Killing God Island

Chapter 210: Ben Xi debuts again

Zhuo Yanxuan walked out of this room, squatted on the ground and touched his sister's cheek again. At this time, Zhuo Wenxin was still not awake. Zhuo Yanxuan gently kissed her forehead, then stood up and gave a long sigh With a sigh, he slowly touched the wall with his hands and left.

Since Dibana's men have been solved by his sister Zhuo Wenxin, Zhuo Yanxuan did not meet anyone who blocked him on the way. Of course, besides Zhuo Yanxuan, he also entered the U area after him. In fact, she is easy to let herself fall into the mad slaughter of others in her fantasy with an axe. Since childhood, she has never changed. Since she often falls into fantasy, she often does a lot of extraordinary things, and since she was young, she was caught by the world. The first-level killer Planck personally taught killing skills for several years. When she was a child, she began to kill people. Now she looks at who is not pleasing or illusion. Her temperament has changed greatly, but her behavior is understood to be spiritual. It’s not surprising that there are problems, but she seems to have reduced the number of killings in her illusions recently, because since she met Chang Yanxiao, her behavior has been more of a girlish feeling, and she has also taken some of the past scenes of killing violence in her mind. It turned into a sweet and happy scene, so she hasn’t really been a fool lately. After falling into her hallucinations, she will stand in a corner in a daze as if she was stabbed. Maybe this action will last for an hour or even For a few hours, this is beyond the reach of the average person. Unless she restores her previous state, she will only know how long it will last.

She entered the U-zone with the Zhuo Yanxuan brothers and sisters after entering a few hours. In fact, this approach is the same as the Zhuo Yanxuan brothers and sisters deliberately diverted from Chen Tian's group, but just don't want to encounter after all in the U zone. They have fought against each other, and Ben Xi knows that the strength of the two brothers and sisters is absolutely not weak. Once they meet and start their own hands, not only will they not get the least price, but they may be killed by the pair of distorted brothers and sisters. Waited for more than two hours before entering the u zone.

Originally, she thought that when she entered the U district, she had to start killing and killing as before, but she didn't expect that this scene would make her feel that besides the W district under the jurisdiction of the Prins family, this U district could give her a feeling. It feels like shopping, this scene is not like being on an island at all, it seems to be almost the same as the metropolitan scene, which makes Ben Xi even want to know what kind of place this u district is, and as Ben Xi continues Walked forward, the scenes in front of her surprised her, and there are still a lot of people in the u district, but most of them are women strolling on the main street, and there are almost no men on the main street. The man was pulled out by a woman with a dog chain like a pet, and some of them were exaggerated without clothes. There is a very unreasonable scene in this scene, which makes so many women around. It's strange that Ben Xi did his own thing, which made Ben Xi feel strange.

So she walked into a clothing store and prepared to buy a set of fitted clothes, and then went to a meal and finally took a bath in the store to take a good rest. After all, the fighting clothes in the v zone had been worn out before. It was thrown away because there was no extra clothes to change, so when she saw that everything here is the same as the metropolis outside the island, the first thing she thought of was to buy a suit to dress herself up. After all, this is also the age of the girl in the flower season. She walked in and found that the owner of the store was a burly and fat middle-aged woman. The store looked very neat. When she saw Ben Xi walking into the store in tattered clothes, she Also asked with a very surprised expression: "Did you wear ragged clothes from the v zone?"

Ben Xi looked up and down at the proprietress and replied: "Yes, I came from Area V. Is there anything wrong with me coming from Area V?" The boss lady explained with a serious expression on her face: "Don’t get me wrong, don’t get me wrong, I’m not malicious, I’m caring about you, and everyone who can come in with strength in the v zone is A great role, but in addition to being able to enter the u zone from the v zone, in addition, every month, even from time to time, you will directly drop a lot of people from the u zone, so basically more than 80% of the people here are not from Come in the v zone, and this is a women’s section, you can be safe when you come here, what we want to do here, as long as you don’t take the initiative to trouble, you can come here and experience the comfortable living environment here. When you choose the clothes here, you can choose them as soon as I give them to you!" This burly female boss is very sincere and looks very bold.

"It's not necessary to send me. I've killed a lot of people and the points will not be too low. Since I came here, I will adapt to the rules here. If no one provokes me, I will not take the initiative to cause trouble." Ben Xi walked I went in and took a few loose sportswear and walked into the dressing room. This is how I was trained by top professional killers. In this environment, Amy wears skirt-type clothes. If you really fight and Not applicable, which not only limits the maximum flexibility of the limb but is also easily damaged.

So Ben Xi directly chose a set of sportswear. When she walked into the dressing room, she came out again and asked with a slightly angry expression: "How come there is a man in your dressing room?"

When Ben Xi walked in, he found a young man who was still **** in the locker room of the owner, and was blindfolded, his hands were tied, his legs were forcibly tied and split, and there was residual wax oil and scattered utensils on his body, etc. This scene is really shameful, especially since Ben Xi hasn't experienced this kind of thing, so this kind of thing is very dirty and dirty, so she is a little angry. Shouted loudly: "The boss, what's going on in this dressing room?"

The proprietress said disapprovingly: "Oh! I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce it to you. This is the specialty of our store. There are twenty female-only dressing rooms in this store. Each dressing room will have a variety of men. This is In order to make it easier for female guests to try on clothes to prove whether they are decent, sexual, and sensual."

Ben Xi blushed and asked, "Features? What features? And how to prove it?" In fact, every girl has curiosity. Although she knows things that she hasn't done before, they often want to know. What the **** is going on!

The proprietress immediately covered her mouth and smiled: "Yoyo! Although you are young, I don't believe you don't understand what I mean. Since you want to listen to my explanation, I will tell you why so many female guests come to try clothes every day. Come, come here... you come in with me, I will teach you!" Ben Xi was pulled directly into the female boss just after she walked out of the dressing room.

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