Killing God Island

Chapter 2046: Section F 28 How to give your team a greater advantage

Juxiu said bluntly: "Brother Jin, you are right, I just like to find powerful stubble. At first, I didn't find your stubble anymore. Who knows that we are fighting and becoming friends, so we can't find you If you are stubborn, you can only find a new person to find the stubborn. Isn’t it boring?"

The sentence of Ju Xiu amused the eight King Kongs, especially the Golden Boss directly replied: "Although we are friends, but we want to fight at any time when we want to fight, we are still friends after the fight. I will not be killed if I make a mistake. Blame you, I blame your elder brother, I have no skill, it is normal for the master to see that sometimes he can’t hold his hand in the battle, and the other seven people will not break off with you because of this."

"Golden Boss, you are really arrogant. Based on your words, I did not show you this person in vain, but I really don't want to fight you. We have played too many times. There is no freshness. I still look for it. It is more interesting to find new targets. These strengths should be good. I will choose people very well. If I don’t meet these people in the next district, you can try their skills. I think they should not disappoint you. "

"Really? Then I'm really looking forward to it. If it's not a safe area, now I want to get in the past!"

Juxiu's mouth flashed a mysterious smile again and said to the golden boss again: "However, if you challenge them, you can lose your team brother and your "sex" life. Don't blame me!"

The golden boss asked displeasurely: "What do you mean, do you mean that we can't beat five of them?"

Duxiu replied with a long sigh: "I can't guarantee this, anyway, I can't guarantee that I have full confidence in playing with them. I think you should be more careful. I feel that these people are really unique. It’s different, so it’s better to be careful!”

"Cut! The more you lift them up, the more I want to try how many pounds or a few these people are. I think they are quite ordinary. You are a bit too exaggerated, but eight of us are like you. All are militant desperates!"

After he said this, his silent expression lowered his voice again and his voice was very gloomy: "And we are not afraid of death!"

This sentence of the golden boss made Jue Xiu nod after hearing it. They were right. If they were afraid of death, they would not live to this day. People who can appear in this f zone and have fun here.

This is what Ye Minyu, the second team leader of the whole team, should really consider. On the other hand, Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng met with the brothers and sisters of Zhuo Family, and then they happily ran to drink together.

They are not simple characters. These people are people who have their own opinions and have very strong strengths. Many of these people are the same type of people as Chen Tian. Now in this area, everyone's strength is absolutely first-class and solid, and there is no doubt about this.

Are these people really so strong? Obviously these people’s strength is not so strong, and it can be said that the strength of these people is really very large. There are obvious deficiencies in it. It can be said that some of these people’s strengths are indeed in the single It's not very good at picking things, but these people are not completely useless. These people who can appear in the f area, there is no such weak person.

Since their existence can make this team successfully come to the f zone, it means that their existence in a certain way has enhanced a lot of combat power for the entire team. It may not be a single challenge, but he is integrated into this. This kind of person will be completely different in the battle situation. In fact, this kind of person is not a minority in the f zone.

It's impossible for everyone to have such a strong fighting talent as Chen Tian, ​​but they are still favored by many seniors in the four big families. In fact, it is because these people are very superior in other aspects. It is likely that this aspect is In terms of wisdom, it is also likely to be a commander, even a person like Lin Xue of the Chen Tian team who has some super talents in certain aspects.

I have to say that this kind of person actually stands in a certain proportion in the f area, and this certain strength also includes many very dangerous people in the scene of these people. These people are not just for survival, they It is likely to have a bigger conspiracy. These people say that the areas they are good at are not necessarily fighting against people head-on.

But the final result is still murder. These people have to say that they are an alternative way of killing. It may not be direct, or it may be called by the ancients as a side door thief, but this kind of person really has to beware of it, sometimes even Be careful of this kind of talent, because this kind of person is terrible.

Of course, Ye Minyu is also one of these terrible people. I can’t say how strong Ye Minyu is fighting her to judge her. Some people will die in the layout. Of course, most of them are enemies. This is what Ye Minyu as a wise man should do for his team, although he is not risk-free every time.

But she can let her team have a greater advantage in each battle, which is why Ye Minyu will consider the problem every time, because it is likely that a small mistake in the details will lead to her team The member was injured or even killed, so she forced herself not to make mistakes easily.

This is his guarantee for his team. At the same time, Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng also met with Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin brothers and sisters, and the five were going to drink together.

I didn’t expect that they had met the place they went to. They had been overhearing their final show and the Nine of the Eight King Kongs. These nine people are also very powerful ruthless characters, so sometimes the world is so small. And things happened so happily, but Chen Tian did not realize them.

So Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, Ling Zifeng and Zhuo's siblings, after finding a room together, everyone sat down to prepare their own drinks. After all, they came out to work together for fun, so they didn't order too much. dish.

But they asked for dozens of boxes of different wines. This is to first drink the rhythm of chatting, and the four people drink like the competition with each other, see who drinks faster and see who drinks more, but These four people don't look at the strength of the battle, but they are the same in terms of drinking speed. So it is unlikely that they want to drink more than anyone else. Now they can only see who drinks more first. The speed cannot be faster than who drinks. The only thing that can be compared next is the amount of wine.

In fact, from this drinking, it can be seen that the degree of intelligence is still the two brothers and sisters of the Zhuo family. The wisdom of the two brothers and sisters is definitely out of these three people. Zhuo Wenxin does not drink from the beginning to the end, in fact, it is for the purpose of taking place outside the release Although this is a safe area, it is not completely safe.

In case one of the strengthened people gets out of control and makes trouble, if they are all drunk, after all, they will fall into a situation where they can’t fight. Zhuo Wenxin does not drink, at least to ensure that if something else happens, she can directly take her brother away, Or in case she drank too much, she would be able to take Zhuo Yanxuan away without the embarrassing situation of drinking too much and falling here.

On the contrary, Chen Tian did not have the slightest alert, and did Zhuo Yanxuan really not know that his sister would drink?

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