Killing God Island

Chapter 2061: The work style of the four big families in Area F 43!

What kind of groups really exist in this f zone, not only the top super teams such as Kuang Qi and Gu Shouchuan, but also super teams such as Chen Tian, ​​the women’s team and Zhuo’s brothers and sisters, or like George Anros and the solo show such as the showman, or this kind of team with great potential, such as the Eight King Kong, there are only two of these top teams except Kuang Qi and Gu Shouchuan. Outside the team.

There are really many other teams. If Chen Tian and his team think they are very strong now, then there are too many reals similar to their team, and there are many "sex" combat methods in this f zone. It is precisely because of this that the fancy teams are more interesting.

Basically, this safe zone is a hodgepodge. Although there will be no fighting in this f zone, and there are various rest and entertainment for the fish, here basically can only stay for a few days before entering the next zone. Now, the next area is naturally a real Shura field.

It is also a real killing island. Now that everyone in the f area has been sealed, the next time is when the killing is really staged, and it is a fight of various super teams. Its natural level is needless to say, The world's richest people in the four big families and underground giant casinos have already expected them to go to war immediately.

After all, the number of bets they have next is larger, and the next is to bet according to the team. The money that a team can survive is simply an astronomical value. Of course, not only are they betting in the next area It is the world symbol of these countries, and even the four major families have begun to bet, because the next area is really the most interesting area on the whole island.

Also called the tiebreaker, the next tiebreaker, so the next bet is definitely not the so-called bet which team you like. Some of these rich people represent the country, and some have their own private soldiers, otherwise It may be related to the four big families and these people, and the four big families and them basically, these days will analyze the overall strength and individual strength of these teams.

This is not a random bet, after all, it is very important to block the next, which is why these teams have to bring a few days on the f area, these days there will be many experts on these teams All kinds of analysis, basically they are almost the same, and these teams in area f will basically leave this area at the same time.

Of course, they will not enter at the same entrance together. In order to prevent direct entry, mixing will occur. The order of entry and the different entrances are very particular. The rules specified by the four families are very reasonable.

Of course, these teams on the island are naturally unclear about these internal affairs, but these people are basically busy these days. How busy are they relying on these teams to make more money? Of course, in addition, they are entering the next Before the area, they must ask everyone to reserve a blood "fluid" sample.

Because of these qualified teams, everyone’s blood samples and cells are of great research value. If they are not expected to die in the next battle, if their bodies can be recovered through later channels They can also continue their research. If they cannot be recovered, or even destroyed during the battle to the extent that they cannot be studied at all, then they will analyze and study these people's blood "fluid" samples.

The conclusions of the research will be recorded and will be cloned and copied in the next experiment, so that the cells will be fused with the newcomer who is going to enter the killing island, and will be analyzed and optimized. Once the person successfully survived And the genetic strength is more than three times stronger than that of ordinary people.

Next, the person will be anesthetized and sent to the plane, and on the plane they will wake up and inform them of some rules to be on the island, basically the same routine as Chen Tian before they entered the killing island. The four major families have been conducting this kind of experiment all the time. Of course, the more experimental results, the harder it is to make a systematic analysis.

For example, during the fusion of the cells of the same person with the cells of different people, remove the eye-catching body of the fusion failure and death, only those successful experimental bodies, the strengthened person evolved by the same cell, their respective systems It is also different from its own potential, so I want to follow the requirements of the three masters in the four major families.

It is relatively difficult to produce relatively stable "sex". Basically, it is difficult to strengthen cells that will not die because of the problem of gene fusion. No one dares to take this risk to say that the production has been successful. They are all old, and their own physical condition is not very good. This kind of gene fusion is very dangerous. Even very young and healthy boys may die because of the failure of cell fusion genes to engulf and reject each other.

What’s more, there are three big masters in the four old families, so no researchers dare to say that the research is successful. After all, if these three old men among the four big masters suddenly die, Let alone the promised researcher is dying, the entire research team will be killed.

Moreover, even if the research experiment is successful, the three old men among the four masters are also old gangsters. It is impossible to experiment with their own bodies. He will first let at least one hundred ordinary people with different constitutions do it. In the experiment, they will only use it on themselves after each success. If one of these people dies, it is a failure. This failure is not a simple failure. Such failure will make these researchers ruin all of them. life.

These three old men are suspicious of "sex", they will think that they have the intention to harm them, so they will kill them all and then continue to study with another group of researchers. After all, there are many top researchers in the world, there is no need to be persistent For these dozens of people, and the results have not been studied for so long, it also shows their incompetence. If they continue to do so, they will only continue to waste time. It may be better to change a group of researchers.

After all, the talents who haven’t come to a conclusion after studying for so long are not enough to be called talents. They should be called rice barrels. In fact, these researchers are the world’s top-level biogenetics experts. How could it be a rice barrel?

It’s just that they don’t dare to talk about their achievements easily. They have to study to be absolutely safe before they dare to report. Otherwise, not only will this reporter have a very miserable end, even the entire research team will be dealt with together. This is related to their "sex" life. Who dares to easily report their research results!

Although their income is very high, working for the four major families is quite risky. After doing well, Huang Tengda can reach the pinnacle of life. Not being able to compete is not as simple as dismissal, but to completely let this person disappear in this world, even if It is very troublesome at home. Even the relatives and friends of this person have disappeared together, and even those in the circle of friends of the relatives and friends have been solved together.

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