who are committed to killing themselves, and Lin Xue's arm has been cut off, although Lin Xue has the exclusive ability to copy other people's abilities and use other people's abilities. Ability, but it can't stand four people attacking him at the same time, and these four people have their own unique abilities.

Although Lin Xue is as strong as Chen Tian, ​​he is also the person who recovers quickly from his own injuries in the whole team, but after all, he does not have the ability to copy Chen Tian. At present, his ability is not infinitely copied. At present, his body’s The degree of evolution can only provide him with ten different exclusive abilities to copy and store. Those who want to copy others must abandon one ability in the original one.

Because she does not have the ability of Chen Tian to control blood, even if her body repair ability is fast, but her arms are cut off, she needs to consume at least half of her physical strength to quickly repair it, otherwise it will be like an ordinary strengthened person. It grows out a little bit, and it takes at least half a day at this speed to grow an arm that was cut off.

At present, four people are constantly attacking Lin Xue in front, back, left, and right directions, making Lin Xue unable to cope with four people at the same time even if he has a strong combat ability, and even if he can use multiple abilities at the same time, he cannot It is completely estimated that four people at the same time attacked at the same time.

After all, there are only two eyes, and the attacks of these four people are so consistent, which is why Lin Xue will be cut off one arm by one of these four people. Obviously Lin Xue can’t stand these four people. Attacked at the same time, and the rest of the team is currently busy. In this kind of melee, although everyone will take care of each other, everyone is very busy. Unless you can help you in the first place, some people can’t help themselves. It's hard to take care of the rest of the team.

Now Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng are all at the forefront, fighting with the sister and two other strong people, while the rest are all attacking Ye Minyu, but these four people But rushed over and positioned the target directly on Lin Xue. The four of them decided to kill the woman first and then kill the next one.

Their attack method really made Lin Xue somewhat helpless. The attack methods of these four people are too synchronous, and these four people also have their own exclusive abilities. When attacking Lin Xue at the same time, even before Lin Xue uses it There is no taboo for copying, this ability can make these four people attack under the situation of simultaneous attacks.

This is also what Lin Xue did not expect, but Lin Xue’s physical repair ability is the same as that of Chen Tian. Naturally, he will not bleed so much blood after being cut like Yao Jun. After all, Lin Xue’s physical injury will be the next second The wound is healed, and the wound can be completely repaired in less than five seconds. Unless it takes too much physical energy to repair itself, her repair ability is the same as that of Chen Tian.

Although many abilities and physical attributes are completely different from Chen Tian, ​​but the speed of self-injury repair is very similar to Chen Tian, ​​so these four people chose to kill Lin Xue first to help the rest of the idea. Yes, even if they can suppress Lin Xue and can cut Lin Xue's arm, they definitely want to kill Lin Xue.

Her ability is the same as that of Chen Tian, ​​even if her head is destroyed, it will be fine as long as her heart does not suffer a devastating blow. The ability is the same as that of Chen Tian. It is the existence that ordinary people cannot kill at all. Of course, Chen Tian’s Undead ability is much stronger than Lin Xue, but Lin Xueguang's ability can make these four people can not kill him easily.

However, Lin Xue, whose arm was broken, feared that his body might be injured more in a while, and decisively gave up the path of repairing his own arm immediately and chose to save his physical strength in case the four people caused damage to his body again. At that time, if the physical strength can not keep up with the bleeding until death, it will be abandoned, or if the internal organs are injured and cannot be completely repaired, it will definitely die. It is better to look at the form first, just drag these four people, just light Lin Xue, who lacks one arm, still has a strong combat power.

You have to know that she was a mercenary, and she has been a mercenary since she was a child. Her ability to analyze the battlefield and her fighting consciousness are also not bad. Therefore, although Lin Xue cannot completely resist the simultaneous attacks of these four people, she is trying to delay the basis of time Let them try to avoid their attacks or avoid fatal injuries even if they hit themselves.



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