Killing God Island

Chapter 2136: Area E 74 Hugh wants to disturb the battle over there

Zhuo Wenxin saw that her brother was under siege and could not escape. The hanging heart made her even more anxious, so she couldn’t get rid of the attack of these water bodies at a speed. Zhuo Wenxin directly turned on ghost mode and hit the object. The ability of ghost mode allows Zhuo Wen Xin passes through objects like a ghost, and these bodies of water cannot do this.

In addition to Zhuo Wenxin's own speed, the water body was quickly thrown away, but Zhuo Wenxin wanted to support his brother, I am afraid that he still has to pass the level of Emma BYD, he is standing in this position to prepare to personally guard This position does not allow Zhuo Wenxin to approach half a step, although Zhuo Wenxin temporarily throws off the water body that just attacked her.

But Emma BYD herself is right in front of the direction of supporting her brother. If you want the past, you must solve him first. Zhuo Wenxin gritted his teeth directly, and the whole person rushed directly towards Emma BYD. Mabiadi also knew that she was going to rush, and she took out several bottles of water in her backpack, and then threw them in the air at the same time with her eyes widened. While her arms swelled instantly, she could see that he was actually capable of combating himself. .

All the bottles of mineral water thrown in the air burst from the inside. With his control, a drop of water that would have fallen to the ground instantly turned into a sharp shape like an ice cone, and flew directly towards Zhuo Wenxin, who was flying over. In the past, Zhuo Wenxin also did not stop the pace of his feet, his two-handed dagger aimed at the countless sharp waters that attacked him in front, and waved the dagger on his arm.

The body of water that flies over is attached with huge impact and its own hardness, but Zhuo Wenxin's own ultra-fast speed and Zhuo Wenxin's rapid swing of his arms make the cutting force of his two-handed daggers soar, causing Zhuo Wenxin to pass by. At the same time, the water flower slowly condensed into a bigger form behind Zhuo Wenxin.

Just when Zhuo Wenxin was approaching Emma BYD at a close distance of five or six meters, she sensed that something was following her from behind. Zhuo Wenxin immediately turned her head and turned on the micro-sensing ability to detect. A water dragon composed of water that he hit into a splash of water was biting directly at Zhuo Wenxin with a large mouth full of sharp teeth.

This speed is also quite fast, even Zhuo Wenxin's people who move so fast can't avoid it. One can imagine how fast this water dragon attacked. I saw this water dragon swallowed Zhuo Wenxin directly. And after swallowing, the inside of the water dragon will not really be like the living body, with the stomach "liquid" for the swallowed living body to dissolve.

Wouldn't it be nothing if the water dragon swallowed it?

In fact, of course, it will not be okay, and you can say a lot of things, and you may even lose your "life" life directly, because this water dragon just swallows you up and puts you in a body of water. It's like her brother was besieged by flames, so in this case, there will be countless sharp thorns inside the water dragon.

Then at the same time pierce Zhuo Wenxin trapped inside, basically no accident will be all holes that the body will be pierced, it is very likely that "sex" will be pierced into a horse honeycomb, but Zhuo Wenxin is a person with a domineering body, body The hardness should still be hard. Although it will not be killed, the body will definitely bleed, and it will continue to be stuck in the same place repeatedly.

It will cause injuries and injuries, and such continuous attacks. I am afraid that even if Zhuo Wenxin has a hegemony body, she will be strangled alive, unless she can escape the shackles of the water body. In short, if she can’t escape, she will definitely die. If you don't die, you will slowly suffocate and die. Because there is not much air in the water body, even if Zhuo Wenxin can resist the water dragon spines in the water dragon body, it will eventually die inside due to lack of oxygen, so it is basically mainly This water dragon will definitely die if swallowed. It is only a matter of time. As long as Zhuo Wenxin dies inside, this water dragon will automatically retreat.

Now that he has not retreated from the dragon shape, it means that Zhuo Wenxin is not dead yet, but under normal circumstances, he should have died long ago, why is he not dead yet?

This is a matter that Emma BYD finds very puzzling. In fact, it is not that Zhuo Wenxin really escaped the attack he just had, but that Zhuo Wenxin opened the eye of the evil emperor inside the water dragon, and cooperated with the micro-sensation ability and his own The power shattered the water dragon as a whole, and at the same time the evil emperor had the function of cutting off the space.

If Zhuo Wenxin stays in place, the other party will not be able to detect that she has escaped, and the other party will continue to produce this illusion, thinking that her water dragon is still in the time period of swallowing Zhuo Wenxin, but Zhuo Wen At this time, Xin wanted to leave her directly to support her brother.

So Zhuo Wenxin directly prepared that it didn’t matter if he made him aware, and he didn’t want to take the initiative to attack him, so the illusion ability of the eye of the evil emperor helped Zhuo Wenxin get rid of Emma BYD, but when he was ready to support his brother’s At that time, it was discovered that Zhuo Yanxuan's side had undergone a lot of changes.

Zhuo Yanxuan's side has become that he is strangling each other with a cross-locked throat, so Zhuo Wenxin's worry just calmed down, but Emma BYD found himself deceived by the blind eye method and found his brother's original advantage. It has become, and it is very likely to be life-threatening if he does not save him now.

So the situation is now reversed just now, it is Emma BYD who is anxious, and now he becomes his brother who wants to go to rescue himself immediately, but he wants to go as hard as Zhuo Wenxin just now.

Because Zhuo Wenxin didn’t want him to disturb his brother’s fight, this time it was Zhuo Wenxin who blocked Emma BYD from the beginning. Don’t look at Emma BYD that blocked Zhuo Wenxin from the beginning. It seems that his moves are not only Able to restrain Zhuo Wenxin, and it seems that he successfully blocked Zhuo Wenxin before he himself.

When he became an attacker, Zhuo Wenxin successfully blocked him. He did not expect that Zhuo Wenxin even had the ability to stop him. The water bodies at the beginning could indeed be turned into any attacking objects. It limits Zhuo Wenxin's rapid attack. After all, his large-scale attack makes Zhuo Wenxin unable to get around him.

However, Zhuo Wenxin's ability to perceive the micro-weapon can accurately determine the attacking trend of his water body. This is the main reason why the water dragon was broken just after being swallowed and even without any damage to the clothes. The micro-ability can detect any The weak points of things, and the weak points of objects are actually the so-called fatal points.

However, Zhuo Wenxin completely trapped Emma BYD, and still used the eye of the evil emperor, but this time it was not the function of illusion, which might be because he just thought it was still a false thing, so he It is very likely that he will be open-minded to carry out all-round attacks, and such attacks can definitely hinder his brother's side.

Therefore, in order not to affect Zhuo Yanxuan’s battle, Zhuo Wenxin directly used the eye of the evil emperor to pull him out of the real world and enter the dimensional space. Although he cannot stay here for too long, he can increase his stay time by constantly transferring. , And strangling a person shouldn’t take too long.

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