Killing God Island

Chapter 2235: Section C Chapter 6 Doubts and Uncertainty Make Your Heart Beat Fast

Ye Minyu came to the door, kicked it away, followed a lunge, and walked directly into the toilet. There was no one in the toilet, and the faucet did not drip any drop of water. Moreover, the sound of water droplets around it disappeared as the screw was tightened.

When Ye Minyu saw this, he looked around with a serious face. The surroundings seemed very ordinary and no abnormality was found, but how could the sound of the water drop just be?

Is it my own illusion or hallucination?

Ye Minyu began to question the sound he had just heard. If it was not an illusion, how could he explain it? So Ye Minyu's complexion tightened at this time, and his expression became increasingly gloomy.

Because the ticking sound of water droplets just started again, and this time the sound of water droplets is far away, as if in the living room, and unless there is a leak in the living room, there is no object that might make the sound of water droplets, so Ye Minyu walked quickly. Coming to the living room, I want to see why this sound appears in the living room.

So Ye Minyu rushed out of the toilet again and looked towards the living room and saw blood dripping down from the top of the living room. In this case, Ye Minyu immediately felt bad. She rushed out of the room and wanted to gather everyone, but when she opened the door, she was dumbfounded. , Because the door that appeared in front of her was completely dark.

I remember that the lights in the corridors around this hotel were turned on by everyone before. Although the hotel was empty and there were no service personnel, they searched and inspected and turned on all the lights above the corridors up and down the hotel. So when you open the door, you will never see the darkness.

This kind of darkness is absolutely impossible. There is only one possibility for this situation, that is, I have been caught in an illusion, or that all of this is an illusion. After all, this darkness that opens the door is impossible to be like this, so Ye Minyu Immediately opened the door and was stunned.

Even if the lights are turned off, it’s impossible to be so dark in front. It’s not just that there’s no light and blackness, but a pitch black that can’t see anything at all. If someone who doesn’t understand walks in, what he sees. It will be as dark as if he is blind, so Ye Minyu thinks that he has fallen into illusion.

I just don’t know how the illusion was in the illusion, or it was the illusion in the beginning, or the hotel had a problem. In short, Ye Minyu stopped in front of the door and didn’t move his steps, but the sound of blood dripping behind him changed from one place to several places. The whole picture looks quite scary and infiltrating.

The acceleration of the sound of blood flow and the increase in the drop of blood on the roof made Ye Minyu feel that the situation has become more serious, and the situation has really become more serious. Just when Ye Minyu was thinking about how to crack it, suddenly the top of her head fell. The drop of blood had fallen on top of her head.

The red blood was flowing from her hair a little bit from the top of her head, slowly flowing down until it slipped down her face. The red blood was slowly dyeing her hair red, but Ye Minyu did not show any signs. Moving let the blood flow from above.

At the same time, the problem is not only in Ye Minyu, including Chen Tian. They are all experiencing the same problems as Ye Minyu now. So there is definitely a problem in this place, but they happened one by one. Encounters are different.

Ye Minyu heard the sound of water droplets, and the droplets slowly turned into blood, while the rest of the people were in different situations. Especially Lin Xue was taking a bath at this time. She originally wanted to take a good night’s sleep after the shower. After all, she could sleep so comfortably. There are not many opportunities for the big bed, but Xue Lin is not only a very good character after entering the island.

Lin Xue was already very strong before she even entered the island. After all, she was trained as a mercenary since she was a child, and she is very good at field and jungle warfare. She has developed a very alert habit. After all, in the old forest, even sleeping At the same time, we must always be vigilant to prevent being attacked by the enemy or something.

So even if Lin Xue was taking a bath, she still noticed something was wrong. First, the light above the bath flickered a few times and then suddenly went out. Lin Xue's expression immediately became serious, and he heard the movement of the room door as if it were opening. , Lin Xue immediately came out of the bathtub very vigilantly, and grabbed the bath towel to surround her body.

He leaned against the door, and directly picked up a toothbrush and prepared to use it as a weapon. In fact, Xue Lin's strength is very strong even with bare hands, but Ye Minyu still likes to use tools to avoid getting close in person. Body combat, this is the important factor why Lin Xue has been a mercenary for so long but has not been killed.

Because Lin Xue knows how to use her own advantage to kill the opponent, although Lin Xue's melee strength is not weak, but you must know that there are many powerful villains on this island. Only by keeping a good distance can you avoid any risk, unless it is. The enemy who can't avoid or draw a distance to fight will choose to fight this guy head-on.

So Lin Xue wanted to blind the other’s eyes with the compression of the hand as soon as this person entered, and then carried out a series of fatal attacks on him, so that the opponent’s chance of survival would be very slim. This is what is called She took the lead, but it was a pity that Lin Xue had just been taking a shower. If she were to be in the living room, she might be ready with a gun in both hands.

However, pistols are generally not brought to the bathroom, so Lin Xue did not manage to do it. She could only wait for the opportunity here. Lin Xue did not turn off the faucet in the bathroom. Although this might hinder part of her hearing, it can attract The enemy entered here to create opportunities for her to attack.

Lin Xue is now strengthening people. There is no need to use ears to distinguish the enemy’s position. The ability to use subtle perception is more effective than ears. Although she can faintly hear footsteps in the living room, she does not perceive it at all. As far as the slightest breath of people outside, not only can't perceive the other person's general image, they can even perceive the empty room.

But Lin Xue's ears could clearly hear someone moving in the room. What was going on?

A huge suspicion arose in Lin Xue's heart. At the same time, Lin Xue was also considering whether my ears had auditory hallucinations, or the opponent's strength was too much higher than me, and he could not perceive the opponent's position at all?

The more Lin Xue thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, and at the same time the sound of footsteps became clearer and clearer, as if you were walking towards the beginning, so Lin Xue’s heartbeat accelerated slightly. It is impossible to say that he is not nervous at all. After all, this is different from everyone being together, and her ears can clearly hear the footsteps, but she can't sense anyone in the room at all with subtle perception.

This is also the main reason why Lin Xue is a little uncomfortable, but even if she is a little uncomfortable, she is not panicked, but her heart beats slightly, but she still knows what she will do in a while, mainly this person dares to come in Lin Lin Xue will immediately implement the plan just now, using a toothbrush to directly insert the person's eyes at the fastest speed.


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