Killing God Island

Chapter 2185: Part 123 of E area seems arrogant, but in fact it is very good at calculating!

Brother and sister Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin were also very sorry for the death of the Big Mac, so they both sighed one after another, and then let Yao Jun take responsibility for carrying Ben Xi and continue walking.

When Chen Tian and the others passed by, they found that the body of the Big Mac actually appeared here. After all, there was still a distance between them as a whole, so Chen Tian didn't know what happened.

It can only be seen from the superficial phenomenon that the Big Mac died of severe injuries. Chen Tian and the others also sighed and bowed slightly to express the intention of being a friend and then left. This place does not mean that you must see a friend. Dig a pit for you to bury it to rest in peace. Now everyone’s survival is the most important thing. There are all kinds of dangers everywhere in this place.

So if someone dies, they can only smash the corpse in the wilderness, let alone a Big Mac, even if it is Chen Tian and his team, if it is really dead, including Chen Tian, ​​they will choose when the situation is extremely critical. Unless there is enough time to leave, Chen Tian and the others are not unsatisfactory, but if they stay here for a second, there may be an unknown crisis.

So you have to leave here quickly. Chen Tian behind now doesn’t know what happened before, and now Chen Tian doesn’t know that Ben Xi is already in his team. Before, Ben Xi was a disturbing factor like a time bomb. So Chen Tian knew that she had some strength but never meant to let her join.

This time Ben Xi was so badly injured, and now she is still in a coma. If Ben Xi hadn’t been trained to become a Ba body, she would have died now, and Ben Xi who was trained to a Ba body was injured like this. , I really don't know who did it. In short, it is best not to provoke subtlety to a person who can label Ben Xi, although Ben Xi's current strength is not as strong as Chen Tian's strength if he really fights hard.

But it’s not much weaker than Chen Tian. If Chen Tian is forced to fight with Ben Xi, although Chen Tian can kill her, it will definitely consume a lot of energy to kill her herself. This is Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wen. Xin naturally knows in his heart. Although the two of them are far above Ben Xi's strength, the strength of a person who can label Ben Xi is definitely not to be underestimated, even the Zhuo brothers and sisters have to take it seriously.

After all, the Zhuo brothers and sisters do have the ability to kill Ben Xi, but when the two of them fight alone with Ben Xi, they have to consume at least one third of their physical strength to solve her, so they can label Ben Xi like this. The strength is definitely not much worse than the Zhuo brothers and sisters, so this person is also nearby, and it would be troublesome to attack them suddenly.

So Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin also speed up. After all, this place is really too oppressive, so the Zhuo brothers and sisters also speed up. As for the trap in front of them, they use the most direct method, directly at Zhuo Wenxin's extremely fast speed. Moving forward, using the ghost mode is to personally touch it with your body. If there is a trap below, Zhuo Wenxin's running speed is so fast that he can spray past the next moment when the trap goes, if there is something like Angelina or Lin Xue in front This attack.

Zhuo Wenxin uses the ghost mode to move quickly. Whether it is Angelina’s spider silk projectile or Lin Xue’s bullet, it will only pass through Zhuo Wenxin’s body without hurting her, so Zhuo Wenxin directly I dare to use this trick, and doing the same is to make some teams hidden in the surroundings instantly cold sweat.

"This woman is so skillful!"

At this moment, the young man hiding in a team nearby looked at Zhuo Wenxin in front of him with a smile but not smiling. It could be seen that she admired Zhuo Wenxin's skill very much, and he admired Zhuo Wenxin's length and beauty. , So he asked him to propose his team to attack them, but the rest of the team did not seem to want this.

That’s why this kid is full. He is really strong, but unfortunately he seems to have joined a very **** team. In his eyes, these people are a group of pig teammates. The reason why he has not left is because there are three girls in this team. The length is good, and these three women are also quite good to him.

That’s why he has always been the bodyguard of this team and has never left, but the "sex" of this kid is the same as that of Ling Zifeng in Chen Tian's team. It is the kind of "sex" that you must get hands when you see a woman you like. In the world off the island, he was in this kind of "sex" personality, so he was imprisoned, but because his family background is very good, he was quickly released on bail with money.

But his "sex" personality is getting more and more headaches, and it is still a violent "sex" personality. If the woman you like doesn't like him, take coercive measures. If in the process, the other party keeps resisting him. Kill the opponent without hesitation, and then continue to complete the steps he wants to complete, so this kid's "sex" character is very bad.

This is the case in such a society under the rule of law outside the island, not to mention that it is on this island of killing gods, here is the world of powerful people, as long as you have the power you can kill whoever you want to kill, whatever you want, and let His "sex" pattern has become worse, this kid does have some strength, because this boy was seriously injured by this kid.

Since Ben Xi was severely injured and "fainted", the Big Mac used his original ability to attack others, but now it is used as an escape. The most fun of this kid is to chase and kill these dying opponents and fight them. Gouging out their eyes at the last moment of despair!

He is a very cruel person, so the things he fancy can't get away, and he tells the team his views, it is not really let the team fight against Chen Tian's team. This team is not the opponent of Chen Tian's team at all, so he decided to act alone. He is this kind of person who is very confident of his own strength.

It may be because he is really strong and has never met a real opponent. His current "sex" personality is very arrogant, and since he is not afraid of the large number of Chen Tian's team, it can be seen from this point that this person has How crazy.

He may be because he has never met a real opponent, so his heart is swollen and he wants to challenge the Zhuo brothers and sisters alone. Any Chen Tian's entire team, he is not someone who can't feel the strength of the Zhuo brothers and sisters, he is the kind of person who likes to die This kind of person who is not afraid of death is a kind of person who has his own faith in his heart.

His obsession is that he fell in love with Zhuo Wenxin at a glance. This is the reason why he has to deal with the Zhuo brothers and sisters and Chen Tian's entire team with one person. This person can no longer be described as crazy. People like him are here. Challenge your own strength limit.

In short, he was really unprepared and passed by alone. No one of his team members followed him. Everyone thought he was a little arrogant to an abnormal state, and the rest of the team still maintained their own sanity. And this man named Li Tianyi is a madman who is too self-confident. He might make himself mad when his strength reaches a certain level, but being too mad is very deadly.

He may even know that he alone may not be able to complete this challenge, but he believes that he can definitely knock Zhuo Wenxin away. He is not actually planning to kill Chen Tian and all of them. In his heart The real plan is to subdue Zhuo Wenxin and take him away. In the process, they can kill a few of them and make a decision as quickly as possible.

He also introduced them to his team and asked those people to block Chen Tian and the others for him, and "forced" them to leave while they had to fight. He didn't have any good feelings about the team he was currently in. He just felt that being with them only It will drag him down, they can't kill 30 groups of people, but if he himself should be able to do this.

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