Killing God Island

Chapter 2087: Section 25 of Zone E suddenly changed form, Xu Shun was repressed

Xu Shun has long been accustomed to, and this man who has been fighting him for a while, he cannot cut off his two weapons, especially the gloves that this person has been defending.

He has hard-wired his tail blade attack many times, and he still hasn't broken it. This shows that the material is absolutely ordinary metal, and it can even be said that the hardness of his gloves definitely exceeds the hardness of the alloy.

Even if it is the hardness of the alloy, Xu Shun's non-stop attack will cause dents to be slowly cut by Xu Shun's tail blade.

But after cutting for so long, there was nothing wrong. He still used his defense and found an opportunity to attack Xu Shun in close proximity, although his defense was the left hand, and the attack was the dagger on the right hand.

But he attacked Xu Shun, just like Xu Shun attacked him, they were easily blocked and the two attacked each other with their legs or knees at the same time, even after the weapons were turned on.

Again, with a very nimble and changeable movement, he gave the opponent a powerful attack. It was after Xu Shun was repeatedly subjected to such attacks that he would get some internal injuries.

Otherwise, these two are really you can come and go to fight for a day, in fact, this does not mean that Xu Shun's strength is not good, even if this is to change Xu Shun to Chen Tian, ​​it is estimated to have to fight for a long time.

Because the opponent's combat is very stable, and it can be said that it is not only stable, the opponent also has a strategic analysis of "sex". He met Xu Shun, and it really is that he hit the right person. With your own toughened battle bones, in addition to creating a set of attack modes.

The main purpose is to analyze the opponent's attack routine and counterattack on the basis of the opponent's attack routine. After finding out the opponent's weakness, give the fish opponent a fatal blow without giving the opponent any chance.

Once one finds the other party's weakness, it will be like a fierce hunting animal, without giving the other party a reaction time to kill.

It happens that the other party is also a routine fighting method with Xu Shun, and is also good at observing and preliminary attack counterattacks when fighting masters.

Just like Xu Shun, he kept his back in the battle, and took half of his strength to fight with the opponent first, first test the "sex" attack and then counterattack step by step.

The two have the same routines, so they are very worried about fighting, and they are both talented in fighting. They are not the kind of hard-working.

Especially Xu Shun’s fighting style, although it seems to be close-up attack, in fact, he belongs to the melee faction that favors the teleportation. After all, Xu Shun uses fist and does not use weapons.

But he is a weapon in his own right, and no matter his strength or hardness, his fist can be used to punch the opponent, just like the sledgehammer hitting your chest in eighty-one.

It is conceivable how powerful this kind of force is, and his leg strength is as if it was hit by a car, but it is also very strong to strengthen the ability of the person to carry.

Therefore, it is completely unreliable to rely on bare hands and empty fist. Although the power is not small, the battle here is not a victory, but a murder.

So Xu Shun’s coccyx blade often kills his opponent instantly, but this method is really not very useful for this person now, and it can be said that Xu Shun is now starting from the initial five or five, and now it has been counterattacked by the other party. Situation.

This is actually not surprising, because the other party's tactical analysis of the other party's fighting style is more powerful than Xu Shun. Xu Shun is looking for battle, although he also has this good habit.

But he didn't have any opponents at this point. Xu Xun first tried and then observed if the other party ordered money. Once he found the other party's weakness, he would attack immediately and kill him in the shortest, fastest and most effective way. But the premise is to find the other party’s weakness, but this time he and Xu Xun fight for a long time, his left hand various defenses, Xu Xun’s tail blade can not break through at all.

So Xu Xian can only temporarily suppress him and cannot reach himself, but he can't kill him directly, so he can also guard against it, seize the opportunity to grab Xu Xuan's tail blade, and move forward quickly Advance.

At this time, she would use a dagger on her right hand to give Xu Shun a fatal attack, so every time she was approached.

Xu Shun also panicked, but Xu Shun's current skill can also escape, but fatally hurt you to escape, then I can't get close, so in this momentary period of time.

It is also possible to cut where to cut, even if the cut is not dead, Xu Xuan suffered some skin trauma and bleeding, so Xu Xuan suffered a lot of injuries.

But generally speaking, it is not a serious skin trauma. After all, Xu Xun is only an extraordinary bone hardness. His skin surface can still be attacked, but Xu Xun's self-repair ability so far is still possible.

So for this kind of knife wound, as long as it is not fatal, Xu Xuan only spends time to repair it with his own physical strength, and will not cause him anything. At most, it is the pain and bleeding caused by the physical injury.

But Xu Xun was not the only one injured. The one who attacked Xu Shun was also injured in many ways, although he was not fatally injured.

However, his physical exertion is almost the same as that of Xu Shun. They all belong to avoiding the injuries caused by the other party's deadly attack and hard head-to-head close to each other.

However, under a frontal attack, this injury was slightly more serious than Xu Shun. He caused Xu Shun a knife wound left by the dagger, but Xu Shun caused him a fist on the bone of his body, not sadness. It is a bone fracture.

It would have been good if he hadn't repaired himself. It was bad for fighting Xu Xuan for so long. After all, Xu Xuan's bones are very hard, Xu Xuan's fracture is impossible, and the internal injuries caused are much lighter than him. .

The only thing that can consume Xu instantaneous energy is to cut the depth of his skin surface, so that he can bleed and consume between self-skin care, so on the surface, the two are in a tie.

But Xu Shun had the advantage in all aspects. The layman who looked at the surface seemed to feel that the two of them were hurting each other.

However, the attack strength of the two is different, don't look at the two weapons on the opposite side, one attack and one defense, but as long as his close attack can not cause instant fatal injury to Xu Shun, it is not a big problem for Xu Shun's current physique.

The other party is naturally the same, although the bones and internal organs have been attacked by Xu Shun, but his repair ability is not covered by him. As long as he stays in a state of avoidance and pays attention to Xu Shun after being injured, he will not consume physical strength. Direct recovery.

So they can say that they are fighting attrition, so they will fight for a relatively long time, but it is impossible for them to escape from the battle with Xu Shun.

However, it may be that he also realized that with Xu Xuan continuing to consume so much, he will definitely die, so his counterattack gradually showed, so there was a time when Xu Xian listened to Ling Zifeng's mockery and wanted to strengthen the attack.

However, the result was counter-suppressed. Xu Shun, like his opponents, was good at analyzing the opponent's combat weaknesses and dealing with the opponents in an instant.

Therefore, it is difficult for the two to suppress the other party, but now Xu Xun is slowly suppressed by the other party, and has been repressed by the opponent while completely avoiding the other party's fatal attack.

He started getting more and more injured, what happened?

At the same time Xu Shun's expression was serious and puzzled, his body was cut again, and each time he actively attacked, he would add one more wound to himself.

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