Killing God Island

Chapter 2049: F Area 31 Super Master, Gu Shouchuan debuts again

Zhuo Wenxin took his brother straight away and left, with a cheerful expression, and she could definitely see that she had her own plot, and Chen Tian and the three of them seemed very embarrassed, lying on the ground one by one, no one cares , Zhuo Wenxin would not care about the three of them.

Finally, the rest of the Chen Tian team are also enjoying themselves at this time. Angelina and Lin Xue are enjoying the one-stop treatment of health bathing and beauty together, while the rest are also enjoying this time, only Even in this place where Ye Minyu can enjoy life casually, he is also spiritually observing various members of the rest of the team.

I hope to get more information from their words and deeds. After all, these people may become enemies when they enter the next area, so Ye Minyu walks around in this wide place and observes the differences she sees. Teams, some of these teams have a relatively large number of people, and some are very small, but most teams are kept within a range of ten people.

Ye Minyu is not only observing their numbers, but also their weapons and dress, as well as the words and deeds of some people. These are the maximum information they can get without fighting.

Weapons can make Ye Minyu better judge the configuration and goodness of the members of their team. They can also see the overall firepower of the other team on the weapon. Of course, more than half of the teams can’t see what they bring. For weapons, this kind of team needs more careful observation.

This so-called detailed observation includes observations on the appearance of words and deeds, such as tall and fierce people, and looks like a team leader. Ye Minyu will pay more attention to it, and there are also teams with a small number of teams. Whether this kind of team is temporarily dispersed or just these few people, Ye Minyu, a person like this, will observe more carefully.

After Ye Minyu's observation, some people or even she couldn't believe how these people got here, some looked like children's age, although they are not necessarily children, but they look like children, and some teams have old men and many People who don't look strong at all.

Ye Minyu certainly knows that these people can't have no strength, and there may be some amazing strength in them, so Ye Minyu dare not underestimate these people, but these people can't really feel how strong they are from their appearance, but they Without strength, it is impossible to come to the f zone, so Ye Minyu just remembers the appearance of these people in his mind and observes their speech and behavior.

Although this may not be able to analyze what is famous from them, at least through this kind of observation, it is possible to understand these teams, which may be convenient for her next layout, so Ye Minyu Ye is observing the team she sees and then slowly Slowly feel whether these teams have a unique temperament.

But she didn’t find it for a long time. Although she saw a lot of people with a fierce look, the real kind of people who were very unique and unfathomable at first glance hardly saw it. It may also be because of Ye Minyu’s ability to perceive No relationship, the kind of person she said is absolutely extraordinary at first glance.

Most of them are born with the luck of the king, otherwise it is still impossible to give people the feeling of being outstanding at first glance. People who can see this feeling at a glance, very few, This kind of natural king domineering people, it seems that people who have real king luck, such as Kuang Qi, brother and sister Zhuo, they have such talents.

Of course, those who are born with the luck of the king, the strongest top characters are naturally undoubtedly arrogant. Of course, although there are not many people who have the luck of the king, there are more and more people who have this kind of luck of the world. Tens of thousands of people bring this kind of ability, but only half of the kings are lucky, and only have the temperament of the king, and the luck is very small.

People with a king's temperament are naturally different, but those with a king's temperament specify that they have a king's temperament, but people with a king's temperament do not necessarily have a king's temperament, and those with a king's temperament only account for all those with a king's temperament. For a little while, the madness is naturally the culmination of the vertices, and the pair of brothers and sisters like Xiang Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin are naturally the ones who have taken the king's luck.

It’s just that this kind of king’s luck is also graded. There are very few top-level madnesses, and of course they are also divided into high school. At present, the pair of brothers and sisters Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin are actually at the top of the intermediate level. To enter the stage of senior luck king, now the difference between the brothers and sisters and the top strong is definitely not a question of qualification.

It is the difference in strength of physical evolution. Although the physical evolution of the brothers and sisters during this period of time can be described by leaps and bounds, in fact, the top strong who are stronger than them, their physical evolution and strength are Far beyond the imagination of the siblings themselves.

So Ye Minyu actually observes the strength of these people, but in fact it is impossible to do such a thorough look like the strong people like Chen Tian, ​​but Ye Minyu found very different people among so many people, and basically at a glance Can see who is definitely not a simple character.

This man is also in a wheelchair like Shirley, and he also has his own team, but this team doesn't seem to be what he said, but an old man said, and he looks as if he is sick.

From the qi and color, it seems that the sick person is much more serious than Shirley, and it seems that the person who will soon be unable to do so, but gives Ye Minyu a strong sense of perception that this person is never simple. In fact, Ye Minyu’s intuition does not That's right, this person is really not easy, and he is one of the few people who give face to him.

Although his strength is definitely not overwhelming, but he only needs to say a word and will definitely give him a face. This man is not to look at his ill-healthy body, but he has the top ten in the world. Shouchuan.

To know that Gu Shouchuan was one of the former twelve masters, but in the early days, he was a person who had dealt with Kuang Qi directly. It was very rare to know that he could not be killed by him in the early days. You can't beat Kuangqi, but you can safely escape under Kuangqi's men, but you can still be able to escape every time.

His highest record is that he has injured Kuangqi. Although Kuangqi is not too injured, there are no more than three people in the world who can break the Kuangqi defense, and the record of Kuangqi being defeated by himself has not exceeded 10 times in total, and Among these ten times, there was Gu Shouchuan. It can be seen that Gu Shouchuan was also a very powerful and ruthless man at the peak.

It’s a pity that Gu Shouchuan can’t do anything right now, but fighting him apart from the world’s top ten strongest, no matter where he is, he can definitely walk sideways even if he is sick, even in this kind of ordinary people who can’t survive. On Killing God Island, it would be impossible for these people without Gu Shouchuan to go so smoothly, not to mention that there are a few powerful people in the team, and Gu Shouchuan basically didn't get started very much, but Gu Shouchuan didn't have many tricks behind him.

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