Killing God Island

Chapter 2123: The latest plan of 61 Ye Minyu in Area E

Now these teams belong to the strong teams of the strong teams, so now every battle must make a clear choice. In this battle, the loser only has no chance of death, so now I want to start a battle It is necessary to make such a mortal decision, or the other team or the team is dead.

This is the legendary time for a real life-and-death decision. If you take the initiative or are attacked, you will face the killing of the enemy team and the 30 groups will be successfully promoted and leave here, or you will be killed by the other party and become the death list in the other party’s mission. In the first group, if neither chooses, the end will not be better.

No choice is made, just thinking of the team that means evading, at most can survive in this area for five days, because after five days, the madness will kill all the teams that have not completed the task and have not left here, the strength of the madness No matter how terrifying the level is, there is no need to say more.

Don’t look at this e-zone are so-called super-potential master teams, but these people are really scum in the battle of the five, so if they have not completed the promotion task within five days, then they can only face Death, so this is also a forced implementation. These people must fight each other. Some people who want to "touch" fish in muddy water may only die.

Of course, after learning this, the team of Chen Tian became very serious, and the feeling of heaviness on each face was self-evident. After all, everyone knows that this is to "force" our team and There is a big fight between the teams, and there are only five days. It is difficult to say whether it is a day today.

So if you don’t act now, you are paving the way for your next death, but even if you start preparing for battle now, how to fight and fight those teams first is also a big problem, so Ye Minyu asked everyone to remove the formation first, and she Stay calm for a while and seriously consider how to deal with this unexpected situation next.

After all, in this case, if you act rashly, it is likely to become unfavorable to you immediately from the very favorable trend. You may also attack the other team’s conspiracy layout, so now it is still in place. Waiting for other teams to attack us first, or take the initiative to try to leave here as soon as possible.

This first became the most urgent problem that Ye Minyu needs to solve first, but it seems that Ye Minyu now has a plan. It can be seen that she intends to attack at the beginning. If he does not have such a plan, it is impossible for everyone to take her When the formation was removed, Ye Minyu was still fighting against them head-to-head at this time.

But to attack in such a hurry is not Ye Minyu's style at all, let alone her, even a person with a little brain will not do such a dangerous thing in a hurry, although this e-zone has started to be volatile Uneasy, but no large-scale fighting broke out.

Only some less important places have more or less some fighting signs. These fighting signs show that some teams have begun to be anxious, especially some teams that are not particularly strong, they are the most anxious, so it may be this team. Be the first to launch a sneak attack on a team. The moment when the battle started, the three oldest members of the four big families were most proud of. The three of them wanted this effect, and they wanted this to happen. Now, as expected, the three of them happened to be smiling, and the result of the three of them was that the e-zone did not know how many teams and how many people were going to die.

However, it seems that their life and death are the three major owners. They don’t pay much attention to it. After all, their growth rate is fast, but their strength has not yet reached the level of satisfaction of the four major owners. Now they just want to let them evolve faster, no matter who is dead. Live, as long as the final result promotes the rapid implementation of the entire plan.

What the four families do is to pay attention to the result rather than the process. The process eventually fails when it is beautiful, or the benefits are not obtained at all. So what they want is the result, they want the result that is beneficial to their own side, and how difficult the process is And complexity, it is not important for the four major families, and the financial and material resources consumed in it are naturally unimportant.

As long as the result is satisfactory, everything is worth paying, but if the result fails, even the perfect process is too much for them, it is unnecessary to mention them, this time is the same, no matter how much they have chosen before. Talents are prepared, but in this critical period, the four big families should not value their real strength.

It's more about the last team that can survive from it. This is the philosophy of the four families. The perfect thing is not the process of formation, but the result of the formation, so now they are the same, they will not be greedy to enter the e-zone. The life and death of any team, they are more concerned about how many teams can pass the customs within five days after they set this rule.

At present, Ye Minyu’s strategy is not to take the initiative to attack, but they are not prepared to evade here. They have to find Zhuo’s brothers and sisters in advance. The women’s team and Benxi and their three teams reach an alliance to start killing one by one against the “sex” selection team. First, a team can start to collect the number of tasks until everyone has completed the task.

If they are not satisfied with this method, they can also be assigned every time they kill a team, so now the first thing is to find these four teams. If you can’t do the other two, you need to find Zhuo’s brothers and sisters. This matter will be easier for them. The two are not only very strong but also excellent in terms of layout and calculation.

This is the strategic policy of Ye Minyu’s warriors. If you are far away from the rest of the team in the process of searching for them, you must not take decentralized actions. Instead, you must continue to carry out strategic retreat and avoid war unless you meet a team that is too persistent. Can't avoid the lunatic team that must be solved.

Under normal circumstances, as long as they meet the team to avoid, they will think that we set up an ambush in front of them, so they will have some concerns even after chasing us, but we should not run away all the time, if we give the other party a certain eye "Lust", even killing several people of the other party is no problem, this is also a deterrent effect on other teams and surrounding teams.

Let them know that we are not easy to mess with. If we keep on fleeing, we will only be intercepted by more teams and they will be intercepted by more teams. They will think that we are a prey without strength, so we are even calling Zhuo Brothers and sisters. During the process, it seems to keep avoiding the attacks of the rest of the team, but in fact we want to give them a subconscious deterrent.

Let them know subconsciously that we retreat not because of fear of them, but because of giving them a face, so that everyone does not cause a fight between each other, if you give you a face, you don’t have to be "forcing" people, then we are a group of people You will not be afraid of you, but will make you pay for it.

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