Killing God Island

Chapter 1978: Section H 18 My stomach even dissolves iron easily

Chen Tian started to absorb the blood from the dead bodies of these enemies. Although this absorbed their blood, Chen Tian’s blood control ability became bigger and bigger immediately, but this hugeness was not Chen Tian’s own enlargement, except for Chen Tian’s flight. Outside of the huge blood wing, there are many blood touches that can attack.

It can be seen that this time Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng are about to start a counterattack. The fact is that these three directly launched a counterattack against these six. The curly-haired men of these six are actually the leaders of nine of them. The nine people are very strong, so there are not many obvious leaders. Now that the nine people are dead, three people are left, and the remaining six people are also slightly stronger.

At present, the strongest offensive force is still Ling Zifeng and Xu Shun. The attack methods of Ling Zifeng and Xu Shun are very exaggerated, and not only the attack methods of these two are very violent, even Chen Tian’s attack method is enough. They drank a pot, Ling Zifeng flew directly over a pair of blood wings, but he was not so simple to fly over them.

While he was flying by, the countless blood touches around the wings were like arrows, and he continued to attack downwards and down. These three are all large-scale attacks, so the front is instantly hit by these three attacks. The smog of the smoke shrouded the dust, and Ye Minyu and others knew that the situation was now left to Chen Tian and they would deal with it. What they had to do now was to evacuate as far back as possible, away from the dangerous area where they were fighting.

This is definitely a lot of benefits for Ye Minyu. After all, Ling Zifeng's form is very toxic throughout the body, and Chen Tian's blood-touch attack is also randomly and arbitrarily attacking downwards. The distance is not harmful to them. The rampage is also a variety of attacks regardless of seeing something.

It can be said that Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun. Ling Zifeng is now carrying out various assaults on these six people, so it will cause the surrounding dust to be covered by the ground dust. At the same time, although Ye Minyu they evaded far away, they also clearly saw that the three people really launched It is terrible to come.

At present, these people also have no way to take Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng. They can’t find how to solve these three people at one time, so they can only defend themselves, but the key to the problem is that these three people Unable to make a forcible breakthrough, Xu Shun turned on the sky-tribulation state and his body defense was absolutely terrible. The outer skin defense scales had super-hardened toughened war bones inside, and at this time, he also exploded.

So in the face of Xu Shun at this time, they were completely helpless, and Ling Zifeng had reached the position of mortal fighting with him in all aspects, at least fighting Xu Shun could barely avoid, although he could not break through but he could barely parry, but Ling Zifeng This state is not only terrifying in appearance, but also its supply method is quite direct. There is no bells and whistles of attacking at all. It is completely the same as hunting and predators among beasts. As long as he is attacked, he will definitely die.

He is not only a very fast and terrifying attack, mainly his saliva is super corrosive and his blood is very deadly toxins. Although the fortified person can resist ordinary poisons, Ling Zifeng’s body The blood inside is not something they can resist through evolution.

So their attack on Ling Zifeng is a manifestation of his own death. Unless he kills Ling Zifeng directly, he will bleed him. If the blood is contaminated on their bodies, they will die, even if the skin surface will poison them, although the skin surface The poisoning effect is slightly slower, but as long as the poisoned blood in Ling Zifeng's body will basically die. So at present, although the six of them are playing against Chen Tian and the three of them, the number is twice as many as that of Chen Tian, ​​but in fact they are not dominant. I can’t stop running, but unfortunately there is no way to run for too long in this place. After all, the terrain in this area is not big at all. Even if I keep running, I will run to the end. The helpless six people can’t stop avoiding it. attack.

After all, Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng were very brave at this time. Although Chen Tian slightly showed that the other two had to insert a large amount of attack methods, the comprehensive attacks of Guang Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng at this time had basically been given. The whole of these six people was disrupted, and whether it was Xu Shun or Ling Zifeng, the two people were actually enough to attack. Chen Tian’s attack in the air was mainly to prevent these six people from escaping. Chen Tian belongs to the overall situation and they want to run immediately Flying over the road.

After all, no matter how fast they ran in dodging battles, it wasn’t as fast as the pair of blood wings behind Chen Tian’s unfolding. Chen Tian mainly kept all these six people so that they wouldn’t scatter and run away. It is convenient for Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng to solve them all.

Two of the six were cut off by Xu Shun’s super-strong tail blade and are now struggling on the ground weakly. The other was caught by Ling Zifeng and the upper body was bitten down by the whole body. The other four also saw it. There is a rare fear. Although they are so strong that they are rarely afraid, but who is really afraid of death when encountering such a thing?

In addition, the two people Xu Chen and Ling Zifeng of the Chen Tian team don’t look like individuals at all. They are like the legendary monsters. Especially when Ling Zifeng is like this, it is just like alien terrorist creatures. They are really too fast and too fierce, and they are simply grasping a person's hands and limbs, going up to bite off the opposite upper body, or swallowing the whole person.

This kind of battle is completely different from their previous battles, and even if they meet people who will open the sky-tribulation state before, they have a way to deal with them, because they are all awakening various exclusive abilities themselves, it is impossible to It's just a catch, but Ling Zifeng's killing is not just a fast attack. The most important thing is that it is accompanied by poisonous blood and super corrosive liquid in his mouth and the mouth full of fangs.

Ling Zifeng's mouth is open, and the circle of teeth like fine nails is really terrible. The front side is used to cut off the sharp teeth of people's body. There are also rows of smaller teeth in the mouth, so once Ling Zi's biting is basically uncomfortable, and the body is directly cut off. All the bites will be pierced by the spiral nails, and his mouth is very big. It is a kind of attack that completely pounces, and will not give Opportunities for the enemy to resist.

Unless he can get off immediately, he will be bitten by Ling Zifeng on the spot, and even if the opponent is not bitten off the upper body, he will definitely die. After all, the teeth in Ling Zifeng's mouth But there are too many to count. In addition, the liquid in Ling Zifeng's mouth is all super-corrosive liquid, and the bones can immediately dissolve into blood water, not to mention the human upper body flesh.

Ling Zifeng basically eats people by using saliva from his body as liquid nutrients, and then supports the nutritional source of his entire body, so it will not be swallowed into the stomach like other animals or fish and dissolved by gastric juice. Absorption, he can swallow it on his own, and it has gradually become nutrients that can be absorbed by the body in many places, so there is no need to completely dissolve through the stomach, but Ling Zifeng is so rampant Swallowing is also because his stomach can easily dissolve iron.



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