Killing God Island

Chapter 21: The road to killing

Chen Tianyi was also stunned for a while: "I... finally saw you!"

Angelina couldn’t translate Chen Tian’s Chinese meaning into a language she could understand because she didn’t have a watch, so she couldn’t understand what Chen Tian was saying, so she shook her head and waved her hand to show that she didn’t understand. what are you saying!

As a result, Chen Tian thought that Angelina had understood everything, so he immediately said, "I'm very sorry, your sister, I didn't protect it!" At this time, Angelina shook her head, and Chen Tian understood that it was all right!

As a result, Chen Tian said again: "It's great that you can forgive me, and it's easy to find you. I'm so happy! So can you let me hug you?" Angelina opened her arms at this time. After shaking his hand, Chen Tian suddenly felt happy that at this time he spread his arms to meet his arms!

Chen Tian spread his arms without saying a word. You. Xiao. The smile flew away, and at the moment when Chen Tian immediately touched her, Angelina kicked Chen Tian’s crotch. Chen Tian immediately gave a roar and fell to the ground with his hands covering his crotch: "You..."

Angelina followed Chen Tian who was squatting on the ground and asked, "Don't make trouble, what about my sister?" Chen Tian didn't understand her voice and shook her head: "What are you talking about? Please speak Chinese! speak Mandarin!"

Due to the language barrier, the two people compared with each other in sign language. As a result, the two people did not understand, and they were very embarrassed!

At this moment Wu Yifan came over and said: "Since you can't understand her, what are you doing? She is asking you, why is her sister not with you!"

Chen Tian asked Wu Yifan to translate his words. After a few minutes of grief, Angelina did not blame Chen Tian too. After all, no one knows how long he can live on this island.

Finaya spent some time in the United States, so she could understand what Angelina was saying, but she pointed to the watch and said, "I don't know if you found it, there is a button on the back of the watch that shows different periods. Taskbar."

After listening to the three people, Chen Tian realized that there was a button on the back of the watch. It was really difficult to find if you didn’t look closely. The three of them gave the button at the same time and found that there were tasks on it, but most of the tasks Related to murder.

The only one of the most critical tasks is the task of going to the y area, and if there is still two days, the gate will be closed if it does not arrive in the y area, and it will not be opened again after 15 days, which means that the island is very There may be no killings, and of course no drugs to relieve the evolution of the body.

"Did you not be able to reach the main entrance of Zone Z within 2 days? It means you will be eliminated?" Chen Tian suddenly asked this expression with a deep expression, and Finaya also nodded and said: "Yes! If you can't arrive in 2 days, Means it will die in the z zone!"

Chen Tian immediately shouted loudly: "What are you waiting for? Haven't you set off yet?"

Yao Jun has been looking at his watch and zoomed in on the map and found that the z-zone on the outermost edge of the island wants to go to the y-zone. In fact, it is like going to the same place in different directions, as long as it leads to the z-zone channel. It means that it will meet many enemies.

It seems that this woman is right. Choosing to join hands with others at this time is the most correct choice. Yao Jun thought to Finaya here, too: "Okay! The three of us agreed to cooperate with you temporarily, in between We help each other and benefit each other, but our cooperation is limited to this period!"

Finaya also nodded slightly with a smile and said, "Since you agree to join temporarily, that means we are now a gang, but I have only one request, and all command will be controlled by me, I will never allow it There are two commanders in a team!"

Yao Jun sighed helplessly: "You can also command, but you will never listen to the three of us blindly!" Finaya beckoned to a dozen people in the distance and shouted: "Let's go! "The dozen of her men didn't know why they listened to her so much, and all of them followed her very loyally like dogs.

Chen Tian sighed behind her with a saliva: "This woman's figure looks really amazing from behind! Master Goddess please accept me! Let me be your servant!" Yao Jun and Wu Yifan both looked down with contempt. With Chen Tian's intoxicated expression.

The three of Chen Tian joined the team of about 20 people. Among these 20 people, there were only two women. They were Finaya who had a perfect figure and Angelina who had a little girl who was around 16 years old. A man who knows himself, he is not only ugly but also blind, and his appearance will definitely scare ordinary girls.

But he still keeps on chatting casually in front of the two ladies. Although neither of them cares about him, Chen Tian enjoys it. Chen Tian has been making all kinds of jokes all the time to win the smile of the beautiful woman. Chen Tian exaggeratedly pointed at the young men and women in front of him and cried out: "! The toilet! It is the toilet!"

Angelina didn't even look at the side Chen Tian was pointing at, and thought he was telling a joke! After all, how could a toilet be seen in the wilderness here? But Finaya saw it, and she said weirdly: "Toilet? Why did the man carry a white ceramic toilet?"

At this time, the young men and women that Chen Tian and others saw were the previous siblings. Her brother's expression on his shoulder at this time was a straight face with a relaxed expression, and his waist was striding forward, and he was beside him. My sister is holding her brother's arm like a couple, and leaning on the other shoulder of her brother is sweetly spoiling him!

Chen Tian and all the others were also stunned. Chen Tianya's exaggerated mouth opened and asked: "Master Goddess, how do these two people deal with it?"

Finaya continued to observe the two of them, and then whispered to Chen Tian: "As long as these two people don't shoot us, they shouldn't provoke them. We are so many people that they are not afraid of seeing it, they must not be We don’t need to take the initiative to find something for the rest of the world!"

At the same time, the younger sister of the two brothers and sisters also asked his brother: "Brother...Can we kill this guy in front?"

The elder brother of the brother and sister said casually: "The old rules are decided with coins, and the heads are all killed. Let's just let them go! Anyway, after so long, I'm also tired. If it's the word, let's start Find a place to rest!"

After the sister loosened his elder brother's arm, he took out a coin from his pocket and flicked it into the air with his finger. As the coin dropped freely, the sister also stretched out her hand to catch the coin in the air and asked. : "Brother, guess whether it's a human head or a word?"

The elder brother put down the toilet and sat on the toilet and replied: "Look at the smile on your face, should it be a human head?" The sister's mischievous wide open arms revealed the coin: "Silly brother, you guessed wrong, the word is not a human head! "

Brother's helpless expression said: "Since it is a word, if they don't take the initiative to attack us, let them go!" Chen Tian and others saw that the brother and sister had been staring at them so calmly, but Chen Tian and others It was also very alert that nothing happened when they passed each other not far away.

In this way, Chen Tian and his party left for another period of time. Suddenly, Finaya waved her hand and said, "Let's hold your foot for a while and then slow down. I feel something is wrong in this place. Everyone, be careful!"

Finaya looked around, and then went on. Chen Tian also looked around and followed the second woman. Suddenly, a young man of about 20 among Chen Tian’s group stepped into the trap. The whole person fell into a deep pit two meters deep, and the deep pit was full of sharp wooden thorns.

This guy was killed in a pit with only a scream, and at the same time, nearly fifty people suddenly appeared in the surrounding grass, which is more than double the number of Chen Tian’s group. These people are all dark-skinned. Ethnicity and there are men and women, these people have already surrounded Chen Tian's group.

And they lifted the big stones that had been prepared and flew towards Chen Tian suddenly, and countless stones smashed towards Chen Tian and others from different directions at the same time.

"Don't mess with everyone! All spread out!" Finaya shouted to everyone, and countless stones were all smashed towards Chen Tian and others. Chen Tian's body was solid and small stones were basically fine. Dashi He directly avoided the block, and Yao Jun and Wu Yifan were capable enough to kick the flying stones directly away.

However, although the rest of the body was strengthened, their reaction ability was still not enough. Some of them were smashed with blood, and some were stepped on the spot in order to avoid stone attacks and were killed on the spot.

For a time when the scene was chaotic, even Angelina accidentally stepped on the trap to avoid the stone attack, and her small body fell directly. When she thought she was dead, Finaya went straight forward. Grabbed Angelina's arm, and a stone hit Fenaya's face.

Such a beautiful and beautiful face of the goddess was smashed on the spot, and a very terrible mouth was bleeding out: "Damn..."

After the stone attack, these dark-skinned people rushed up the chaos, and the number of crushes plus their sticks made of thick branches directly violently hit the heads of the people in front and violently beat them. As Finaya pulled up, the five black men simultaneously shot her directly at her head with a stick.

Most people at this juncture of life and death will definitely choose to let go to avoid or defend directly, but what Angelina didn't think of is... Finaya is still pulling Angelina without letting go.

"How can I let her die in such a place with such a particular person!" Chen Tian directly resisted the five people's sticks with his arms, and he also squatted down and pulled Angelina up with Finaya .

Finaya wiped the blood from her face, and took out a black whip from her waist: "I forgot to tell you, I have always hated black people before!" She finished the sentence with a whip, directly Severely hitting the face of the black man in the front, this force directly strangled the neck of the strong black man, and she rushed directly over the face.

The black man only felt a pair of beautiful, slender legs flying head-on until...until...high heels stepped on his face, stepped his entire head into the soil, and his body straightened and died. Finaya's feet were hit hard.

At the same time, Yao Jun also held the knife while killing and retreating. Even the warlike Wu Yifan also killed ten people with his bare hands and shouted to Chen Tian: "They are too many people. Retreat and retreat. Don't be completely surrounded by them!"

Finaya looked at the current trends. These black people seem to have more than 50 people and supporters. I don’t know why there are so many black people here. At present, the number of enemies is unknown and it is not easy to continue fighting: “Retreat! All retreat! Don’t mess with us Don’t mess with yourself if you break through together!”

In order to protect Angelina and Finaja who had just been injured, Chen Tian directly took the lead behind the two and chose to help the two break. Until Finaya called out to retreat, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan opened the way at the front, Finaya It is responsible for protecting and covering other injured men.

Angelina wanted to help Chen Tian, ​​but was blocked by Finaya: "Don't go, now you will be directly blocked by the followers who support them in the past, and then you will only have a dead end although the ugly man is very Speaking of loyalty, he chose to block them only to protect us. Don’t let him down!

After Chen Tian knocked down more than ten black people with brute force, he just wanted to run to Finaya, but he didn't expect him to be blocked by these black people who came over.

Chen Tian looked at all the black paint who came around him. He didn’t have the concept of running at this time, but instead laughed: "You niggers, let Lao Tzu teach you what a heroic soul is. Anyway, everyone has escaped, and I will let go of my hands and feet to fight with you!"

After Chen Tian said this, he rushed to these black people, and these black people all around at the same time flooded Chen Tian directly inside!

Finaya, Angelina, Yao Jun, Wu Yifan, etc. also watched the figure of Chen Tian surrounded by these people in the distance, until the scene where Chen Tian was held by everyone and knocked down to the ground, Finaya also sighed silently: "It's really good! Although you are not handsome, you are very man!"

"Let's go!" Finaya said this sentimentally, while Angelina's eyes also seemed to contain tears but she didn't cry.

Yao Jun sighed softly when he looked back: "I have to admit that you are a good person, but it's a pity... go all the way!"

Although Wu Yifan had no expression on his face, he felt very upset about giving up Chen Tian helplessly at this time, but he did not show it in front of everyone but just turned back and clenched his fists while leaving silently.

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